Saturday, May 24, 2003

I don't think my life can become any more stupid. Tiff, Anthony and I went to see Bruce Almighty last night (which by the way was hilarious--I suggest you go see it). Since I usually don't hang out with guys after school, my parents flipped. After I got home they lectured me like it was some huge, mega-disasterous deal. It is just a freaking guy! They went on about how, "We don't even know him. If you are going places with him than we need to sit down and have a little chit-chat with him and really get to know him. We need to know any guy before you hang around them. We condsider what you just went on a date and we think you are too young for that." Wtf? I am almost 16 and I'd understand where you are coming from if I was actually this guy's GIRLFRIEND not FRIEND. Then they started getting into how I am going to take a self-defense class this summer if I am going to be "dating" because it will "serve me for the rest of my life". I swear my mom was going to shit her pants because she was so frustrated and angry. I hate how my parents treat me like I'm their little girl who is 2 years old, not independent, helpless, ingnorant and like I don't know how to handle myself. My parents have always been way over protective and act like everything is a big deal. I want my parents to be NORMAL. Nobody's parents in the right mind would want to sit down and talk to their daughter's guy FRIENDS. Normal parents just meet them and say Hi and that's really it. None of my friend's parents act like guy friends are a big deal and don't care if they meet them. And definitely none of my friend's parents are making me take a fucking self-defense class. Why can't my parents be normal and not crazy-minded insane prision guards? I'm never going to be over protective of my kids...protective but not over the top. I can't wait to get out of this house. I'll be free from the gates of my parents and their STUPID rules.

The comments are being uncooperative and won't let me view them, so thanks to everyone who has commented over the past few days.

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