Monday, August 25, 2003

God I swear blogger is retarded. I want to get rid of this thing but I don't know what else to use....I liked greymatter but I never understood how install it myself haha. ARG and so is hotmail. It keeps saying "Server too busy." BUSY MY ASS. Alkjashf. Hey guess what? I'm a part of the Offcial Hanosn Street Team for Oregon haha. I posted flyers around town today, hopefully that will sell at least one ticket. And if you want, you can by a ticket here cause I know you want to see Hanson in Portland *wink*.

Nothing too exciting happening here. Ooh wait, what am I saying? Katie and I almost got into some crapola the other day. We went shopping downtown and her mom just happened to be in the area when Katie needed directions to a dance shop. I wasn't supposed to be with her since her 6 months isn't up. And when she was on the phone with her mom she reailzed that she was almost out of gas. Then her mom insisted in coming down to see her. I ran into a nearby shop and stayed there for about 10 minutes before Katie was able to come pcik me up. The lady in the store thought I was going to steal something haha. She was so suspicious of me. Yeah, like I am going to steal a swatch of frabric you idiot! Anyway I had to stay ducked in the backseat until we got out of downtown. I was in the worst position lol. It was greaaat. But if Katie's mom would've found out she was driving with me they would've taken her license away until her 6 months were up. Hotmail is still being a bitch. Ahh I need a real computer desk, my back is killing me. I'm sitting ont he floor with my laptop proped on the box in came in haha. It just screams COMFROT! Ha nooo.

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