Since yesterday, I've been completely engrossed in a new novel I picked up at the library titled The Queen of the Big Time. It's a silly little love story of an Italian-American girl who in the process of facing hardships finds her significant other(s). I'm always a sucker for a good love story. So if you've read any good fiction books, feel free to reccomend some.
A few people on the Hnet boards, people are like, "THANK GOD HANSON IS SAFE!" It's pretty pathetic that when a huge natural disater like this tsunami hits, and all some fans can think about is how Hanson just missed it by a couple of weeks. I always pass by the tsunami warning sign at the docks in Florence and chuckle because a huge wave crashing down on the town seems so unrealistic.
The other day I got to thinking that I'm reall smart in my subconcious haha. It sounds funny, but I think of the most ingenious things while being half-awake and half-asleep. Random things will pop into my mind, like a French word that I suddenly knowing the meaning of, or the answer to a test questions I couldn't think of, or recollections of a memory long forgotten. Most likely, many of us could prosper while in this state. But there would have to be some kind of catch, like a crazy machine strapped to your left pinky so you could fully function. While I'm fulling awake it feels like there is something mentally holding me back, but in this half-aware dream land I feel no boundries. That reminds me of our ecstasy project Freshman year hahaha. "You e-tard!"
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Monday, December 27, 2004
Something you should not try at home:
Burning your tongue on hot soup. Eating uncomfortably the whole day. Absent-mindedly forgetting your burned taste buds and brushing your tongue before bed (even with a "soft" toothbrush). Waking up the next day to the same condition. This leads to pain.
My closet is yearning for a new pair of jeans. Actually I am but hehe, it's easier to blame it on the closet. I am the jean queen. Although not so much lately because I've stopped wearing a select few. SO that means there is only 22345872394 left to wear! Gah. And that just isn't healthy. I need at least 29347 more.
I always assumed that in Mad TV's Rusty skit, the Zimas he would drink were fictional. But I saw them at Safeway haha. Safeway-The Safe Way To Go.
Updates: Added a new section called "Listening Pleasures"--has a whole bunch of banners from artists that I enjoy and support...and you should too.
Happy belated Bday Ryan!
Burning your tongue on hot soup. Eating uncomfortably the whole day. Absent-mindedly forgetting your burned taste buds and brushing your tongue before bed (even with a "soft" toothbrush). Waking up the next day to the same condition. This leads to pain.
My closet is yearning for a new pair of jeans. Actually I am but hehe, it's easier to blame it on the closet. I am the jean queen. Although not so much lately because I've stopped wearing a select few. SO that means there is only 22345872394 left to wear! Gah. And that just isn't healthy. I need at least 29347 more.
I always assumed that in Mad TV's Rusty skit, the Zimas he would drink were fictional. But I saw them at Safeway haha. Safeway-The Safe Way To Go.
Updates: Added a new section called "Listening Pleasures"--has a whole bunch of banners from artists that I enjoy and support...and you should too.
Happy belated Bday Ryan!
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
I'm slightly congested right now. And the funny part is, I got mustard on my Kleenex earlier, so it looks like some really rancid yellow boogers.
My OSU applications is going well. But what has been the most challenging part of my life? How did I over come it? I don't freaking know. I haven't lived enough to know that yet. I haven't faced any extremely drastic challenges. Gah. *bangs head on tropical parrot mouse pad* I'm more or less picky and OSU seems like my best bet. But it seems conservative to fill out just one application. I think my answer lies in watching the sugar plum faeries dance in my head and a good day of Paul Walker butt shots. Which reminds me of yesterday when I heard a little girl say "I think it's fine when little boys model underwear but when grown men do it, it's just disgusting!" Lmfao.
Welcome our new affiliate Mattie! I've also strategically been updating "LJ Icons". So look back in that section every now and then to see some new shhtuff.
An early Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! :)
Edit // Just send out my Holiday email. If you didn't get it for some reason or another, the graphic can be found here.
