One final down, two more to go and more than half of a 6x6, 1 lb. fudge brownie eaten solely by me. Opps. :) And what's even better is that strawberries were on sale 2 for 1! A brownie and strawberries makes a wonderful snack(s).
Mr. Slightly-Punk redeemed himself. But like any female, I played hard to get and we aren't hanging out until after finals (even though he suggested tonight). Ha. By playing hard/very hard to get, females assume that if the male really wants you he will keep trying, and if not then he wasn't that into you in the first place (great book, by the way). Maybe this isn't true but most of us females like to believe so.
I was also asked on another date by a guy whom I lived with in the dorms last year. Heh, I must be radiating some sort of single card. Or maybe I am just that smokin. Yes, yes, that is it.
During the upcoming Spring Break, I feel that a longing to finally create and post the "Photo Gallery" will gracefully fall upon me, so as to provide you with joyous moments in my life.
PS: Why is it that somehow I end up talking about food in every other blog?
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