Also, from working at a big box retailer for almost two years, I've discovered that the masses go nuts and brainless two times a year: back to school and Christmas.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I like...
...fresh from the dentist clean teeth. Good design/architecture. Primates. Cute animals in general.
Also, from working at a big box retailer for almost two years, I've discovered that the masses go nuts and brainless two times a year: back to school and Christmas.

Also, from working at a big box retailer for almost two years, I've discovered that the masses go nuts and brainless two times a year: back to school and Christmas.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Calling Rudolph
Winter break! Time to read, work on my portfolio and cover letters, and research more firms to intern.
The other night I had a dream that I called Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in my sleep and it came up as "Rudolph RNR" on my call log.
I recently got to know an old acquaintance. We completely hit it off. I've never met a guy who has shared so much in common and communicated openly. We "hung out" and confessed our admiration for one another, etc. But he just got out of 5-year long relationship that left him scarred and unable to be in another one for who knows how long. Bummer. He was really great. And nice. So nice.
The other night I had a dream that I called Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in my sleep and it came up as "Rudolph RNR" on my call log.
I recently got to know an old acquaintance. We completely hit it off. I've never met a guy who has shared so much in common and communicated openly. We "hung out" and confessed our admiration for one another, etc. But he just got out of 5-year long relationship that left him scarred and unable to be in another one for who knows how long. Bummer. He was really great. And nice. So nice.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
As much as an international internship is alluring, my resources are lacking. Sigh. Thus, Boulder, CO is next! I've always had a vision of living in Colorado for a short period of time. Additionally, if a job doesn't pan out after graduation, I would like to do a masters in Environmental Design or Interior Architecture. I'm also very interested in BaSiC Initiative, or similar programs, that build sustainable structures in lacking communities. It combines the humanitarian architecture aspect, which has recently become of interest. I like dreaming of my options....
There are so many books to read, so many opportunities in the world and so little time! These things make me overwhelmed and excited.
There are so many books to read, so many opportunities in the world and so little time! These things make me overwhelmed and excited.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Monday, November 02, 2009
Aqua Colbert
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Aqua Colbert | |||| | ||||
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Attn: Canadian Readers
I am considering an internship this summer in CANADA! Montréal or Québec City, working at an architecture or interior design firm that specialized in LEED, to be more specific. Tell me anything and everything you know. Good/bad? Interesting info? Visa required? Many thanks!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Environmentalism gets me off
It really does. While talking to a PECI at the career fair today, I found myself getting flushed and overcome with excitement of sustainability the progressing "green revolution". His passions didn't run as deep as mine though, and towards the end think he thought I was a little crazy.
There is some sort of mildew issue with my couch from a bit of water I spilled the other day. It smells like a moldy toot! :(
There is some sort of mildew issue with my couch from a bit of water I spilled the other day. It smells like a moldy toot! :(
Monday, October 19, 2009
Powered by wind
I just changed my electricity to 100% renewable power! They claim only a 10% increase in my bill. This does not amount to much monetary difference in the scheme of changing the world's power grid, especially since it's only me. Living alone is going quite nice. Not lonely so far. I really enjoy my place, although it feels like I'm in a war zone sometimes because of my "obnoxious college guy" upstairs neighbors.
The internship class this term is so exciting. Portfolios, resumes and internship searching! Ideally my goal is to find a firm abroad specializing in sustainable design. Canada, Australia, Germany, Denmark, Thailand, even Iceland...anywhere. Why stay at home when I can experience something different?
PS: Increasing CO2 levels are stressing me out, thanks to Hot, Flat & Crowded (very good read though, even if you're not into environmental issues :D).
The internship class this term is so exciting. Portfolios, resumes and internship searching! Ideally my goal is to find a firm abroad specializing in sustainable design. Canada, Australia, Germany, Denmark, Thailand, even Iceland...anywhere. Why stay at home when I can experience something different?
PS: Increasing CO2 levels are stressing me out, thanks to Hot, Flat & Crowded (very good read though, even if you're not into environmental issues :D).
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
After a thoroughly enjoyable spa manicure with Sara the other day, complete with a lavender and buckwheat-filled neck warmer, I set out to search for a neck warmer pattern on Google. Intrigued by this photo, I discovered some beautiful pictures of India at The Global Indian Biking Community website. I love how one search leads to an entirely different but delightful result.