My OSU applications is going well. But what has been the most challenging part of my life? How did I over come it? I don't freaking know. I haven't lived enough to know that yet. I haven't faced any extremely drastic challenges. Gah. *bangs head on tropical parrot mouse pad* I'm more or less picky and OSU seems like my best bet. But it seems conservative to fill out just one application. I think my answer lies in watching the sugar plum faeries dance in my head and a good day of Paul Walker butt shots. Which reminds me of yesterday when I heard a little girl say "I think it's fine when little boys model underwear but when grown men do it, it's just disgusting!" Lmfao.
Welcome our new affiliate Mattie! I've also strategically been updating "LJ Icons". So look back in that section every now and then to see some new shhtuff.
An early Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! :)
Edit // Just send out my Holiday email. If you didn't get it for some reason or another, the graphic can be found here.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
I recently discovered that I can twist my lips at a diagonal angle, like this, except at a more extreme level (thank you Isaac Hanson for the example).
Volunteering at Toys for Tots was um, interesting. Katie and I stacked toys on shelves for three hours. The incompetence of some of the workers was quite annoying. They kept giving us conflicting information. "Stay behind the shelves! *grumble" "Oh no, please give out toys. Feel free to go in front of the shelves." Idiots. The Marines helping at the event were so young...and short haha. I was taller than a lot of them. Humph. I like being tall. It used to be that I was ashamed for being tall but now I embrace it because well, I can reach things. buwhaha. Noo just kidding. It gives me more presence and confidence (meaning confidence level is at 3. Anyone know where I can find some confidence. Anyone? Anyone?). And I have a larger chance to work my sex on you while you shroud in my wrath *menacing laughter*. Erh *looks around nervously*. Anyway.
I'm getting sick. YAY. Oh holy poop on a shhhtick. I forgot about the nice Toys for Tots perk, a free Nine West purse. Those babies are spendy too.
I feel like getting on a catwalk, strutting my stuff to some outlandish techno beats, and wearing a magnificently expensive outfit that no one in the world would be dumb enough to wear. The best part of waking up is Folgers’ in your cup.
Alex and Ryan: I ridiculously love you two. Now go put on your Depend underwear before another feeling gets hurt (or fecal matter unleashed hahaha that sounds like the name of a really bad horror movie).
Volunteering at Toys for Tots was um, interesting. Katie and I stacked toys on shelves for three hours. The incompetence of some of the workers was quite annoying. They kept giving us conflicting information. "Stay behind the shelves! *grumble" "Oh no, please give out toys. Feel free to go in front of the shelves." Idiots. The Marines helping at the event were so young...and short haha. I was taller than a lot of them. Humph. I like being tall. It used to be that I was ashamed for being tall but now I embrace it because well, I can reach things. buwhaha. Noo just kidding. It gives me more presence and confidence (meaning confidence level is at 3. Anyone know where I can find some confidence. Anyone? Anyone?). And I have a larger chance to work my sex on you while you shroud in my wrath *menacing laughter*. Erh *looks around nervously*. Anyway.
I'm getting sick. YAY. Oh holy poop on a shhhtick. I forgot about the nice Toys for Tots perk, a free Nine West purse. Those babies are spendy too.
I feel like getting on a catwalk, strutting my stuff to some outlandish techno beats, and wearing a magnificently expensive outfit that no one in the world would be dumb enough to wear. The best part of waking up is Folgers’ in your cup.
Alex and Ryan: I ridiculously love you two. Now go put on your Depend underwear before another feeling gets hurt (or fecal matter unleashed hahaha that sounds like the name of a really bad horror movie).
Monday, December 13, 2004
For starters, this might be short because I kind of have to go poop.
This morning was one of those mornings where your bed is so comfortable and warm that it feels illegal to get up. My fuzzy blanket and feathered mattress cover (haha) were delectably divine. It's so difficult to bring myself into morning mode so close to "Winter Break". Each year I always make New Year's Resolutions, but this year I decided that I won't. Partly due to that fact that I never achieve any of them and end up feeling crummy about my laziness/procrastination. Also, it would be nice to make a list of accomplishments that I never set out to do, but did anyway. Over the past couple of years I've noticed how my work ethic has tunneled through a downward spiral. I used to be driven and (more) naive. I'm not really sure how that happened. But that is besides to point. Last night I was listening to Loveline, and Adam Corolla commented on how instead of thinking about the failures that you might encounter while doing something, "just do it". Obviously this had been said before (thank you Nike) but I guess it never processed in my brain. So yes folks, I will now be "just doing it"! GAAAA I just made myself a resolution. Doh. Stupid me.
