Thursday, December 23, 2010


Have you or anyone you know had an experience with WWOOF?

Monday, December 20, 2010


For anyone thinking of taking the LEED Green Associate exam, here is a great article with information on study guides, tips, etc. They laid out a 4 week study time line, meaning I will have a title after my name by the end of February once I begin exam prep in the new year. YES.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tenative 2011 Plan

My original plan after graduation in three months was to move to Portland and find a job/internship in the interior design field. But after considering an international internship/volunteer program for over a year now, I decided I am DOING IT. Now what and where is the next decision. Sustainable building? Marine research? Seychelles? Thailand? Bali?

March: Take LEED GA exam, pass.
March: Graduate(!)
March - Whenever: Volunteer internationally.
End of 2011/Beginning of 2012: Portland, OR - DESIGN JOB.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Future hypothesis

I had a dream last night that my interior design class went on a field trip to Paris, where we toured an architecture firm and met with the principal architect, a Frenchman of course. I pitched him my ideas and we talked for hours, speaking fluently in French by the end. My class sneered at my usual success and ended up leaving me at the firm. Later that afternoon I left the firm with a job, giving everyone bises.

Le sigh.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Unpredictable - Fitness

For better organization of the fitness articles I continually bookmark and more motivation in regaining muscle mass, I've started a new blog: Unpredictable - Fitness. Check it!

Saturday, December 04, 2010


After years of pretending to speak words in Italian, I have decided tonight that I am going to start learning Italian--life goal addition #1,845.