A sun-saturated sky filled entirely with wildfire smoke produces the eeriest colors shadows.
Earlier this week at work, I talked to a guest that had the exact same German accent as Patrick (but in a woman's voice). I haven't cried since my return but the moment after she walked away, I almost had an emotional breakdown. All of the memories came surging forward. If it wasn't for work, I wouldn't have been able to hold it together.
Summer is almost over. I can't believe it. It has been more than I could have ever asked for. There might be something developing with a guy. It's been almost two years in the making. But I'm still not sure about's all very friendly and innocent at this point.
Also, I'm to be a pirate for Halloween! As for names, I've only come up with Pirate Long Leg. Ideas?
Earlier this week at work, I talked to a guest that had the exact same German accent as Patrick (but in a woman's voice). I haven't cried since my return but the moment after she walked away, I almost had an emotional breakdown. All of the memories came surging forward. If it wasn't for work, I wouldn't have been able to hold it together.
Summer is almost over. I can't believe it. It has been more than I could have ever asked for. There might be something developing with a guy. It's been almost two years in the making. But I'm still not sure about's all very friendly and innocent at this point.
Also, I'm to be a pirate for Halloween! As for names, I've only come up with Pirate Long Leg. Ideas?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
More memoires
- The bisous or "biz" (cheek kiss) is so much more personable than a handshake or awkward hug. I wish I could continue this tradition in the states without disapproval. I heard one woman amiably talking on her cell phone, ending the conversation with "gros bisous". Cute.
- Many women, make an "up" sound when making some kind of movement or guesture. When something is outrageous or crazy, people shake their hand above their shoulder.
- And yes, there are some people with body odor. I was probably smelly from time to time because of the heat, so whatever. :)
- Personal space bubbles are a lot smaller. Surprisingly, I didn't mind. I sat next to strangers on the tram without a thought.
- Everyone must wear a swim cap in the pool and men are required to wear speedos! Such a sight the first time. After our numerous visits to "La Tranche piscine," it was the norm and I secretly miss wearing that bonnet de bain.
- The exit signs have a funny little figure running away. Danger signs show a gesticulate stick figure getting shocked.
- Ultimate joke learned from a South American exchange student: An American ship is in German waters when they hit a storm and their ships begins to sink. They call for help and say, "We're sinking, we're sinking!" The Germans reply, "Oh really? What are you sinking about?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
French memoires
While in France, I complied a list of thoughts, observations and random (facts) to blog about (due to lack of computer access). I am happy to present the following memoires:
I miss being immersed in French culture.
More memoires and photos will be added as I continue remember my French life. Plus a German "sinking" joke that you're sure to love.
- "La joie de vivre" is ever-present. People love leisure. Whether it be at a cafe, park or bar. The city is lively but relaxed.
- Kébabs are AWESOME. Great fast-food sandwich. There was a good resto by my apartment called Batman Kebab. Supposedly the German ones are better.
- Cobbled streets and sidewalks are charming but bad for drunken walks home.
- "La religieuse" is the best, most orgasmic French pastry you'll ever have. My favorite was the small caramel puff at top and the large rich, chocolate cream puff on bottom. But every French pastry is like heaven.
- No one knows how to make baguettes and cheese like the French. My favorites ones were more "artisan". Almost every other morning, my host mom (famille d'acceuil) had a difference baguette for breakfast.
- Lots of walking, shopping, enjoying the sun, swimming, hiking. Since school was from 8:30-12:30, it hardly seemed like I went to school.
- Most French men are short.
- Even cheap French wine (must be Appellation d'origine contrôlée) is better than an affordable bottle of American wine!
- Lots of tasty beers! Considering I'm on a student budget, I found my favorite in Annecy, a German beer called Erdinger Weißbier.
- Giraffes. Everyone loves a giraffe. Filled with the French beer of choice, Kronenbourg. Formidables (large beer mug) are also very enjoying if you do not wish to have a table-top mini-keg.
- Loin des yeux loin du cœur. My host mom told me this common French saying on the last day driving to the train station, after I told her of my German boyfriend. Out of sight, out of mind.