Ooh Shopko had 10 different Orlando Bloom posters. I got distracted while shopping for a gingerbread men cookie cutter, kind of like a crow that sees shiny metal. Do you know how hard those are to find, by the way? My mom and I went to 5 different stores. How hard is it to stock up on gingerbread men cutters? My gosh.
After much consideration to make my Holiday graphic general (which will be emailed out shortly), I realized that I used a Christmas ornament picture haha...Okay, it wasn't that funny but slightly ironic.
To my commenters (how I love thee):
Ryan-*hits you with a spatula* Update! The same problem strikes me a lot too. So I take back the spatula hitting haha.
Alex-Do you know how good that made me feel? Meh, you are da best. *hands you a pink banana* Fake Xmas trees aren't fun. Do you guys have that tree spray made to imitate the real sent? haha Those crack me up. This is so cliché, but the #1 thing on my list is probably real, warm, love (and happiness). lmfao Buuuut if that didn't work out, loads of money so I could get a short-lived happy spending rush. Which then would make me feel worse off, so maybe not. Actually I would like to know what to do/be in life for a career. But if you are talking materialistically, then falling into a huge tub of fudge would be kind of fun-every so slightly warm and creamy...perfect for water ballet and stylistic dives. This is turning into a much longer answer than needed! lol
This morning was one of those mornings where your bed is so comfortable and warm that it feels illegal to get up. My fuzzy blanket and feathered mattress cover (haha) were delectably divine. It's so difficult to bring myself into morning mode so close to "Winter Break". Each year I always make New Year's Resolutions, but this year I decided that I won't. Partly due to that fact that I never achieve any of them and end up feeling crummy about my laziness/procrastination. Also, it would be nice to make a list of accomplishments that I never set out to do, but did anyway. Over the past couple of years I've noticed how my work ethic has tunneled through a downward spiral. I used to be driven and (more) naive. I'm not really sure how that happened. But that is besides to point. Last night I was listening to Loveline, and Adam Corolla commented on how instead of thinking about the failures that you might encounter while doing something, "just do it". Obviously this had been said before (thank you Nike) but I guess it never processed in my brain. So yes folks, I will now be "just doing it"! GAAAA I just made myself a resolution. Doh. Stupid me.
Ooh Shopko had 10 different Orlando Bloom posters. I got distracted while shopping for a gingerbread men cookie cutter, kind of like a crow that sees shiny metal. Do you know how hard those are to find, by the way? My mom and I went to 5 different stores. How hard is it to stock up on gingerbread men cutters? My gosh.
After much consideration to make my Holiday graphic general (which will be emailed out shortly), I realized that I used a Christmas ornament picture haha...Okay, it wasn't that funny but slightly ironic.
To my commenters (how I love thee):
Ryan-*hits you with a spatula* Update! The same problem strikes me a lot too. So I take back the spatula hitting haha.
Alex-Do you know how good that made me feel? Meh, you are da best. *hands you a pink banana* Fake Xmas trees aren't fun. Do you guys have that tree spray made to imitate the real sent? haha Those crack me up. This is so cliché, but the #1 thing on my list is probably real, warm, love (and happiness). lmfao Buuuut if that didn't work out, loads of money so I could get a short-lived happy spending rush. Which then would make me feel worse off, so maybe not. Actually I would like to know what to do/be in life for a career. But if you are talking materialistically, then falling into a huge tub of fudge would be kind of fun-every so slightly warm and creamy...perfect for water ballet and stylistic dives. This is turning into a much longer answer than needed! lol
Friday, December 10, 2004
I haven't been feeling very happy with myself lately. My attitude with school, emotions, thoughts and body quite frankly suck. I'm disappointed because I'm doing this to myself and also because I don't know why. I'll never be able to figure my brain out. But that would be humanly impossible because you can never be smarter than your brain and if you were that means that you weren't really you and then...Well anyway, I must dig myself out of this rut.
