Friday, March 12, 2004

The past few days have been gorgeous--sunny, not a cloud in the sky, warm, but not too hot. On Wednesday Katie and I went to the park and swung. It brought back many old memories from my passion of swinging when I was younger. haha I felt like I was flyyyyyying!

Then today we went down town and while we were waiting in the steps, a 5 year old boy and his mom walked past and the little boy said, "Hiiii! You girls are so beautiful! Where do you live? What are your names?" He had on these huge sunglasses and was carrying a massive lolly pop. He was sooo adorable and his compliment made my day hehe :)

I added two new dailies!! A and S, woot! There was something else I was gonna say, but I forgot. Dur. Updates soon....maybe next blog.

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