Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Katie and I went shopping today, where I splurged on a black leather BCBG purse: stylish but classic with an irresistible hot pink lining.

My foreign Math Teaching Assistant from this past term, whom I had an undying crush on, just emailed me to see how I was doing and if I did well in the class (cute). I meant visit him during office hours, purely with the means to seduce him (hehe) but never got the chance. I would see him random places around town, Starbucks, walking home on a Friday night with pounds of math books and homework to do. He is adorable.

I cannot wait to get back to school and see Don (Mr. Slightly-Punk). Plus this term should be wonderful. Spring term is always a good one with the flowers, sun and good spirits.

PS: It was Unpredictable's 6th fucking birthday on Feb. 25. I was like what...12, 13 years old? Jesus Christ!

EDIT // I would also like to mention something about a new fad that is sweeping the nation (maybe the fellow Canadians, I would like your input): the fashion sneaker. Quite comfortable yet fashionable and colorful. At first I was against the trend but have come to love it once I reluctantly joined in. Also, "sneaker" is on my list of "All Time Favorite Words of the English Language".

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