Today went from bad to worse. We had an assembly at another school in town to honor the senior and juniors in our IB classes. I had to sit with some twit that I didn't know on the bus. Then the assembly was so FUCKED up that I can't even explain it. They awarded Krista for 'Excellence in Literature' when she doesn't even do shit. She is never in class, never does any of her own work (her mom and friends do it for it) AND she copies off everything I do. (
I should've gotten that award for hell's sakes). The teachers are even stupid enough to believe her lame ass excusses. This world is SO fucked up--a school awards people who don't even deserve recogniton. What the HELL?
Then I continued sitting there thinking about my school work and why the hell I didn't get an award. I work my ass off (And that is more that I can say for Krista), submit quality work, do good on tests, complete my homework, etc and it is ALL good quality. I just don't understand. This might seem self centered but god damnit, it would be nice to get recignized for my hard work at least ONCE in a blue moon. I can't keep running on empty.
On the bus ride home I had to sit with the bastard who gave Krista that god damn award (my lit teacher). Ugh. I wanted to kill someone. Or at least severly hurt them so they would be a vegetable for the rest of their life.
After dinner I couldn't take it anymore. I cried....and cired. It came to me that I am just not good enough for anyone, not even myself.
Then my dad just keeps yelling at my mom, constantly...the abuse never ends. He is such a dick. GOD. I can't stand him. I can't fucking live this way.
Oh, I got a cell phone that is actally mine. You might've noticed there has been a new layout up for a couple of days. There will be a new one up soon because I don't like this one.