Sunday, June 22, 2003

There are some weird garage sale junkies running lose in this crazy world. I never knew they could be so umm...mentally unstable until the other day when I helped my parents with one we had. This lady came speeding up into our drive way and parked about two inches away from our garage. I thought she was going to drive into our garage at full speed! haha The first hour was full of people buying our junk but the rest of the enredibly long 6 hours was a bore. I went to pick strawberries today. I love real strawberries! The ones from grocery stores are usually not that good.

I don't see why so many people are criticizing VH1's Top 100 Songs of the Past 25 Years. Yeah some of them suck but the majority are really good pieces of work that've changed music. I love the comment Zac Hanson made on Lenny Kravitz's "Are you gonna go my way?", "It just makes you black with dreads." Ok well I thought it was funny becuase Zac is just funny and plain hot. And god damnit I love Hanson! Yes laugh all you want. But I just heard some of their new music and holy crap, I love them even more. They are so talented and don't get the credit they deserve because people think they are still all 12 with long hair and look like girls. Um yeah, that is not the case now and I'm typing really fast right now, just to let you know.

And thank you to the three awesome chicas who commented: Kathy, Amiee and Mez.

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