My lit teacher is so fucked up (she is still bothering me, and will continue to all year). Every class she talks about some passage in literature symbolizing sex. It is good to talk about it every now and then because as a society we need to be more open. But it is getting to the point where it's creepy. For example, in the book "The Metamorphosis" she said "the apples that Gregor's father is throwing at Gregor symbolizes testicles, and the cane that he hits him with also represents a penis, where then anal penetration between son and father is hinted." Uhhh? It was totally random and so off course from anything that was happening in the book. She goes to great lengths to mention something sexual each day. Her "attempts" are so far fetched and/or unncessary we are sitting there looking at her like retards. Katie and I were saying next class we should ask something of the likes of, "So, since Gregor is kind of long and hard and also has a head, is he a penis? And does the couch he lies under represent female genitalia? Is he having relations with the couch?!" She also has horrible anger management problems and exerts signs of an abuser. This woman should not be teaching.
In other news, we got our Christmas tree today! :) I already know what one of my "surprises" is. I walked in on my mom wrapping it haha. Nice mom, nice. But it will be a surprise for you, ha!
Plugs: Ryan & April (Oh and Ryan, the story of the Ladies Club is for another day).
Nice eye goodies: 1 2
My lit teacher is so fucked up (she is still bothering me, and will continue to all year). Every class she talks about some passage in literature symbolizing sex. It is good to talk about it every now and then because as a society we need to be more open. But it is getting to the point where it's creepy. For example, in the book "The Metamorphosis" she said "the apples that Gregor's father is throwing at Gregor symbolizes testicles, and the cane that he hits him with also represents a penis, where then anal penetration between son and father is hinted." Uhhh? It was totally random and so off course from anything that was happening in the book. She goes to great lengths to mention something sexual each day. Her "attempts" are so far fetched and/or unncessary we are sitting there looking at her like retards. Katie and I were saying next class we should ask something of the likes of, "So, since Gregor is kind of long and hard and also has a head, is he a penis? And does the couch he lies under represent female genitalia? Is he having relations with the couch?!" She also has horrible anger management problems and exerts signs of an abuser. This woman should not be teaching.
In other news, we got our Christmas tree today! :) I already know what one of my "surprises" is. I walked in on my mom wrapping it haha. Nice mom, nice. But it will be a surprise for you, ha!
Plugs: Ryan & April (Oh and Ryan, the story of the Ladies Club is for another day).
Nice eye goodies: 1 2
Saturday, December 04, 2004
New layout featuring the handsome Jude Law. Comments are gladly accepted. If the face scares you just scroll down, you ninnie! I was invited to see "Closer" with the Ladies Club (don't ask) tonight, but declined.
My room is clean and smells quite nice. Candles are a gift from the heavens. Looking at my leaning Tower of Pisa CD collection reminds me not only that I need to get a new CD rack, but I need to figure out how to take a song from a DVD and transfer it into iTunes, all while maintaining the quality. Take for example, Hanson's "Rip It Up" on "Underneath Acoutic Live". That is JUST an example and would nevvvverrr pirate Hanson music *cough, gag, choke*. Erm. Sooo if you have any knowledge in this area, it would be greatly appreciated.
The Nation Geographic Channel aired a program tonight on the Egyptian Pyramids. They had discovered hundreds of bakeries outlining the pyramids and the narrator commented, "While it was obvious they were not a colony of bread worshipers..." Lmfao. *bows down to bread* "Oh bread, how art thou special. Oh so delicious and wonderful. No doubt the bread of life. *bows down again and commences a series of hmmm's*. Note to self: Start a bread worshiping colony as soon as possible.
My room is clean and smells quite nice. Candles are a gift from the heavens. Looking at my leaning Tower of Pisa CD collection reminds me not only that I need to get a new CD rack, but I need to figure out how to take a song from a DVD and transfer it into iTunes, all while maintaining the quality. Take for example, Hanson's "Rip It Up" on "Underneath Acoutic Live". That is JUST an example and would nevvvverrr pirate Hanson music *cough, gag, choke*. Erm. Sooo if you have any knowledge in this area, it would be greatly appreciated.
