Saturday, September 11, 2004


A winner will be randomly selected (each submitter is given a number) and their layout idea (design my me) will be used on my site for at least one week. Plus the winner will get many plugs.

1. You must have a name and email to enter
2. You must submit an idea
3. You should check out this link

You can enter here or simply comment and include your name, email, site address (if applicable), and your layout idea.

Mad props to Alex for coming up with this. You roooock.


I went shopping today (again) and bought another pair of jeans. They were on sale Levi's.....I couldn't resist. You know me and jeans lol. They are very lowrise so I must be careful. Plumbers crack is so unattractive. Unless of course it is Michael Phelps, then that is a whole different story.

When football season is over I will be very glad. I won't have to contend with hearing my dad yelling at the TV and commenting on every play, call or statement the announcers say. Plus all of the other college football talk that happens in the days separating the games. It gets quite annoying. There are much more important aspects in life than football. Football is meaningless.

Yay for commenters: Tamara, Miranda, Ryan, Becca

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