New layout featuring the handsome Jude Law. Comments are gladly accepted. If the face scares you just scroll down, you ninnie! I was invited to see "Closer" with the Ladies Club (don't ask) tonight, but declined.
My room is clean and smells quite nice. Candles are a gift from the heavens. Looking at my leaning Tower of Pisa CD collection reminds me not only that I need to get a new CD rack, but I need to figure out how to take a song from a DVD and transfer it into iTunes, all while maintaining the quality. Take for example, Hanson's "Rip It Up" on "Underneath Acoutic Live". That is JUST an example and would nevvvverrr pirate Hanson music *cough, gag, choke*. Erm. Sooo if you have any knowledge in this area, it would be greatly appreciated.
The Nation Geographic Channel aired a program tonight on the Egyptian Pyramids. They had discovered hundreds of bakeries outlining the pyramids and the narrator commented, "While it was obvious they were not a colony of bread worshipers..." Lmfao. *bows down to bread* "Oh bread, how art thou special. Oh so delicious and wonderful. No doubt the bread of life. *bows down again and commences a series of hmmm's*. Note to self: Start a bread worshiping colony as soon as possible.
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