- They have "auto écoles" but what they HECK do they teach? How to drive like a maniac, curb jumping 101?
- My apartment with Madeleine (host mom) was in the "centre ville," close to everything one could fancy in a city, nightlife, restaurants, etc. It was intimate yet mentropolitan. The Old Italian district/Notre Dame area had a youthful vibe.
- My French increased dramatically, as well as my confidence. Almost nightly conversations at the dinner table were best. A lot was learned from Patrick as well...a good source for what younger people say.
- One of my notes says, "want to stay longer, could live here forever."
- There is much more ethnic diversity.
- Most French men dress very clean and sophisticated. They are very suave in their behavior as well. Cat calls happen daily. Sometimes it is nice and flattering. "Just a poor French boy wanting a kiss." Others are not so welcoming...stalkers on bikes, cars, etc.
- "Best year of life," is another note.
- Grenoble was surrounded by mountains. My bedroom balcony had a view of Vercours on the left and Chartreuse on the right. Both sunsets and sunrises were insanely beautiful with this backdrop.
- I went camping for the first time at the base of Mont Ventoux in Provence for the Tour de France the next day. I've never seen such an abundance of stars before in my life.
- The tram was incredibly convenient. Just 15 minutes to school, where I was still surrounded by the beautiful mountains.
- Les banlieues de Grenoble (the suburbs) are quiet, fenced and stately but quite warm and typical European.
- European men, or at least my German, are far better lovers than American men.
- Annecy is the most charming French city. The lake is pristine and ever-so-clear. One of my favorite places in the world.
- An English transplant in Grenoble told my friend Mel and I one night, casual sex is common and not looked down upon. The man gives his best during a one night stand, doing anything to please the woman. A female is only considered a slut if she cheats on her boyfriend, not sleeps with many men.
- In some magasins (shops), they will speak English to you despite your attempt to speak French. Sometimes I believe it was a mutual trade-off to increase language skill. Other times it felt like an insult.
- The French Alps=return visit necessary to snowboard!
- Most everyone (9 others) in my program are amazing people. They turned out to be great friends. The only guy and I became good friends, he was like my brother that I never had haha. Patrick was jealous of our friendship, I think. Competition!
- Dinner is served late, around 7:30-8:30, sometimes later. I was starving and had to snack quite frequently but the pay off was great--more time to spend outside during the day and enjoy the beautiful Grenobloise weather. The French just know how to live.
- The Jardin de ville was "the" hang out for young people at night. I met so many different students from all over the world. Cabaret Frappe was held the last week or two we were there, free music all over the city. The non-gratuit concerts could still be heard while sitting in the jardin.
- Grenoble is famous for their walnut. And they sure are delicious. I looove nuts!
I miss being immersed in French culture.
More memoires and photos will be added as I continue remember my French life. Plus a German "sinking" joke that you're sure to love.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Mr. Who?
I was skimming my junk mail to see if there was any important emails when I read, "Tired of meeting Mr. Wong?" I thought, "Well no, actually. I've only meet a Mr. Wong once or twice in my life." Seconds later I realized it read, "Tired of meeting Mr. Wrong?" hahaha.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Miniature versions of foods, mainly produce and meats, freak me out. Cocktail weenies, baby corn, and those small French pickles called cornichons. Cauliflower isn't small but it reminds me of brains.
Baby carrots are an exception.
Baby carrots are an exception.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Hold tight
I'm working on a post of all of my random memoires from France that includes pictures, links and the like.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
More adjustment
Sun, where are you? What the heck Oregon? I'm going to lose my European glow!
Nothing is in French. Ugh. I'm avoiding everything American and fast-faced by being a hermit in my room. Although, I did go for a run this morning. My lung capacity increased. Thank you Grenoble!
Just ate a Bueno. HEAVEN.
Just ate a Bueno. HEAVEN.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Back to American life
I'm home. It's weird. I keep thinking that tomorrow I'm going to wake up in Grenoble, where things are normal, go to class, see my friends, spend time with Patrick in the jardin de ville...the usual.
La France, tu me manques.
It's already decided, I have to find an international internship next summer.
PS: I'd forgotten how unnecessarily large American vehicles are and how everything is so horizontal and sprawling.
La France, tu me manques.
It's already decided, I have to find an international internship next summer.
