New layout! What do you think? Leave a comment, s'il vous plait. Also did a little updating to the contents: Ask Me, 1st Celeb Crush, Your Mind, Affiliates, & Bootylicious Boys (you'll never guess who I added, heh).
This is my last full week of summer vacation :( I'm filled with sadness knowing that I'll soon be deprived of everything summer. I scheduled a hair appointment too. A cut and highlight, possibly a carmel color. BUT I'M SO SCARED. I've never had my hair colored before (does markers count?). What if it turns out fugly? What will I do then?!?!!? AHHHH. *screams in horror*
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
I think I fell in love today. My mom and I went to Portland, stopped at Pioneer Place and then that is when I saw it......Bebe. The best store ever. If I had money I'd buy like all my stuff from there. But instead I'm poor and have to buy all my stuff from the fashionable child labor mecca, Forever 21. Pioneer has some really cool stores. We have a Louis Vuitton. Yes, Oregon does. So I decided that when I'm in my 20's with a successful career I will buy everything from Bebe and live in a nice high-rise apartment with a kick ass dog and hot boyfriend. And wear high heels. Not the wimpy 2 inch ones but the serious heels. The ones where you could take out a man's left testicle with one swift kick. Which would put me at a staggering 6 feet.
We also visited Lewis and Clark College. The campus is very beautiful and in a good location but it's not the right school for me. I need to start thinking about colleges because application deadlines are going to sneak up quick. Like the random down pours thoughout today. It is the middle of August and I wore a down jacket almost all day. Something is wrong with this picture. DAMN EL NINO.
Note to stupid visitors: If you don't have anything useful to say and DON'T understand sarcasm, please refrain from commenting. Thank you.
ie: hey don't want to sound stupid but why do i have dreams about Michael Phelps?
I don't know. Why the fuck should I know? And whoever came to my site by searching for "John Edwards shirtless" is a sick freak. You should be ashamed of yourself! FYI: I'm PMSing.
We also visited Lewis and Clark College. The campus is very beautiful and in a good location but it's not the right school for me. I need to start thinking about colleges because application deadlines are going to sneak up quick. Like the random down pours thoughout today. It is the middle of August and I wore a down jacket almost all day. Something is wrong with this picture. DAMN EL NINO.
Note to stupid visitors: If you don't have anything useful to say and DON'T understand sarcasm, please refrain from commenting. Thank you.
ie: hey don't want to sound stupid but why do i have dreams about Michael Phelps?
I don't know. Why the fuck should I know? And whoever came to my site by searching for "John Edwards shirtless" is a sick freak. You should be ashamed of yourself! FYI: I'm PMSing.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
I got my school packet on Friday--I have like, no classes haha. It's scary that I'm a senior, like Frankenstein's malnutritioned clone scary. Yesterday my senior pictures arrived. They are okay. I thought they would turn out better and admittedly I'm disappointed. There is only one that I truly like. The shadowing really sucks in some of them *hits photographer*. Plus I think some of them would be nicer if I had a better face hahaha. It's like in Ms. Doubtfire, "Face....I need a face!" Then she sticks her face in the frosting of a cake. Maybe I'll get a nose job or something.
The internet is working on my computer again so expect a new layout soon.
Since I'm getting SO many referrals from the likes of, "Michael Phelps shirtless", "Hot Pictures of Michael Phelps ", "michael phelps hot body", "Michael Phelps is cute", etc. I don't dare disappoint, so here is a hot picture of Michael Phelps shirtless:
I...I....i....omg. I can die happy now.

But sorry ladies (and men too...), he has a girlfriend. That bitch is LUCKY. If he swims like that in the water, can you imagine....okay I'm going to stop now before I go crazy. People on this site are already taking about marriage, divorce and other rumors. They remind me of Hanson fans.
The internet is working on my computer again so expect a new layout soon.
