Wednesday, July 30, 2003

I got my "bed in a bag" set up the other day and it looks so awesome, my room feels complete and comfy now. With school approaching, I've been thinking about the next couple of years a lot. They are going to be so stressful--national exams, senior project, college plans, etc. The PSAT'S are in October and do I have a clue what they are about? No. I should start studying soon. With all this going on it is making me feel like I have to grow up to fast, and I really don't want to. But I do at the same time. Maybe I am just sad that my childhood is leaving and I'm moving into a new stage in life. *waves goodbye to carefree life*

After I got my top wisdom teeth out a couple of months ago, I wanted to let them heal properly so I didn't wear my retainer. Oooh that was a bad idea. My teeth started moving and my retainer doesn't fit properly. I've been wearing it nonstop lately so get them back into place but it's not working very well. There are a little spaces between the two teeth right next to my front ones and other places. And erh, I don't know what to do because I can't tell my parents would flip since they spent so much money on my braces. I didn't think that they would move like this because I've had my braces off for a couple of years. Hopefully they'll get back into place soon! lol I finally got the Maroon 5 CD (yay for gift certificates). Ah it rocks! I suggest that you buy it. Thank you to everyone who has commented the past couple entires: Anna, Sez (go visit her new domain!), Lillian and Mez. Much love! And I can't forget Cheryl for signing the gbook :).

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