PS: I'd forgotten how unnecessarily large American vehicles are and how everything is so horizontal and sprawling.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Never wanting to leave
I'm leaving tomorrow and am finally used to the French keyboards. So much to write about upon my return. I love life here and absolutely hate that I'm leaving. I met an amazing man who is perfect in every way. Finally. And we are a zillion time zones away.
Mental breakdown.
Mental breakdown.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
France is amazing, beautiful and all things wonderful. Don't have a computer at home, so more later!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Packing is making me anxious and sweaty.
EDIT :: I just want to be there now! I can't excited! It is supposed to be in the high 70's/low 80's in Paris for our first week.
EDIT 2 :: Looking at a French news website, there was a word I didn't know. I entered the sentence in Babelfish:
Steve Jobs aurait subi une greffe du foie. = Steve Jobs would have undergone a clerk's office of the liver.
EDIT :: I just want to be there now! I can't excited! It is supposed to be in the high 70's/low 80's in Paris for our first week.
EDIT 2 :: Looking at a French news website, there was a word I didn't know. I entered the sentence in Babelfish:
Steve Jobs aurait subi une greffe du foie. = Steve Jobs would have undergone a clerk's office of the liver.
Monday, June 15, 2009
More FR
Oh yes, I am going to Grenoble, France to study abroad. Not sure the nature of my courses yet, as they depend on my placement tests.
Today I added two more things to my list of life goals:
-Attain my pilot's license, then fly at night
-Visit Argentina, specifically Buenos Aires

Iguazu Falls, Argentina
One that was added in the past week or so:
-Become LEED accredited by graduation in 2011
I recorded the word "faaaaaart?" in one of those voice recording greeting cards the other day. Someone is going to get a nice surprise. Hehe. I'm so mature for my age.
Today I added two more things to my list of life goals:
-Attain my pilot's license, then fly at night
-Visit Argentina, specifically Buenos Aires
Iguazu Falls, Argentina
One that was added in the past week or so:
-Become LEED accredited by graduation in 2011
I recorded the word "faaaaaart?" in one of those voice recording greeting cards the other day. Someone is going to get a nice surprise. Hehe. I'm so mature for my age.
Friday, June 12, 2009
France is one week away!! The only thing I'm worried about is not being able to express myself fully, say what I want or understand everything. Other than that, I am so completely excited to have an completely new experience and augmenter my French skills! I've been trying to read at least one French article every day in preparation.
Brent and I have not talked since we left town a few days ago. I think it's better that way, to try to get over him. I doubt he'll grow up this summer and become the man I know he can be.
I went a little know, to make it even more obvious that I am American haha. My hair looked sad with all that dirty blonde. Had to give it back some life!
Allergies are terrible this year.
Senior year recap: When I think about being a senior in college, I feel OLD and that I should be much more mature. bahaha You have to grow old but you never have to grow up! I've definitely grown emotionally and relationship-wise. I've learned to take more risks. This school year has been one of the best. I've met and become close with so many different people from class and the different organizations on campus. It was the busiest year yet but the most rewarding and socially diverse. I've decided to get a one bedroom apartment next year for my fifth year. I couldn't take Marie trying to burn down the house one more time. Three years with her would have been too much. Luckily, this hasn't seemed to have affected our friendship. Some of my close friends are graduating. This next year and a half will be very different without them. I will definitely feel lost without Whitney.
Brent and I have not talked since we left town a few days ago. I think it's better that way, to try to get over him. I doubt he'll grow up this summer and become the man I know he can be.
I went a little know, to make it even more obvious that I am American haha. My hair looked sad with all that dirty blonde. Had to give it back some life!
Allergies are terrible this year.
Senior year recap: When I think about being a senior in college, I feel OLD and that I should be much more mature. bahaha You have to grow old but you never have to grow up! I've definitely grown emotionally and relationship-wise. I've learned to take more risks. This school year has been one of the best. I've met and become close with so many different people from class and the different organizations on campus. It was the busiest year yet but the most rewarding and socially diverse. I've decided to get a one bedroom apartment next year for my fifth year. I couldn't take Marie trying to burn down the house one more time. Three years with her would have been too much. Luckily, this hasn't seemed to have affected our friendship. Some of my close friends are graduating. This next year and a half will be very different without them. I will definitely feel lost without Whitney.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Random life updates
Upgrading Tiger to Leopard does NOT work well. All of my important files are on an external and my actual computer is currently without an operating system.
