Monday, June 30, 2003

I'm so wrapped up in Hanson right now. All this excitement for the tour, new pictures and songs is making me go crazy. I NEED TOUR DATES NOW. And they must come to Oregon! But then when the tour dates are announced I'm so going to crap my pants haha. I hanven't been this ungulfed in Hanson since three years ago when their last album came out. I'm seriously going crazy waiting for these stupid tour dates to be posted. Enough about Hanson because I know you don't want me to babble on about them.

If you live in the Oregon/Washington area and want to see John Mayer on July 10th at the Clark County Ampitheatre, purchase tickets here. It's going to be an awesome go! I also updated the contents so you are just going to have to click that little contents link to your top right to see what I did. There is going to be a new layout soon too. I am tired of looking at this one. I've yet to design one though...

Thank you Amiee! Have a Happy 4th too. :) That reminds me...I need to get some fireworks.

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Woah, this is freaking me out man...Blogger redesigned everything. I hope none of my crap got messed or up. Anyway! Go get Michelle Branch's "Hotel Paper"! It rocks and I've been listening to it non-stop. This CD is a little more mellow than the last and I love everything about it. The lyrics are "sentimental" and I can relate to so many of her songs. I luff it and you will too. So go buy it....or else you will have to mess with the concequences *slips on boxing gloves*. I also created a small little skirmish at the Michelle Branch Message Board hehe. Go check it out (note: I'm brachingout). Yes I'm proud of myself for speaking my mind and letting my PMS get to me haha. I also get Rooney's new CD, titled "Rooney". And that one also knocked my pants off. So there is my second recomendation for today. :)

Sunday, June 22, 2003

There are some weird garage sale junkies running lose in this crazy world. I never knew they could be so umm...mentally unstable until the other day when I helped my parents with one we had. This lady came speeding up into our drive way and parked about two inches away from our garage. I thought she was going to drive into our garage at full speed! haha The first hour was full of people buying our junk but the rest of the enredibly long 6 hours was a bore. I went to pick strawberries today. I love real strawberries! The ones from grocery stores are usually not that good.

I don't see why so many people are criticizing VH1's Top 100 Songs of the Past 25 Years. Yeah some of them suck but the majority are really good pieces of work that've changed music. I love the comment Zac Hanson made on Lenny Kravitz's "Are you gonna go my way?", "It just makes you black with dreads." Ok well I thought it was funny becuase Zac is just funny and plain hot. And god damnit I love Hanson! Yes laugh all you want. But I just heard some of their new music and holy crap, I love them even more. They are so talented and don't get the credit they deserve because people think they are still all 12 with long hair and look like girls. Um yeah, that is not the case now and I'm typing really fast right now, just to let you know.

And thank you to the three awesome chicas who commented: Kathy, Amiee and Mez.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

I reccomend that you not see "Hollywood Homicide". The only good part of it was Josh Hartnett and the last 20 mimutes of the movie. The rest was so boring and I was sitting there thinking, "When is this moving going to end?" So afterwards Tiff, Sara, Anthony and I went back to his house and just hung out and talked. It was mostly just me and him talking and occasionaly Sara. I felt bad for Tiffany, it looked like she was pissed off and not having a good time. I've been trying to call her to see what was wrong but she's not been home. You know what cracks me up? The "Mrazda" in Jason Mraz's "The Remedy" video. Everytime I see it I laugh so hard. I dunno why, it's just really funny. Mrazda...hahaha.

I almost choked to death the other night. Usually when I choke I can still breathe but this time I was coughing and gasping for air but nothing was moving through my lungs. My mom had to do the Heimlich maneuver on me. It is the scariest feeling not being able to breathe. *shudders* I never want to have to experience that again.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

::sings:: I am sick, sick. So very sick, sick. ::ends singing:: Ha yeeeah, why is it that I have to be sick? My nose is beyond stuffy and I have to blow it every 5 seconds. And it hurts because it's rubbed raw. I don't want to stay up all night blowing my nose like I did last night. I actually want to SLEEP. Who ever gave me this crap should be hit.....many times. Oo, I just sneezed and it cleared my nasal passages. I CAN BREATHE! Scratch that, it was on a temporary relief.

