Saturday, November 29, 2003

Yay I went shopping today. I luff shopping. I didn't find much though. There were so many things that were waaay out of my budget and just a plain rip off lol. I'll go to Portland soon and find some good deals at Forever 21...awesome store. I don't have much to say so this is going to be a usless post. I'm just trying to avoid doing my homework during this nice Thanksgiving break. Damnit! I want t left over turkey sandwhich! But do we have any turkey? Nooo.

This Garfield comic makes me laugh. :)

I've been looking at colleges lately. I know I want to go to a fashion design and merchandising school. The only problem is they are 1/2 year colleges. I want to back myself up with a 4 year university, and also live the college life. I'm thinking maybe going to a 4 year uni., then go to fashion school. I wouldn't know what to major in at the university though. I don't want to become a usless ninie hehe.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

I changed the layout around a little bit. The other one was just making me cringe. Let me know how the iFrames work out for you (my first time doing them, woot woot).

David is so fucking hot. Each time I see him I just want to rape that boy! RAWR! Omg and he has the nicest butt ever *wishful sigh*. He was lifting up his pant leg comaparing his leg to some other guys (and of COURSE David's was way better hehe), and wow...he us just lickable. So tan and muscular and damn fine. Ok a little hairy but it works for him. That boy could be wearing a speedo and it could work! Ha ok no. No one and I repeat NO ONE looks good in speedos.

I almost forgot to put deoderant on today. I rushed up stairs before we left to put it on quickly. I managed to get it on my shirt AND in my hair. Don't ask. I washed it off thinking it would go away but nooo I come home from school to find that it was still there. I was walking around all day with deoderant showing visibly on my shirt. haha My coolness amazes me.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

New DAMN sexy layout! Heh I dunno about that but I was ready for a change. Tell me what you think. :)

I was scared out of my boots the other morning, here's the story: Innocently eating breakfast and reading the paper, I was stopped in the midst of a chocolatey bite of muffin when I saw the most hideous thing in my whole entire life--Michael Jackson's mug shot. Dear god, they should've warned us! Think of the poor kids! Sometime like "Warning, proceed with caution. The following may cause blindness." hehe

I need to talk to my David lol. Yes, he's mine...GET OFF BITCH! haha Oh lordy. Anyway! As I was walking towards where I usally sit for lunch and he was blatanly staring at me *spanks ass*. It couldn't be more obvious. AND he was sitting by himself. Did I do anything about it? No of course not. Sarah was like "Ashley! He was sitting RIGHT there looking at you and you didn't do anyting!!" *smacks self* I'm stupid.

I got a haircut yesterday. It's a little shorter than I wanted it but that's just as well, the ends were getting dry.

Yes I'm grounded
I got my wings clipped
I'm surrounded by all this pavement
Guess I'll circle
While I'm waiting for my fuse to dry

Someday I'll fly
Someday I'll soar
Someday I'll be so damn much more
'Cause I'm bigger than my body
Bigger than my body now
Bigger than my body now

Monday, November 17, 2003

A little late night bloggin for Ash *evil laughter* I'm supposed to be sleeping so SHHH. I can hardly see the keyboard...too dark, man tehe. I'm feeling better today. I just have horrible mood swings. Damn period. Or maybe I'm manic depressive? Ahh CALL THE PHYSCO WARD! Demented Hills! Demented Hills! (Didn't you guys ever see "Good Burger" with Keenan and Kell? *giggle*)

Yesterday morning a guy at my school hung himself. I guess he wasn't fully successful at first before his parents found him and he died two hours later. What a sad loss, he was only 15 years old. That poor boy. If only he knew there was another way out than ending his life. The freaky thing was I heard tons of sirens yesterday morning. :(

I have a new daily, meet Mattie! :) Oh and I forgot to plug Cheryl last time, luff ya!

Ok it's way too dark to type so I'm off! VROOOOOOM

Sunday, November 16, 2003

I just got off the phone with Katie. I told her about my "friend delima" and she didn't even care. She was just like "Well...go um..I dunno, do something." She was so insensitive towards my feelings. I have definitely come to the conclusion that everybody think they are better than me and that I am not good enough for anyone anymore. I always felt sorry for loners but I never thought I would become one. What's happening to me? I used to have friends and an unfucked mind.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

I have so much lonliness in my life. There's no one offline, out of my friends that I can turn to. I don't feel like anyone truly cares about me. I know people care about me, but no so much in a way that is "Where's Ashley? I want to go to lunch with her." No one ever calls me anymore except for Katie, and that is about homework and boy shit. I call other people but we've lost so much in common that its hard to figure out what to talk about. Then we end up never calling eachother back. I stopped trying because it wasn't getting anywhere.

I used to feel like I fit in. Now I'm just a lonely little shadow that gets unoticed and doesn't know where it belongs. People have shifted their priorties and their friends with out me. It hurts. Its like no one wants to be my friend anymore. It wouldn't be such a be deal if I had a lot of good people who I could talk to, but I don't. I've tried and tried without any results. I'm lost and I don't know how to find myself. If only there was someone to help me.

New layout soon. This one fucking sucks.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Yes I am alive! I've been erhh...busy. Yeah, thats it *looks around*. I've been neglecting this poor little site. I FINALLY got a desk, YAY! No more make-shift box desk hehe. And it's very nice too *pets desk* Although it does make my room even smaller. We had art club yearbook pictures on Friday and our teacher made all of us wear berets hahaha Yeeeaah, we're gonna be the sexiest club there, true DAT. ha I've gone insane. I've been accidently hurting myself lately. I burnt my finger on the god freakin toaster the other day and I did something weird to my hip last night. Humph. I need a cookie hehe :)

My mom and I went to a college fair this weekend and I got an ass load of brochures. There are some AWESOME looking ones from art schools that I grabbed just because I was so interested in the design aspect of them lol. But I did find a few colleges that I want to look into. One in particular, The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. They have graphic design, product and store managments, costume design, etc. It was amazing and I'd love to go there...but the only thing is there are so many majors there that I would want to do. I have so many ideas wizzing through my head. Its hard to settle on one.

And thank you to all my commenters. You guys really mean a lot to me :) Thank you. Becca, Cheryl, Mez and Lillian rock.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

I cried myself to sleep last night. My dad was yelling yet again and I just couldn't keep my composure and this fucking happy face I put on all the time. I do that just to please others so they won't think anything is wrong with me. And sometimes I DON'T want them to know anything is going on. I'm a very private person and don't like people seeing my weak side.

Things that are evil:
-early morning class
-cold weather
-chemistry (the most usless class I've ever taken)
-being lonely

Things that are good:
-cute boys (ie: david)
-hanson (Carnegie Hall this Wednesday--that's right, my boys are legends)

I need to make a new layout. Blah.