Monday, November 08, 2004

AAAHAHAHAAHA, Michael Phelps arrested for DUI, then apologizes. lmfao This is just too freaking funny. It would even better if he was arrested on "Michael Phelps Way". His coach was saying that that was not the real Michael, what you saw in Athens in the REAL Mike. Psh, whatever remind me of Ashley Greyson. haha Ooh, BUURN.

Each time I see a new ad for a reality television premier, I think, "TV is getting worse everyday! It can't go down the drain even MORE. Because we are already at the sewage treatment plant." But it does get worse, does. With shows such as, "Nanny 911", "The Rebel Billionaire", "Wife Swap", "The Scholar" and the list continues into the night. I enjoy mindless entertainment, but damn. I at least want it to be amusing and half-way decent, not idiotic! And no, airing it in HDTV will not entice me to watch your stupid show. When will it be over God, when? *shakes hands towards sky and weeps*

I saw Natalie Portman on Oprah the other day promoting "Closer" (dude I was watching Oprah, wtf?). She is just so cute! If I had to trade places with a 'famous' person for a day, it'd be her. I can't wait for "Closer"...partly because of Jude Law.

For future reference, when copying and pasting words from Babel Fish, make sure to change the font to the font you are using no matter HOW similar they look, because if you don't the teacher will know. NOT like I'm speaking from experience or anything. Heh. It was only a couple of phrases, okay!?!?

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