I leave for France in 1 month and 10 days!
Brent doesn't want a relationship but continually wants to hang out. You men are weird.
Body Sculpting has made me so buff!
That is all for now.
I leave for France in 1 month and 10 days!
Brent doesn't want a relationship but continually wants to hang out. You men are weird.
Body Sculpting has made me so buff!
That is all for now.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Covering my seat
I'm now one of those people who carries a plastic bag to cover their bike seat just in case it rains.
Things with Brent are a train wreck. We patched things up and then something else happened a week ago and hasn't been normal since. I'm not going to let him go..."you lose 100% of the shot you don't take." I hope it's not too late.
Things with Brent are a train wreck. We patched things up and then something else happened a week ago and hasn't been normal since. I'm not going to let him go..."you lose 100% of the shot you don't take." I hope it's not too late.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The way I are
Filling out study abroad paperwork is STRESSFUL.
After this program, Timbaland and I will both be singing, "I ain't got no money, I ain't got no car to take you on a date." Ironically, I didn't even have a car last night! It was towed from my friend's apartment complex even though I was parked in her space. Dang that permit parking and $250 towing fees.
PS: This song is perfect for roboting.
After this program, Timbaland and I will both be singing, "I ain't got no money, I ain't got no car to take you on a date." Ironically, I didn't even have a car last night! It was towed from my friend's apartment complex even though I was parked in her space. Dang that permit parking and $250 towing fees.
PS: This song is perfect for roboting.
Friday, March 20, 2009
New layout finally! Blogger has a new layout editor and oh my gosh it's amazing. It makes life so much easier without having to mess with the HTML. If I could hug blogger, I would. There is a slideshow "gadget" that I will add soon for your visual pleasure. Props to the people who created the improved features.
I'm having all sorts of man drama right now. My main concern is Brent. I'd been trying to drop my preconceived notion of him being a drunken idiot but who on the contrary is extremely smart and athletic. I finally gave into hanging out in attempt to turn over a new leaf after our ahem...night of passion a few months ago. But it went terribly wrong and now he's upset at me. Unfortunately, I just realized how much potential sober Brent contains. I want to sit down and have an honest conversation with him about everything after we return from spring break.
Going to Lake Tahoe for spring break with a new camera that actually takes pictures without pointing it at a bright light haha. Ol' 5-lb reliable lasted for over four years.
Speaking of age, Unpredictable has been around in some sort of way for 8 YEARS!!! Ahh, it makes me feel ancient and I'm not even old!
I'm having all sorts of man drama right now. My main concern is Brent. I'd been trying to drop my preconceived notion of him being a drunken idiot but who on the contrary is extremely smart and athletic. I finally gave into hanging out in attempt to turn over a new leaf after our ahem...night of passion a few months ago. But it went terribly wrong and now he's upset at me. Unfortunately, I just realized how much potential sober Brent contains. I want to sit down and have an honest conversation with him about everything after we return from spring break.
Going to Lake Tahoe for spring break with a new camera that actually takes pictures without pointing it at a bright light haha. Ol' 5-lb reliable lasted for over four years.
Speaking of age, Unpredictable has been around in some sort of way for 8 YEARS!!! Ahh, it makes me feel ancient and I'm not even old!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Only in college...
Only in college is it acceptable for a girl to meet a guy at a bar, dance and talk all night, allow him to continuously buy her drinks, go back to his parents "McMansion", pass out in his bed fully clothed, wake up to his older sister wondering whose high heels were by the door, meet his mom who kindly offers bagels and juice for breakfast like it's no big deal, then tell the guy "I don't do random makeouts" when he tries to kiss you while laying in his bed.
A constant battle: Trying to be more positive and push away negative energy that stems from my mind and sometimes come out of my mouth.
Something I'm looking into: Voluntary Simplicity. I recently learned about it from a workshop at the Sustainability that place and the people.
My ideas to remodel the Sustainability Center's basement are flowing. Things are starting to get underway with the technical construction issues. I have great visions for the end result.