The Nation Geographic Channel aired a program tonight on the Egyptian Pyramids. They had discovered hundreds of bakeries outlining the pyramids and the narrator commented, "While it was obvious they were not a colony of bread worshipers..." Lmfao. *bows down to bread* "Oh bread, how art thou special. Oh so delicious and wonderful. No doubt the bread of life. *bows down again and commences a series of hmmm's*. Note to self: Start a bread worshiping colony as soon as possible.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
I posted this yesterday but Blogger freaked out and it messed up my whole Archive:
Monday, November 29, 2004
Two exciting pieces of news. 1. Senior paper = Done. Over. Finished. Turned In. But the thing is, I don't feel overwhelmingly relieved about it. Partly because I know I didn't do my best on it and just BSed my way through it. I was so fed up with school and everything else that I didn't want to put in the full effort because it is just High School. Secondly, I taught myself how to "burn" photographs in Photography today without any help or instruction. It feels nice to know that I can do something without the aid of others. Stick it to the MAN. (Um okay?)
New layout soon. This one just ain't workin out! Graphics are done, HTML needs to be written--should be up in a few days.
@ 10:27 PM
Monday, November 29, 2004
Two exciting pieces of news. 1. Senior paper = Done. Over. Finished. Turned In. But the thing is, I don't feel overwhelmingly relieved about it. Partly because I know I didn't do my best on it and just BSed my way through it. I was so fed up with school and everything else that I didn't want to put in the full effort because it is just High School. Secondly, I taught myself how to "burn" photographs in Photography today without any help or instruction. It feels nice to know that I can do something without the aid of others. Stick it to the MAN. (Um okay?)
New layout soon. This one just ain't workin out! Graphics are done, HTML needs to be written--should be up in a few days.
@ 10:27 PM
Friday, November 26, 2004
Jude Law on Ellen today. The smile. The accent. The personality. The style. I almost died. I tried muting it for a few seconds but it didn't help and only created more torture. Gah, it was just fabulous. I'm such a teenybopper when it comes to certain men haha.
*cough* Anyway. What Not To Wear is doing a $50,000 epsiode in Paris. *cries*
It's going good on my project so far. I don't think I'll stress out too bad when it comes down to the wire haha. You should see my room though. A tornado of books and paper hit about noon on Thursday and the destruction has yet to be ceased!
*cough* Anyway. What Not To Wear is doing a $50,000 epsiode in Paris. *cries*
It's going good on my project so far. I don't think I'll stress out too bad when it comes down to the wire haha. You should see my room though. A tornado of books and paper hit about noon on Thursday and the destruction has yet to be ceased!
Monday, November 22, 2004
New layout! I know the scrolling area is small...but deal, okay (and let me know what you think while you're at it).
Oh how joyous it is that this week is only three days long. Yay for Thanksgiving...fooOOOdd. Then the big senior paper is due that Monday. But I'm trucking along at a good pace and I think I might do okay (?). I just hope I don't get slammed for doing something terribly wrong. They don't give us very much direction or they don't give us the needed helped when we ask. I'm also getting very fed up with my Lit teacher. I hate her. Not only is she racist, but she has no confidence in us as students and when we are wrong, she lets us know we are wrong. I could go on forevverrr. Numerous people have tried to get her fired in the past but it hasn't work. She said that, "If people haven't wanted to fire me, then I'm not doing my job." WTF? Isn't that the opposite of what you're stupposed to think? Some people in this work should be smacked.
Edit // I love hats--fashionable hats. They are so freaking fun to try on. I've found so many that I want to get but wouldn't know where to where them. I used to think hats looked really bad on me, but they actually don't. SO I'M LIKE SO EXTACTIC. LIKE OMG *giggle* (erhh??). Ew, my burp tasted like gold fish crackers, parmesan to be exact...
Oh how joyous it is that this week is only three days long. Yay for Thanksgiving...fooOOOdd. Then the big senior paper is due that Monday. But I'm trucking along at a good pace and I think I might do okay (?). I just hope I don't get slammed for doing something terribly wrong. They don't give us very much direction or they don't give us the needed helped when we ask. I'm also getting very fed up with my Lit teacher. I hate her. Not only is she racist, but she has no confidence in us as students and when we are wrong, she lets us know we are wrong. I could go on forevverrr. Numerous people have tried to get her fired in the past but it hasn't work. She said that, "If people haven't wanted to fire me, then I'm not doing my job." WTF? Isn't that the opposite of what you're stupposed to think? Some people in this work should be smacked.
