Oh crap, I deleted my whole entry I just wrote. Grrr. I haven't blogged in a while for some reason...sorry! Anyway, since Katie got her license we have been driving around a little. We went to pick up a movie the other night and cruise around to other places. At 10:30 we stopped by Christina's just to say hi. We stood at her driveway flailing our arms trying to get her attention without making any noise. It onviously wasn't working so we looked for a rock to throw at the window haha. All of the sudden her Dad walks into the room and we were like "Oh crap!" and took a run for it. We were craking up so hard by the time we stopped. Then after two or so more times of driving by her house, she still didn't see us lol. Jason left Phantom Planet. That sucks because they were a great band. I wonder what they are going to do now?
Look what
Cheryl gave me! Isn't she the best? :)
Portland - Sept.9th
Seattle - Sept. 10th
OOOHH YEAH BABY! You know were I'll be then! *dances*
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