Monday, June 21, 2004

I will puke if I see another "low carb" add. This craze has gone INSANE. Insane to the point where it is making others insane!! Plus, carbs are good for you. Carbs=brain food. THE STUPID PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT EATING CARBS ARE ROBBING THEIR BODIES OF ENERGY. Stupid fucks. And if you want to loose weight, exercise god damnit. It's better for you body.

The Japandal. An exotic hipster, you are. People
like you because you are soft-spoken,
brilliant, and like to go to the beach.
Seriously, you're the sandal of the hipster
world. Soak up the rays, and enjoy this while
it lasts. Sandals are seasonal, little guy, and
you've got three months to live. Four if we get
an Indian summer, but I doubt it. (And don't
start "West Coasting" me. Hipsters go
by New York time, whether they're from
Birmingham, Boston or Botswana. Why? I wrote
this quiz, losah...)

Which Puma shoe are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla

haha Japandal aahahaha. For some reason that makes me giggle. I'm looking for some new blogs to visit--comment if you have any ideas.

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