Edit // I love hats--fashionable hats. They are so freaking fun to try on. I've found so many that I want to get but wouldn't know where to where them. I used to think hats looked really bad on me, but they actually don't. SO I'M LIKE SO EXTACTIC. LIKE OMG *giggle* (erhh??). Ew, my burp tasted like gold fish crackers, parmesan to be exact...
Monday, November 15, 2004
I've been 17 for four months now, but just bought my first R-rated movie ticket last Saturday. Seen R movies, but not in threatres. They asked for my ID but my permit (haha shut up) was conveniently at home. Katie, Christina, her boyfriend and his friend that wanted to meet Katie, and I saw "Saw". Umm yeah. Remind me again why I spent $5.50 on it. At first, I was scared shitless, especially at that freaky old-time fun house mask because I LOATH those thing and they creep me out beyond belief. It was really sick and twisted. I seriously worry about the screenwriter. But as the movie went on, I couldn't help but laugh. Afterwards, I walked into my dark garage and discovered the door into the house was locked and I didn't have a key. I freaked out, and started pounding on the door. haha I was thinking, "AHH THE MASK IS GOING TO ATTACK ME!!!"
The OSU open house on Saturday went well. That is where I'll most likely go. I mean they have a freaking Badminton Club for God's sake! lmfao I'm such a dork. Plus their gym is piiiiimp. Woot. Oh yeah, before the movie Katie made me watch some of the O.C. That show is just....pathetic haha. But I do admit that Adam Brody is hot. I also have to admit that I watched Oprah again for a few minutes the other day.
I luff you guys so much: Alex, Becca, Rain, Mez & Ryan
The OSU open house on Saturday went well. That is where I'll most likely go. I mean they have a freaking Badminton Club for God's sake! lmfao I'm such a dork. Plus their gym is piiiiimp. Woot. Oh yeah, before the movie Katie made me watch some of the O.C. That show is just....pathetic haha. But I do admit that Adam Brody is hot. I also have to admit that I watched Oprah again for a few minutes the other day.
I luff you guys so much: Alex, Becca, Rain, Mez & Ryan
Monday, November 08, 2004
AAAHAHAHAAHA, Michael Phelps arrested for DUI, then apologizes. lmfao This is just too freaking funny. It would even better if he was arrested on "Michael Phelps Way". His coach was saying that that was not the real Michael, what you saw in Athens in the REAL Mike. Psh, whatever remind me of Ashley Greyson. haha Ooh, BUURN.
Each time I see a new ad for a reality television premier, I think, "TV is getting worse everyday! It can't go down the drain even MORE. Because we are already at the sewage treatment plant." But it does get worse, does. With shows such as, "Nanny 911", "The Rebel Billionaire", "Wife Swap", "The Scholar" and the list continues into the night. I enjoy mindless entertainment, but damn. I at least want it to be amusing and half-way decent, not idiotic! And no, airing it in HDTV will not entice me to watch your stupid show. When will it be over God, when? *shakes hands towards sky and weeps*
I saw Natalie Portman on Oprah the other day promoting "Closer" (dude I was watching Oprah, wtf?). She is just so cute! If I had to trade places with a 'famous' person for a day, it'd be her. I can't wait for "Closer"...partly because of Jude Law.
For future reference, when copying and pasting words from Babel Fish, make sure to change the font to the font you are using no matter HOW similar they look, because if you don't the teacher will know. NOT like I'm speaking from experience or anything. Heh. It was only a couple of phrases, okay!?!?
Each time I see a new ad for a reality television premier, I think, "TV is getting worse everyday! It can't go down the drain even MORE. Because we are already at the sewage treatment plant." But it does get worse, does. With shows such as, "Nanny 911", "The Rebel Billionaire", "Wife Swap", "The Scholar" and the list continues into the night. I enjoy mindless entertainment, but damn. I at least want it to be amusing and half-way decent, not idiotic! And no, airing it in HDTV will not entice me to watch your stupid show. When will it be over God, when? *shakes hands towards sky and weeps*
I saw Natalie Portman on Oprah the other day promoting "Closer" (dude I was watching Oprah, wtf?). She is just so cute! If I had to trade places with a 'famous' person for a day, it'd be her. I can't wait for "Closer"...partly because of Jude Law.