Since I'm getting SO many referrals from the likes of, "Michael Phelps shirtless", "Hot Pictures of Michael Phelps ", "michael phelps hot body", "Michael Phelps is cute", etc. I don't dare disappoint, so here is a hot picture of Michael Phelps shirtless:
I...I....i....omg. I can die happy now.
But sorry ladies (and men too...), he has a girlfriend. That bitch is LUCKY. If he swims like that in the water, can you imagine....okay I'm going to stop now before I go crazy. People on this site are already taking about marriage, divorce and other rumors. They remind me of Hanson fans.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
There was a 4.7 earthquake off the coast of Newport last night and I felt it...ahhhh. We were watching the Olympics around 9 or so and all the sudden the house creeked a little and my chair was shaking. I haven't been in one for a long time. Sometime in the future there is supposed to be this huge destrucitve earthquake that will destroy everything in the Northwest. Good times.
I'm starting to make a Michael Phelps fanlisting. I'm not obsessed *looks around*. If anyone is willing to host it and help me set up the PHPFanbase (cause I'm stupid) then that would be very cool!
I decided that one day I'm going to dye my hair red (make note of the one day part). A nice auburn red with some fun lighter, natural-looking highlights. Also very good times.
Special plugs: Becca, for always commenting abd being my friend. And to Ryan, for wishing me a happy birthday in his blog that I just now saw.
I'm starting to make a Michael Phelps fanlisting. I'm not obsessed *looks around*. If anyone is willing to host it and help me set up the PHPFanbase (cause I'm stupid) then that would be very cool!
I decided that one day I'm going to dye my hair red (make note of the one day part). A nice auburn red with some fun lighter, natural-looking highlights. Also very good times.
Special plugs: Becca, for always commenting abd being my friend. And to Ryan, for wishing me a happy birthday in his blog that I just now saw.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Pictures went really well. It sprinkled a little bit though and I kept blinking (gah!).
I'm so glad the Olymics are finally here! Swimming is my favorite event. I mean, just LOOK at their bodies. Ok and I watch it partly for Michael Phelps...
/start teenybopper moment/
/end teeny moment/
*cough* Anyway, I hope Michael wins a lot of gold because he deserves it. He is an incredible athlete. Watching all this swimming on TV makes me want to take lessons again and become a professional swimmer so I could marry Michael Phelps. Eerh I MEAN, so I could umm..swim? But no really, I stopped taking lessons 5 years ago because I reached the highest level. I wish I would've pursued it after that. Look at me. I'm only 17 years old and I already have regrets.
You can't resist the MP.
I'm so glad the Olymics are finally here! Swimming is my favorite event. I mean, just LOOK at their bodies. Ok and I watch it partly for Michael Phelps...
/start teenybopper moment/
/end teeny moment/
*cough* Anyway, I hope Michael wins a lot of gold because he deserves it. He is an incredible athlete. Watching all this swimming on TV makes me want to take lessons again and become a professional swimmer so I could marry Michael Phelps. Eerh I MEAN, so I could umm..swim? But no really, I stopped taking lessons 5 years ago because I reached the highest level. I wish I would've pursued it after that. Look at me. I'm only 17 years old and I already have regrets.
You can't resist the MP.
Monday, August 09, 2004
Yes, I realize that Uggs are very ugly and are for fashionistas who want to be trendy. But mother of pearl, they are SO comfortable. If they weren't so *cough* interesting looking and extremely trendy, then I would wear them EVERYWHERE. Even to bed. They are the most comfy shoe I've ever tried on. (Becca, this shoe store down here where I found them is so cool...I think you'd like it lol.)
Ice cream is good on hot days. Especially chocolate like I just had 20 minutes ago. I think I'm getting a slight tan. It wouldn't be considered tan on anyone else but for me it is a drastic change.
I was just thinking about school and I really don't want to go back. Like really, really. That place is dumb. The people suck and the actual building is disgusting. And the education? What education? Ha.
Ice cream is good on hot days. Especially chocolate like I just had 20 minutes ago. I think I'm getting a slight tan. It wouldn't be considered tan on anyone else but for me it is a drastic change.
