Wednesday, April 16, 2003

I've been eating so much chocolate lately. It's really bad for me but it's soo good that I can't resist! I get my top wisdom teeth out this Friday. I'm not looking forward to this again--the popping of the skin for the novacane that had a bigger needle then the ones used for cavitiy fillings; the pain of the needle in my gums; the drilling; the crack of the tooth; the gauze that I have to change every two seconds; the swelling/chimpmunk cheeks; the brusing. Oh god I'm glad this is the last time I'll ever have to get this done!

My life is so weird. I just go through it in a daze especially at school. My life has been changing so much, well not me but my friends actually. I have nobody who I can confide in and trust. If I had anybody like that so many things wouldn't be buzzing around in my screwy mind. I need to spill my guts to a good friend to make my mind, body and soul free the crap spinning around in my head. I used to have a few close friends who I really thought were the greatest. But they changed, became snobby and untrustworthy and generaly people who I didn't want to be around. There are some people who I know I could trust but don't see very often so I can't get close to them. I know I can change it and I will. But it is easter said than done. Hugs to Cheryl, Sez and Mez.

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