Thursday, August 28, 2003
I went and saw 3 Doors Down the other night in concert (8/26 at the OR State Fair)! It was so awesome! They are a great live band. I'll have the review soon, I need to find the set list somewhere. And it just so happened that I went to to TJ Maxx and saw that they were hiring. Finally some place to work! So I picked up an application and am returning it tomorrow. Wish me luck. But my hopes aren't high cause I'm not expecting anything. I have zero retail experience...well zero work experience for that matter lol. Hmm yeah I don't have much else to say. School is coming soon, pictures even sooner and I have a big zit. It's one of those under the skin pimples *shudders* WHY do I always get them before pictures, why?!? It's happened every year for the past 3 years or something haha. Hopefully the size will go down soon. I can't believe summer is basically over. It's gone by waaaay too fast for my liking. The most exciting thing I did was see John Mayer and 3 Doors Down in concert lol. Ha yeah, the exciting life of Ashley.
Monday, August 25, 2003
God I swear blogger is retarded. I want to get rid of this thing but I don't know what else to use....I liked greymatter but I never understood how install it myself haha. ARG and so is hotmail. It keeps saying "Server too busy." BUSY MY ASS. Alkjashf. Hey guess what? I'm a part of the Offcial Hanosn Street Team for Oregon haha. I posted flyers around town today, hopefully that will sell at least one ticket. And if you want, you can by a ticket here cause I know you want to see Hanson in Portland *wink*.
Nothing too exciting happening here. Ooh wait, what am I saying? Katie and I almost got into some crapola the other day. We went shopping downtown and her mom just happened to be in the area when Katie needed directions to a dance shop. I wasn't supposed to be with her since her 6 months isn't up. And when she was on the phone with her mom she reailzed that she was almost out of gas. Then her mom insisted in coming down to see her. I ran into a nearby shop and stayed there for about 10 minutes before Katie was able to come pcik me up. The lady in the store thought I was going to steal something haha. She was so suspicious of me. Yeah, like I am going to steal a swatch of frabric you idiot! Anyway I had to stay ducked in the backseat until we got out of downtown. I was in the worst position lol. It was greaaat. But if Katie's mom would've found out she was driving with me they would've taken her license away until her 6 months were up. Hotmail is still being a bitch. Ahh I need a real computer desk, my back is killing me. I'm sitting ont he floor with my laptop proped on the box in came in haha. It just screams COMFROT! Ha nooo.
Nothing too exciting happening here. Ooh wait, what am I saying? Katie and I almost got into some crapola the other day. We went shopping downtown and her mom just happened to be in the area when Katie needed directions to a dance shop. I wasn't supposed to be with her since her 6 months isn't up. And when she was on the phone with her mom she reailzed that she was almost out of gas. Then her mom insisted in coming down to see her. I ran into a nearby shop and stayed there for about 10 minutes before Katie was able to come pcik me up. The lady in the store thought I was going to steal something haha. She was so suspicious of me. Yeah, like I am going to steal a swatch of frabric you idiot! Anyway I had to stay ducked in the backseat until we got out of downtown. I was in the worst position lol. It was greaaat. But if Katie's mom would've found out she was driving with me they would've taken her license away until her 6 months were up. Hotmail is still being a bitch. Ahh I need a real computer desk, my back is killing me. I'm sitting ont he floor with my laptop proped on the box in came in haha. It just screams COMFROT! Ha nooo.
