Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I got these shoes the other day. I'm trying to figure out if I should keep them. They are super cute (I fee like an air head saying that) but don't really match much. What do you think?

I think I'm going to re-do my senior pictures--send back the ones I took back in August and go to another photographer. They lack professionalism. Would you want to pay $325 when in half of the pictures your face is shadowed beyond clarity? The few I do like I'm going to scan hahaha. Sneaky me.

This guy on TLC's makeover story said this today and I have decided it's my new moto: "I ain't got no booty but it does the duty."

Lovely commenters: Becca & Alex (You are a genious!! I love the contest idea. Next post I will start it.)

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