Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sometime, I would love to learn how to fly a plane. And paraglide too. The thought of wind against my face as I glide over the beauty of the Earth is simply enchanting.

I also had a revelation of sorts, I'm thinking of majoring in Dietetics with a double minor in French and Business Administration. It's a lot of fucking Bio and Chem and that is the only thing holding me back. Those are my weakest areas of study. I'll probably end up being in college for like 7 years haha. Dietetics seems like the right thing to do with my love of food and desire to help people, and its something I've always thought about doing. Once school starts in a few weeks, an advisor appointment is in order.

New Year's was kind of fun. Drama, drinking...lots of drinking (we got into a bar, well a restaurant bar), socializing, taking pictures of me and Katie with some random camera in the bathroom, and all that good stuff.

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