Saturday, March 17, 2007

The date with Mr. Slightly-Punk went very well, amazing actually. He is freaking hilarious, so much so that I accidently snorted while laughing. Whoops. One of the best parts is that I can truly show him my real (dorky) personality. We have another date this weekend. I'm hoping that he is the change that I need.

The flowers are blooming. The sun is shining. There is finally life on campus. People are actually outside enjoying the beauty of nature instead of hovering inside, fearing it's wrath.

Finals=next week=procrastination=much eating of chocolate=I better get all A's.

Edit // Mr. Slightly-Punk is a tool. I think he was going to blow me off tonight until I called him. I don't know what to do, I've never been blown off before! WTF, asshole.

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