A constant battle: Trying to be more positive and push away negative energy that stems from my mind and sometimes come out of my mouth.
Something I'm looking into: Voluntary Simplicity. I recently learned about it from a workshop at the Sustainability that place and the people.
My ideas to remodel the Sustainability Center's basement are flowing. Things are starting to get underway with the technical construction issues. I have great visions for the end result.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
All my single ladies
Pilates class has given me hardcore abs. Just one hour, twice a week. I love flexing and poking them, solely to feel how toned they are. Bahaha!
Devoting this time to wish you a Happy Singles Awareness Day!
Devoting this time to wish you a Happy Singles Awareness Day!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
I've recently begun volunteering at the Sustainability Center on campus. Upon discovering my interior design major, they asked me to re-do the entire basement into a lounge/meeting area. I've never done anything remotely close to a real project before but am thrilled, honored and not one bit apprehensive. The people there are great...well, the guys mostly. I accidentally flirted with a few (shhhh). Some of the women seemed skeptical.
The economy is terrible. Everything is closing and crumbling down. Obama, save us! At least gas is under $2. Funny: Bush-inspired Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Flavor
Cute coffee shop guys = dud. Seemed like he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend. He's an amazing drummer though.
PS: Not everything has been finalized yet but I'm going to study in Grenoble, France this summer!!
The economy is terrible. Everything is closing and crumbling down. Obama, save us! At least gas is under $2. Funny: Bush-inspired Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Flavor
Cute coffee shop guys = dud. Seemed like he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend. He's an amazing drummer though.
PS: Not everything has been finalized yet but I'm going to study in Grenoble, France this summer!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What an exciting, emotional day. :) I'm looking forward to the next 4 years of Obama's office. I haven't been able to catch much of the inauguration day coverage, except for a few speech excerpts and speculations about when Obama would be getting out of the limo. The only quality youtube video tweaks out on my compy. :\
"Cute coffee shop boy" and I from last term have been seeing each other a lot recently. The possibility of this becoming something more does not scare me. Maybe I am a changed woman. He's even breaking my space bubble and making me more comfortable with touching and being touched. He's a drummer too...Hot!
Anyway, I'm feeling emotionally weird and distant. So I'm going to do my nails and go to sleep.
"Cute coffee shop boy" and I from last term have been seeing each other a lot recently. The possibility of this becoming something more does not scare me. Maybe I am a changed woman. He's even breaking my space bubble and making me more comfortable with touching and being touched. He's a drummer too...Hot!
Anyway, I'm feeling emotionally weird and distant. So I'm going to do my nails and go to sleep.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Too many lovers
All of the sudden, I have all these guys at my feet and have no idea what to do. I made an error in judgement a few weeks ago that will probably cost me a friendship after I break his heart. I feel terrible yet strangely exhilarated by all this man attention.
Kauai was beautiful. I found my favorite beach in the entire world, Kaena Beach on the North end of the island. Pounding clear-blue waves, surrounding by imposing green mountains...Paradisio! I fell in love with the landscape, relaxed lifestyle and free ukulele lessons. I wouldn't mind having a house on that island someday. There was also something quite beautiful about the transients all over the island. They came from all walks of life and were completely free from. I would never have the balls to do that but secretly dream to.
My first studio class for Interior Design has started and I'm completely and utter excited to finally be doing something with my hands! No more bookwork. A few months ago, I attended to an interior design conference and it went GREAT. I walked into the featured building and thought, "This is what I want to do." It was a perfect revelation of sorts. I want to rennovate old buildings and make them LEED certified.
Kauai was beautiful. I found my favorite beach in the entire world, Kaena Beach on the North end of the island. Pounding clear-blue waves, surrounding by imposing green mountains...Paradisio! I fell in love with the landscape, relaxed lifestyle and free ukulele lessons. I wouldn't mind having a house on that island someday. There was also something quite beautiful about the transients all over the island. They came from all walks of life and were completely free from. I would never have the balls to do that but secretly dream to.
My first studio class for Interior Design has started and I'm completely and utter excited to finally be doing something with my hands! No more bookwork. A few months ago, I attended to an interior design conference and it went GREAT. I walked into the featured building and thought, "This is what I want to do." It was a perfect revelation of sorts. I want to rennovate old buildings and make them LEED certified.
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