Saturday, September 04, 2004

Hmm, this layout is already boring me. What can I do to make this site more exciting? It's a total bore *hears snoring sounds from audience*. Oh wait, hold up, hold up, hold up (three times fast, bitch). I can get an exciting life! Yes, that is it. But where can I find one of those? I hear they are really hard to come by.

There is less than a week until school starts. DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK. NOOOOO, I won't do it!! Yeah, see most people are excited for their senior year. But I'm just like, "Blah. Whatever. Let's get it over with so I can move on to the next stage of life (where ever the hell that might be)."

Uh yeah. I guess that is all thats gonna come out of this blabbering mouth for tonight. I'm going to bed!

Plugs: Becca, April

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