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
I'm on my new laptop and DSL right :). It is so awesome! You guys should see it..lalalala. I got my schedule the other day and they gave me NO electives. Wtf? My school is retarded! And I don't think I have a lot of clases with my friends either. Eh oh well. I am getting my hair cut today. I'm thinking of shaving it all off, GI Jane style haha. Just kidding. I'll probably do the same thing I always do, cut a couple inches off the bottom and taper it in the front. I would do something more wild but I have a new problems, 1. I don't know WHAT I would do and 2. I got a horrible hair cut in 6th grade (think Brady Bunches' mom *shudders*) and ever since I am scared to do anything drastic. I don't have a desk for my laptop yet and the bottom on it gets really warm so my legs are buring lol. I don't have much to say so I will stop writing and boring youto death.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
I really want to see "Le Divorce" only because I like the song at the end of the preview haha. Shut up, it's cool. I got my Portland ticket for Hanson today :). I accidently chose to print them out on my computer instead of having them shipped. So I had to call and get that all straightened out. The first lady I talked to was such a beeotch. But then the second guy was very nice and curteous. My laptop should be getting here anyday now! I can't wait to get on it and put all my crap on there. I can do anything I want with it cause it's miiiiine. It's gonna be a bitchin' laptop, yo LOL. I'm going to call it "Lil' 15-incher". ha Don't ask...I just had a smoothie earlier and all the natural sugar is going to my head heeehe.
And I hate this new blogger design/system. Everytime I go to publish it keeps refreshing forever *hits blogger*. Thank you Becca and Mez for commenting.
And I hate this new blogger design/system. Everytime I go to publish it keeps refreshing forever *hits blogger*. Thank you Becca and Mez for commenting.
Saturday, August 09, 2003
I think my friend Tiffany has been brainwashed by a religious cult...seriously. The past 5 months or so she has been really into going to chruch and being religious. Up until a few days ago I thought it was all fine and dandy and I could care she has totally changed her belief system in an instant. It's like she is going along with the other people at school because they believe it too and also because she has been brainwashed (I'm convinced). Tiffany is never going to date until she marries. She believes that when she finds the right guy, God will tell her because this guy will have everything she wants in a man. She won't even HANG OUT with a guy on a one and one basis. She was obligated to hang out with Anthony and was trying to drag me along because she can't/does't want to hang out with just a guy and her. I just told her I didn't want to because I don't want to be USED. I reeeaaally don't want to be her "fair weather friend" for this stupid religious belief. I'm not going to be and if she begs me to go next time I am going to tell her how I feel. I mean, I don't really care if she is very Christian but when it comes to this...I mean COME ON! I can understand the dating part but not the hanging out part, especially if it envolves using me. And it is just a freaking guy! He is not going to kill you. We used to be good friends but now I can see that going down the drain because frankly I don't want to hang out with a person who is crazy like that. It's just no fun. That's why I've never really been interested in being regligious. I don't agree with a lot of their beliefs, how they treat situations, what they do, etc. It's actually kind of scary how much Tiffany has changed and become a brainwashed follower.
OOooh guess what? I got a Seattle ticket for Hanson! The next thing coming up is the pre-sale on the 13th for Portland. I have to get a tickt to that. We also ordered my new laptop yesterday! My own computer..yay :). Thank you to all who've commented on the past couple of entires and have signed the guestbook.
OOooh guess what? I got a Seattle ticket for Hanson! The next thing coming up is the pre-sale on the 13th for Portland. I have to get a tickt to that. We also ordered my new laptop yesterday! My own computer..yay :). Thank you to all who've commented on the past couple of entires and have signed the guestbook.
Monday, August 04, 2003
Oh crap, I deleted my whole entry I just wrote. Grrr. I haven't blogged in a while for some reason...sorry! Anyway, since Katie got her license we have been driving around a little. We went to pick up a movie the other night and cruise around to other places. At 10:30 we stopped by Christina's just to say hi. We stood at her driveway flailing our arms trying to get her attention without making any noise. It onviously wasn't working so we looked for a rock to throw at the window haha. All of the sudden her Dad walks into the room and we were like "Oh crap!" and took a run for it. We were craking up so hard by the time we stopped. Then after two or so more times of driving by her house, she still didn't see us lol. Jason left Phantom Planet. That sucks because they were a great band. I wonder what they are going to do now?
Look what Cheryl gave me! Isn't she the best? :)
Portland - Sept.9th
Seattle - Sept. 10th
OOOHH YEAH BABY! You know were I'll be then! *dances*

Look what Cheryl gave me! Isn't she the best? :)
Portland - Sept.9th
Seattle - Sept. 10th
OOOHH YEAH BABY! You know were I'll be then! *dances*
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