Saturday, July 19, 2003

I found the coolest shoe botique today. They actually have cute flats and "almost flats", unlike the department stores. And not all of their schoes have 4" heels like the ones I find at the mall. Finally a place that has good shoes! *dances* But they are a little expensive. One day, one day, I will have enough money to buy a nice pair of shoes. Ooh or maybe I could work there and get a discount. Like they'd hire some crazed 15 year old haha *runs around in circles with shoes packed tightly under the arms*. No wait! Almost 16 year old. My birthday is in 8 days! What are you planning to get me? *grin* I am feeling a little weird today. It probably is the sun and all that sugar in the Slurpee I had earlier. *does back flips* WEEEEEEEE!

Thank you Mez for commenting! She has a wonderful new layout so go check that out. Now I am off to visit other blogoramas! Heh new word, meaning a blog with pazazz. I'm not sure if that is how you spell reminds me of jazz which also reminds me of jazzerscise. Which is a very funny concept haha and the name always makes me laugh. (Note to self: I need help! "Help is on the way dear, help is on the way!" -Mrs.Doubtfire)

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