Thursday, June 24, 2004

I never knew choosing a photographer for senior pictures would be so difficult. There are many good places, but dayum, they rip you off!

Oh yay, my father is home and the yelling and complaining continues. Someone get me the fuck out of here. We're going in a raft trip this Saturday, now he is saying he can't go or some shit like that because of work. I am NEVER going to let work run my life, ever, let alone ruin my life. I've made so many vows what not to be like in the future, I can barely even think of the ones that are positive.

My dream car. *tear* Look how beautiful and red it is.

Another random thing: Almost one more month until my 17th Birthday (July 27). Woot woot!

Monday, June 21, 2004

I will puke if I see another "low carb" add. This craze has gone INSANE. Insane to the point where it is making others insane!! Plus, carbs are good for you. Carbs=brain food. THE STUPID PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT EATING CARBS ARE ROBBING THEIR BODIES OF ENERGY. Stupid fucks. And if you want to loose weight, exercise god damnit. It's better for you body.

The Japandal. An exotic hipster, you are. People
like you because you are soft-spoken,
brilliant, and like to go to the beach.
Seriously, you're the sandal of the hipster
world. Soak up the rays, and enjoy this while
it lasts. Sandals are seasonal, little guy, and
you've got three months to live. Four if we get
an Indian summer, but I doubt it. (And don't
start "West Coasting" me. Hipsters go
by New York time, whether they're from
Birmingham, Boston or Botswana. Why? I wrote
this quiz, losah...)

Which Puma shoe are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla

haha Japandal aahahaha. For some reason that makes me giggle. I'm looking for some new blogs to visit--comment if you have any ideas.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Quick blog before I leave for my Grandma's...

The other night I realized that at night, people can probably see my changing. My blinds are closed upward to block more light, while in turn giving an easier view to the people driving by a nice look into my bed room. I've driven by my house at night and left the light in my room, and the top of of it is clearly visible. haha Free peep show. I wonder how many people have actually seen me? I should start charging...

Listening to The Srokes while browsing through the amusing Urban Dictionary, provides many countless minutes (not quite close to hours) of fun.

Friday, June 11, 2004

New layout! It's very simple--something I am feeling at the moment. School is finally out. Yay.

I got a bright pink bucket hat yesterday and I really don't know why. It is the only hat that has ever looked good on me plus it is so damn cute. Then I made a new necklace, it looks expensive but it was only $24. Umm let see. There is nothing much left to say. Oh yeah, I'm still really pissed off that Hanson is not coming to the West Coast, let alone not even considering it. I've decided that when my membership expires this month (or next, I can't remember), I am not renewing it. There is no point in spending $40 when their god damn website, the people who run and and are affiliated with it are RETADED. And don't even get me started on the street team. *grumbles* PSSHA.

Jordan: Aw thank you! I love your layout, btw.

Ryan: Oh Ryan, you have no idea. *chuckles* When my partner in crime, Stephanie (who I haven't seen in years) and I get together, you might as well say there is a new hole in the ozone.

Edit // 'Your Mind' and 'Ask Me' was updated. You people need to submit stuff more often. I've had 'Ask Me' forever and it used to be FILLED but I deleted all of them when I moved my site a few domains back and it is still very bare.

Monday, June 07, 2004

2 more days left of school...hell...yes.

Katie and I went outside to enjoy the LIMTED sun. *grumbles* Sometimes I hate Oregon. WHEN WILL IT EVER STOP RAINING, WHEN GOD, WHEN? Ok anyway, onto my original thought. So here's what went down:
Katie: *sits up from bench* My butt feels wet.
Me: *sits up* Holy crap, do does mine. HAHA You have water on your butt!
Katie: Ahahaha so do you!

I attempted to walk to the bathrom to see the extent of the "accident" but walking with a backpack covering your ass does not work well. After concurring that we both looked like we pissed our pants, we layed out in the sun to dry our butts--all while periodically checking to see if the water spots were reducing in size. Many minutes and one hella sun dried butt later, my pants were finally dry.

I just let out the longest SBD ever. *bows down*

Thursday, June 03, 2004

I will be outraged if the bill for a woman's draft is passed. Feminists are pressing for the approval of the bill. I'm all for Feminism as long as it does not put other women in danger--and a draft will do exactly that. Women have a MUCH greater chance of getting captured, raped, tortured, and sexually mutilated, etc. There is already enough god damn men in this country who can "fight". Women don't need to be involved in war, unless they volunteer on their will. Our mind sets are completely different than men and we handle situations much differently.

I can see this random scene playing out in my head:
-Grandma: "Oh sorry little Billy, your mom and dad both got killed in the war and I'm on my death bad now. So guess what? You get to live in a foster home! If the bill wouldn't have been passed your mommy would still be alive today."

IF it is passed, I'm moving to Canada. But I heard a rumor that Canada would close their borders. So in that case, I'm getting knocked up.

The SAT is on Saturday at 8 AM....wish me luck, guys! Thanks to all my commenters too (and for the extra boost of confidence and warm fuzzies in my stomach). :)

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Today went from bad to worse. We had an assembly at another school in town to honor the senior and juniors in our IB classes. I had to sit with some twit that I didn't know on the bus. Then the assembly was so FUCKED up that I can't even explain it. They awarded Krista for 'Excellence in Literature' when she doesn't even do shit. She is never in class, never does any of her own work (her mom and friends do it for it) AND she copies off everything I do. (I should've gotten that award for hell's sakes). The teachers are even stupid enough to believe her lame ass excusses. This world is SO fucked up--a school awards people who don't even deserve recogniton. What the HELL?

Then I continued sitting there thinking about my school work and why the hell I didn't get an award. I work my ass off (And that is more that I can say for Krista), submit quality work, do good on tests, complete my homework, etc and it is ALL good quality. I just don't understand. This might seem self centered but god damnit, it would be nice to get recignized for my hard work at least ONCE in a blue moon. I can't keep running on empty.

On the bus ride home I had to sit with the bastard who gave Krista that god damn award (my lit teacher). Ugh. I wanted to kill someone. Or at least severly hurt them so they would be a vegetable for the rest of their life.

After dinner I couldn't take it anymore. I cried....and cired. It came to me that I am just not good enough for anyone, not even myself.

Then my dad just keeps yelling at my mom, constantly...the abuse never ends. He is such a dick. GOD. I can't stand him. I can't fucking live this way.

Oh, I got a cell phone that is actally mine. You might've noticed there has been a new layout up for a couple of days. There will be a new one up soon because I don't like this one.