Saturday, March 31, 2007

In an attempted to see what Don would do during this week apart, I've not called or texted him. Instead, I left it up to him do the work...and well, he has. Last night he told me that he missed me (aww). That's not something you'd expect after hanging out only two times. Maybe this is a sign for good things to come. :) I really can't wait to see him, then again I almost don't want Spring Break to end. Spending time with my friends and family without a worry of school or work is absolutely fabulous.

In his latest email, my TA (refer to previous entry) asked me out to coffee sometime. Heh. What is with me getting all these men lately? I like it.

I got a new phone today, to replace the old P.O.S., but the iTunes feature is not compatible with Mac. You think it would be considering iTunes is an original of Apple. Balls.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Katie and I went shopping today, where I splurged on a black leather BCBG purse: stylish but classic with an irresistible hot pink lining.

My foreign Math Teaching Assistant from this past term, whom I had an undying crush on, just emailed me to see how I was doing and if I did well in the class (cute). I meant visit him during office hours, purely with the means to seduce him (hehe) but never got the chance. I would see him random places around town, Starbucks, walking home on a Friday night with pounds of math books and homework to do. He is adorable.

I cannot wait to get back to school and see Don (Mr. Slightly-Punk). Plus this term should be wonderful. Spring term is always a good one with the flowers, sun and good spirits.

PS: It was Unpredictable's 6th fucking birthday on Feb. 25. I was like what...12, 13 years old? Jesus Christ!

EDIT // I would also like to mention something about a new fad that is sweeping the nation (maybe the fellow Canadians, I would like your input): the fashion sneaker. Quite comfortable yet fashionable and colorful. At first I was against the trend but have come to love it once I reluctantly joined in. Also, "sneaker" is on my list of "All Time Favorite Words of the English Language".

Thursday, March 22, 2007

OH. LA. LA. (Yes, a dramatic French "Oh la la" is direly needed in this case). More later on this certain subject *mr.slightlypunkomgheisamazing*. I don't want to say any more and jinx it.

Monday, March 19, 2007

One final down, two more to go and more than half of a 6x6, 1 lb. fudge brownie eaten solely by me. Opps. :) And what's even better is that strawberries were on sale 2 for 1! A brownie and strawberries makes a wonderful snack(s).

Mr. Slightly-Punk redeemed himself. But like any female, I played hard to get and we aren't hanging out until after finals (even though he suggested tonight). Ha. By playing hard/very hard to get, females assume that if the male really wants you he will keep trying, and if not then he wasn't that into you in the first place (great book, by the way). Maybe this isn't true but most of us females like to believe so.

I was also asked on another date by a guy whom I lived with in the dorms last year. Heh, I must be radiating some sort of single card. Or maybe I am just that smokin. Yes, yes, that is it.

During the upcoming Spring Break, I feel that a longing to finally create and post the "Photo Gallery" will gracefully fall upon me, so as to provide you with joyous moments in my life.

PS: Why is it that somehow I end up talking about food in every other blog?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

The date with Mr. Slightly-Punk went very well, amazing actually. He is freaking hilarious, so much so that I accidently snorted while laughing. Whoops. One of the best parts is that I can truly show him my real (dorky) personality. We have another date this weekend. I'm hoping that he is the change that I need.

The flowers are blooming. The sun is shining. There is finally life on campus. People are actually outside enjoying the beauty of nature instead of hovering inside, fearing it's wrath.

Finals=next week=procrastination=much eating of chocolate=I better get all A's.

Edit // Mr. Slightly-Punk is a tool. I think he was going to blow me off tonight until I called him. I don't know what to do, I've never been blown off before! WTF, asshole.

Monday, March 12, 2007

A Little Moment, A Little More Happiness
Best. Day. Ever. When someone asks for your number it always brightens your day:

Sierra and I were working out at the gym, lifting free weights and getting sooo buff. I noticed the abnormally number of attractive males, one in particualy who was dressed slightly punk (my weakness). We innocently eyed each other as I thought to myself, "I wish I was brave enough to talk to him." Later we attempted an ab workout called the "prayer" and for some reason I couldn't get in the correct form. A muscley, preppy and obvious gym rat showed me ther right form and later asked if he could join us haha. We left after that.

Walking out of the gym, out of the corner of my eye I see Mr. Slightly-Punk running around the track. I try to mumble something to Sierra, "that's him" as he comes running toward me, with full concentration on me. And like a scripted movie, he says something like, "I know this is kind of weird, but can I have your number to call you sometime?" HOLY SHNIT! Yes! I was very energetic and nice (according to Sierra). All I really remember is concentrating and trying so hard not to shake as I was writing my number down. That moment seems so clear in my head. This is what I needed. A little pick me up, a little hope. Even if he doesn't call (which he will be *crazy* not to), it will still make me smile.

That afternoon at Safeway, I tried to pay for my groceries with my OSU ID card. The checker said that it made his day haha. The small moments are always the ones that make you the happiest.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Isn't it funny how there are so many ups in downs in life? Right now, it is definitely an up--a stark contrast from a few days ago when I felt hopeless and alone. This afternoon, my roommie and did a little shopping. I got cute shirts on sale, one of which says "Peace Forever" and a small but cheerful indoor plant for my room. We made a quick stop at the quaint downtown Starbucks, where I ran into my TA who I have an undying, girly crush on. I can't resist a smart, funny, foreign man who also speaks French (in addition to his native language (Moroccan). He was SO nervous and twitchy when I was talking to him, it was absolutely adorable.

I'm getting addicted to coffee. Mochas, yuumm. I'm excited because now my mom and I can go out for coffee. I changed my major. More specifically, I added one--Interior Design. Yes, I'm doing it! It will mean four more years of schooling but its worth it. So now I'm double majoring in Business and Interiors, most likely with a minor in French. Sometimes I make too lofty of goals for myself but I know I can do it. I plan to offer eco-friendly design solutions, like opting for bamboo instead of rare rain forest woods, materials and products with low amounts of chemicals, etc.

My roommate is wonderful. We're always cracking each other up, making up the most random funny things to laugh at. Its such good medicine :). We can also talk of serious matters, which makes for a great balance.

I feel like something "incroyable" is going to happen very, very soon.