Now that schools out I don't have much to talk/complain about. There has to be something because I don't want to bore you guys even more that I already do! haha Well I checked and there's nothing. Yes I know I'm fast. Speed racer! Thanks Sez for leaving a comment and to everyone who has signed my guestbook lately. Much appreciated. :)

Friday, June 13, 2003

So my summer vacation has started and I'm already bored. I also managed to catch a cold--sore throat and cough. Yay, perfect timing...not. I think the girl I sat next to in math give it to me. Grrr. I haven't really done anything so far. Just sat around, watched TV, talked on the phone and went on the computer. I need to do stuff with friends! I wanted to the night we got out of school but everyone was already busy.

I wonder when the sunny weather will return? I miss it already. Thanks Wingyee and Amiee for commenting.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

One more day left of school....then I'm free for 3 months! "I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it. I know, I know, I know that I want you." I think that's how the song goes haha. I bought this really crappy 89 cent eye liner and BI-Mart today. I don't really know why lol. It was just kind of funny and cheap so I got it. The people at BI-Mart probably think we're weird (and theives--they follow us around and give us weird looks....yeah, like we're gonna steal something from BI-Mart of all places) because we go in there like 3 times a week at the same time. But hey, there's nothing else to do during our free period. I saw the hottest guy today and I thought be had to at least be a sophmore but nooo, he is a freshman haha. But I don't care, he is still good lookin'! I bit the side of my cheek 3 times when I was eating lunch...I amaze myself sometimes.

I updated the contents so you're just going to have to take a peak at it. AND thank you Mez for this awesome fan sign (I haven't gotten one in forever, so if you'd like to give me one that would be very nice):

You're welcome for everything...I <3 you Mezzie!

Friday, June 06, 2003

It is so hot in here. Give me a mini fridge so I can stick my head in it! lol My parents don't want to put the air conditioning on because we are going to be gone this weekend. We have gradution parties and relatives birthday's to go to. Fun, fun, fun. And last night there was absolutely no breeze so my room was frickin hot. I got the cutest swim suit yesterday. And hey, what'd ya's purple (I love purple). I also got my hair cut. It's basically a trim, but it's a little something different and plus I needed all the split ends chopped off. They styled it with a flat iron and it looked really good. I tryed to mimic it this morning with a curling iron but yeah....that didn't work out too well.

I feel horrible. Tiff wanted me to ask Anthony if he liked her and he said "No, I've never thought of her that way. That's weird. Why'd you ask?" And ever since then he has been acting weird and not flitry with Tiff. I hope that things go back to normal because I feel so bad since I made this happen. He was flirting with me today at lunch and I was thinking "No, no! Flirt with Tiffany! She is sitting right next to you." But obviously he didn't get my telapathic wavs lol. And thanks to the two lovely ladies, Mez and Amiee for commenting.

Monday, June 02, 2003

Only 7 more days of school left. Wooohoo! I can't wait. I cannot believe this year is almost over, it's gone by so fast. But during the summer I get to sleep in, relax and not worry about homework at all. And later on this week it is going to be high 80's and low 90's. Yeeeaah. We usually don't get that kind of weather around here. Warm weather is fun and it makes me feel happy. I'm so loving in a warm climate when I'm older. Today I came home and realized there was something on my butt and at first I thought it was a period stain and I was like, "Great! That's just what I needed." But then I looked closer and it was green....some kind of grass stain. The weird thing is, I wasn't sitting in grass at all today. ha I wonder how long I walked around with that crap on my butt?

Unpdates in the contents later on in the week--I'm too lazy to do them now lol. I didn't realize the text was going crazy for so many people. Sorry guys! Thanks Lillian, Sez, Amiee and Mandy for commenting. :)