For future reference, when copying and pasting words from Babel Fish, make sure to change the font to the font you are using no matter HOW similar they look, because if you don't the teacher will know. NOT like I'm speaking from experience or anything. Heh. It was only a couple of phrases, okay!?!?
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Yeah. So Bush is going to win it. My dad said, "Looks like we're gonna have another four years of a guy who cann't speak English." And I was thinking, "ENOUGH WITH THE SPEAKING THING ALREADY! GET OVER IT. THAT IS NOT WHAT MATTERS." But I ended up saying something like, "The speaking thing doesn't really bother me it's just the issues that he stands for." Eh, I was hoping Kerry would win it...but I'm going to move to Fiji next year so it doesn't really matter anyway hahaha. Just don't domb another nation in the next four years, okay Bush? My gut tells me that we will severely intervene in another nation's business, mainly North Korea's, but no war will surface.
The only measure which I generally cared about in Oregon was the "One Man, One Woman" measure, which failed. WOOT.
EDIT // Last night when I wrote this the measure was failing, but it is actually going to pass. Oregon is banning gay marriage. The people who voted in favor of Measure 36 should slapped. It don't care if it is "against God's words", how could you take a BASIC right away from someone? I don't understand. UAKLJHFEUIHAfkK.!>.
I think I might have some sort of stomach bug because MY tummy has been upset this past week. It's not fun. :(
-Becca: Ooh send some of the left overs my way!
-Rain: Muwhahaha! *eeeevil laughter* But about the college thing, I really don't know. I'll probably end up going to OSU.
-Alex: Thanks for the encouragement *huggle* And I am SO going to U of Timbuktu (I wonder what their mascot is? lmfao)
RJA: Get a job, you old bum! haha That'll probably be me too...careerless.
The only measure which I generally cared about in Oregon was the "One Man, One Woman" measure, which failed. WOOT.
EDIT // Last night when I wrote this the measure was failing, but it is actually going to pass. Oregon is banning gay marriage. The people who voted in favor of Measure 36 should slapped. It don't care if it is "against God's words", how could you take a BASIC right away from someone? I don't understand. UAKLJHFEUIHAfkK.!>.
I think I might have some sort of stomach bug because MY tummy has been upset this past week. It's not fun. :(
-Becca: Ooh send some of the left overs my way!
-Rain: Muwhahaha! *eeeevil laughter* But about the college thing, I really don't know. I'll probably end up going to OSU.
-Alex: Thanks for the encouragement *huggle* And I am SO going to U of Timbuktu (I wonder what their mascot is? lmfao)
RJA: Get a job, you old bum! haha That'll probably be me too...careerless.
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Wow, I always forget how many kids we get for Halloween. There are hundreds! No joke, it's crazy. We went though three huge Costco bags and three regular sized bags of candy. Some kids are so frantic for the candy that I have to pass it out a million miles a second or else I'll get mobbed. My pumpkin kicked ass. It was freaking huuuge. I carved a "spooky ghost" on it and added some bats.
Everyone in my family keeps asking me about college and I'm like, "I DON'T FREAKING KNOW!! GAAAHHHH. STOP ASKING ME!" Becca, now I know how you feel lol.
Last night I had a dream that I gained a massive amount of weight. People were coming up to me and saying, "Woah there, Ash...gained a little bit of weight, huh?" and "OMG, you got bigger over the summer!" hehe It was quite funny actually, but at the same time frightening.
Thanks commenters: Alex, Ryan, Rain, Brittney, Janet, Becca
Everyone in my family keeps asking me about college and I'm like, "I DON'T FREAKING KNOW!! GAAAHHHH. STOP ASKING ME!" Becca, now I know how you feel lol.
