Tuesday, January 20, 2009


What an exciting, emotional day. :) I'm looking forward to the next 4 years of Obama's office. I haven't been able to catch much of the inauguration day coverage, except for a few speech excerpts and speculations about when Obama would be getting out of the limo. The only quality youtube video tweaks out on my compy. :\

"Cute coffee shop boy" and I from last term have been seeing each other a lot recently. The possibility of this becoming something more does not scare me. Maybe I am a changed woman. He's even breaking my space bubble and making me more comfortable with touching and being touched. He's a drummer too...Hot!

Anyway, I'm feeling emotionally weird and distant. So I'm going to do my nails and go to sleep.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Too many lovers

All of the sudden, I have all these guys at my feet and have no idea what to do. I made an error in judgement a few weeks ago that will probably cost me a friendship after I break his heart. I feel terrible yet strangely exhilarated by all this man attention.

Kauai was beautiful. I found my favorite beach in the entire world, Kaena Beach on the North end of the island. Pounding clear-blue waves, surrounding by imposing green mountains...Paradisio! I fell in love with the landscape, relaxed lifestyle and free ukulele lessons. I wouldn't mind having a house on that island someday. There was also something quite beautiful about the transients all over the island. They came from all walks of life and were completely free from. I would never have the balls to do that but secretly dream to.

My first studio class for Interior Design has started and I'm completely and utter excited to finally be doing something with my hands! No more bookwork. A few months ago, I attended to an interior design conference and it went GREAT. I walked into the featured building and thought, "This is what I want to do." It was a perfect revelation of sorts. I want to rennovate old buildings and make them LEED certified.