Thursday, April 21, 2005

My hot, tall love interest at Trade Joe's has a girlfriend. :( I heard the news today when he was talking about her to the customer in front of us. So I was all depressed and melancholy when he asked us how we were. But then he looked and me and was like, "How are YOU? I just want to see you smile!" I immediately feel out of my depression and was like, "I LOVE YOU. LET'S GO TO THE FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT AND MAKE OUT."

My jeans and necklace from Guess came in the mail today. They are perfecto (glam shots appearing soon hah). I bought some Acrylic paint supplies today to continue my "hands-on" art approach. I figured it's better to spend time doing something creative than wasting time watching TV or surfing the net.

Listening to Soft Cell's "Tainted Love" makes me want to dress in 80's retro digs with polka-dots, oversized white glasses, and accents of hot pink and neon green.

Taylor Hanson needs to stop procreating for the good of this world. I wouldn't be surprised if this one came out of his uterus this time around haha.

This makes me drool everytime I see it.

Attention: Affiliates Wanted Inquire here.

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