Friday, June 06, 2003

It is so hot in here. Give me a mini fridge so I can stick my head in it! lol My parents don't want to put the air conditioning on because we are going to be gone this weekend. We have gradution parties and relatives birthday's to go to. Fun, fun, fun. And last night there was absolutely no breeze so my room was frickin hot. I got the cutest swim suit yesterday. And hey, what'd ya's purple (I love purple). I also got my hair cut. It's basically a trim, but it's a little something different and plus I needed all the split ends chopped off. They styled it with a flat iron and it looked really good. I tryed to mimic it this morning with a curling iron but yeah....that didn't work out too well.

I feel horrible. Tiff wanted me to ask Anthony if he liked her and he said "No, I've never thought of her that way. That's weird. Why'd you ask?" And ever since then he has been acting weird and not flitry with Tiff. I hope that things go back to normal because I feel so bad since I made this happen. He was flirting with me today at lunch and I was thinking "No, no! Flirt with Tiffany! She is sitting right next to you." But obviously he didn't get my telapathic wavs lol. And thanks to the two lovely ladies, Mez and Amiee for commenting.

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