I was just thinking about school and I really don't want to go back. Like really, really. That place is dumb. The people suck and the actual building is disgusting. And the education? What education? Ha.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Senior pictures are next Friday. I have almost all of my outfits and make up situation planned out but hair is another thing. I shudder at the subject of my hair. I've been attempting to get a (slight) tan before the 13th rolls around but the weather has been horrible. Overcast. Rainy. Grey. Blech.
My aunt, two cousins and I went to the coast today. I tried shea butter for the first time. The beach was foggy yet surprisingly warm...for the Oregon Coast on a cloudy day. The fog was so dense that you could barely see the ocean from the sand. It was kind of a cool effect. Then some dumb fuck was body boarding. He was decked out in a full on body suit that had a HAT lmfao. We were joking that he probably had gloves and footies hehe. We went to the ice cream parlor afterwards (ahh the sweet aromas of ice cream) and the cutest guy was working there. When I saw him I felt this instant attraction. A Topher Grace clone except taller, darker and handsomer. We kept stealing long glances at eachother. It was like lust at first sight. Le sigh. I need some boy love.
Thanks to everyone who has commented on the last few entires! A hug and a half for you guys. :)
Attempt at audience interaction:
Name one thing you want to know about me.
My aunt, two cousins and I went to the coast today. I tried shea butter for the first time. The beach was foggy yet surprisingly warm...for the Oregon Coast on a cloudy day. The fog was so dense that you could barely see the ocean from the sand. It was kind of a cool effect. Then some dumb fuck was body boarding. He was decked out in a full on body suit that had a HAT lmfao. We were joking that he probably had gloves and footies hehe. We went to the ice cream parlor afterwards (ahh the sweet aromas of ice cream) and the cutest guy was working there. When I saw him I felt this instant attraction. A Topher Grace clone except taller, darker and handsomer. We kept stealing long glances at eachother. It was like lust at first sight. Le sigh. I need some boy love.
Thanks to everyone who has commented on the last few entires! A hug and a half for you guys. :)
Attempt at audience interaction:
Name one thing you want to know about me.
Sunday, August 01, 2004
I'm on our other computer (our rouder went out so my laptop doesn't have the net) an holy shit, this layout looks SO UGLY on here. The green is like baby poop green. It will be changed when everything is fixed.
Today I decided that after I graduate from college, I will live in a somewhat large, bustling city. Then as I get settled down, I will live on a farm surrounded by nothing but vast beautiful land. With peach orchards. Crops of green bean. Lots of bright flowers. It is so peaceful in the country. I always feel a calmness wash over my body when I am standing underneath the swaying trees.
Al Sharpton's speech at the Democratic Nation Convention was amazing. Very moving. He is a passionate speaker that says what is on his mind. I admire that, and I admire him. John Edwards did a good job too. Kerry was mediocre. I'm not a big fan of his at any rate. But for the sake of our country (and others) I hope that Bush does not get re-elected. I would vote for Kerry if I was at voting age just so Bush could get the hell off our country's podium.
Mr. President, in all due respect, Mr. President, read my lips: Our vote is not for sale...
Today I decided that after I graduate from college, I will live in a somewhat large, bustling city. Then as I get settled down, I will live on a farm surrounded by nothing but vast beautiful land. With peach orchards. Crops of green bean. Lots of bright flowers. It is so peaceful in the country. I always feel a calmness wash over my body when I am standing underneath the swaying trees.
Al Sharpton's speech at the Democratic Nation Convention was amazing. Very moving. He is a passionate speaker that says what is on his mind. I admire that, and I admire him. John Edwards did a good job too. Kerry was mediocre. I'm not a big fan of his at any rate. But for the sake of our country (and others) I hope that Bush does not get re-elected. I would vote for Kerry if I was at voting age just so Bush could get the hell off our country's podium.
Mr. President, in all due respect, Mr. President, read my lips: Our vote is not for sale...
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