Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Previous attempts to grow house plants and flowers have turned into failures, as I coined myself with having a brown thumb (as opposed to green...not like that other kind of brown, euuhh). But miraculously my thumb isn't so brown after all! By some twist of fate, I have three thriving house plants. One is a Japanese Peace Lilly (currently nameless, poor guy), which has at least doubled in size since November; second is a Dieffenbachia named Stimpy; third is bamboo which has three shoots to symbolizes happiness.

Do you have a pair of shoes that you always trip in? I wore that particular pair today. I tripped like three times, it never fails!

Today I also saw a Jamaican-looking guy downtown on a "low-rider" bicycle. It had a freaking huge stereo system attached to a cart the back, appropriately blasting Reggae. I can't even explain it, it was so amazing. It was so out of place, yet I admired the guy for his boldness. I wanted to stop and ask all sorts of questions. It would suck if he wanted to stop somewhere and had to lock up his bike...someone would definitely steal it! Or at least get a piece or two off of it.

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