Sunday, December 25, 2005

Before it is too late...Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc. Be safe, happy and healthy for 2006. :)

I miss being a kid at Christmas. I miss "Santa's" annual visits and how my mom always filled the bottom of my stocking with oranges and apples. I miss the giddy feeling that only children have and the nostalgia of it all. Christmas was always filled with cheer, innocence and beauty (and sleeping in). Now it is just like "Eeh." Traditions are being broken and the spirit is not in the air. We didn't even get a god damn tree this year! Now that is screwed up.

I discovered working retail really isn't my "thing". Nine hours on my feet while being just about as bored as a blind person watching a silent film? No thank you. Bussing pizza is better than this.

Also, OSU Business advisors can suck iiiiiit. And they better be ready because it is huge and puts up a mean battle.

Thank you.

Plugs: Dmitri, Stephanie

Sunday, December 18, 2005

1. I kissed a hot guy.
2. I miss my college friends.
3. I'm listening to Underneath (wtf is wrong w/me?)
4. I'm in a very good mood...and have been for many months on end. This is the longest stretch where happiness has outweighed the sadness.
5. I desperately need to brush my teeth.
6. I like sandwiches a lot.
7. I say "I" too much but don't know how to get around not saying it.
8. I feel have an awkward feeling that I will fall in love soon, in a very unexpected way, place, and time.
9. The holiday season stresses me out--gift giving is a pain but opening presents is one of the many joys in life.
10. I really need to go to a good concert.
11. I feel like painting and making a photo album of black and whites.
12. I really wish I could fly.
13. One of my biggest fears is letting people down or have them think badly about me...and E.T. (the alien, not the show).
14. I love being artsy.
15. I want to make a snowman and a snowangel.
16. And finally, if you've been able to sort through this mess of randomness, the photo gallery is really coming soon. I promise.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

When I said I wanted to work this winter break, I meant a few hours here and there. Not freaking 8-9 hours per day almost all week! My gosh, when will I have time to do nothing? haha At least my pay check will be nice and healthy. Plus I sell jewlery so that is kind of fun :) Ahh the life a chain retail empolyee...

Um yeah and my legs are sore. That is quite sad.

Plugs: Will, Alex, Stephanie

Sunday, December 11, 2005

This post is dedicated to all who have exams (particularly Stephanie). I am here to assist you in your many hours of procrastination, avoidance and dread.

I bought a new pair of jeans about an hour ago. Pure loooove and joy. Good thing I don't have a credit card because it would be maxed out on denim. Some of my weaknesses: cute socks and underwear, jeans, sexy high heels, the colors turquoise and raspberry-ish.

I made a free Christmas card yesterday (at the UO bookstore--someone slap me, I am such a trader). It felt so nice to be creative. It reminded me how much I miss it and how much I need it. Maybe instead of my ballroom class I will take an art course of some sort.

Mmm peanut butter is so good. If only we had some oreos.

By the time school resumes in January, I am going to have abs of fucking steel. They used to be sexy. Then laziness set in.

Edit // Dear God I'm starting to like (some) country music. Please smack me in the face really, really hard. Then repeat 5 times or as many as necessary. (Damnit, Sarah..look what you have done to me!)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

So I might as well shoot myself now...or cry really hard for days on end. Fuck. Fuck, this just fucking sucks. Why do I always screw myself over when someone good comes along? The only great guy that comes onto me, I fucking reject him and by the time I realize how amazing he is and how much I like him, he gets with one of my friends. I..ugh AHHHJH'. God damnit this hurts really, really bad.

My roommie is playing our "angry" music for me. haha She is great.

My lovlies: Alex & Stephanie

Edit / I just discovered that "Just Friends" by Gavin DeGraw is not a good song to listen to.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Southern Comfort isn't so comforting when you are hugging the toliet (but it tastes damn good going down). I've never been that shitfaced before and I don't want to again. Afer my puking escapade we came back here and kicked it with some friends til 6am. I was feeling fine, thinking "Heck yes, I'm not even going to have a hangover." When I woke up this morning I barfed again...and again. Everyone did say that despite all the shit that was going down, I still had a smile on my drunken face. And that my friends, is true Ashley style haha. My friends are amazing though and they showed how much they really care. How do you pay somebody back for that? Being just as supportive and caring in return? But it doesn't seem like enough.

Anyway, I think my drinking days are over for a while.