Last night I had a dream that I gained a massive amount of weight. People were coming up to me and saying, "Woah there, Ash...gained a little bit of weight, huh?" and "OMG, you got bigger over the summer!" hehe It was quite funny actually, but at the same time frightening.
Thanks commenters: Alex, Ryan, Rain, Brittney, Janet, Becca
Monday, October 25, 2004
I was thinking this morning about American politics (holy shit. this is where you get scared). Yeah, it is pretty funny to mock Bush and his lack of public speaking skills, but it gets old. People, the media, and other sources dwell on his pronunciation problem like his campaign depends on it. People talk about this to avoid others subjects, the real issues that matter. Like tax cuts, war, abortion, gay marriage, etc. Yes, he is slightly embarrassing and produces quite a good laugh. But when it comes down to it, people are not going to vote on how well a person may or may not speak in public. They are going to vote for the canidate that supports the issues they believe in. We need to focus on the real issues.
Basically the whole of politics are so petty. I hate it. That is why the debates are pointless for me. Each canidate attacks one another instead of talking about what is important. Blah, you'll never see me in DC. Hahaha check out that rhyme, beotch.
Oh another note, my contacts are driving me INSAAAANE. Thanks to all the commenters, you made my day like a bail of hay singing Macy Gray. This is where you tell me to shut up with the rhyming (and I don't even like Macy Gray....)
Basically the whole of politics are so petty. I hate it. That is why the debates are pointless for me. Each canidate attacks one another instead of talking about what is important. Blah, you'll never see me in DC. Hahaha check out that rhyme, beotch.
Oh another note, my contacts are driving me INSAAAANE. Thanks to all the commenters, you made my day like a bail of hay singing Macy Gray. This is where you tell me to shut up with the rhyming (and I don't even like Macy Gray....)
Saturday, October 23, 2004
New layout! Wootie toot toot. Since autumn is basically here, I thought I'd share my love for fall colors with the world wide web.
I'm still looking for more affiliates, so if you want....come get the hook-up haha. I always think of semi-interesting things to blog about when I am doing something random, but when it comes time to blog I forget them and end up writing something stupid, like this for example. Ok..well I'm off the see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz.
Plugs: Rain & Ryan
Edit: 'LJ Icons' added, and '1st celeb crush' and 'Link Me' updated. And just because...
I'm still looking for more affiliates, so if you want....come get the hook-up haha. I always think of semi-interesting things to blog about when I am doing something random, but when it comes time to blog I forget them and end up writing something stupid, like this for example. Ok..well I'm off the see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz.
Plugs: Rain & Ryan
Edit: 'LJ Icons' added, and '1st celeb crush' and 'Link Me' updated. And just because...
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Applebee's brought back their Skillet Sensations song--"I like steak and chicken. She likes melted cheese. I like Skillet Sensations back at APPLEBEE'S." Keep in mind that you have to sing it in a highly annoying voice. Oh the joys of American television advertising. Sarah and I would always sing that last year lol. I haven't seen Sarah much this year. Actually, I haven't seen a lot of people around. Nobody has any classes now! lol I can't wait for 2nd semester because I'll only have two classes every other day and one on the others. WOOT WOOT.
Ackk, I have no voice! It's going slowly as the day goes on. Being sick sucks (oh my gosh, I just used alliteration *snort toooot*). New layout coming very soon.
Edirt // (Edit + Dirt = Edirt hahaha..haha..ha?) Yesterday Eileen gave me a personality test and told me my results were an "iX": intuitive, a feeler and perceiver, and highest possible introvert. Rofl. That's always good to hear lol. I'm introverted and I'm PROUD.
Ackk, I have no voice! It's going slowly as the day goes on. Being sick sucks (oh my gosh, I just used alliteration *snort toooot*). New layout coming very soon.
Edirt // (Edit + Dirt = Edirt hahaha..haha..ha?) Yesterday Eileen gave me a personality test and told me my results were an "iX": intuitive, a feeler and perceiver, and highest possible introvert. Rofl. That's always good to hear lol. I'm introverted and I'm PROUD.
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Looking for more affiliates and dailies! Leave your link by commenting or email me. :D
Beemans gum is really good. I wish they offered it more than for just a couple of months every few years. Old school gum makes me happy.
I'm so excited--I'm seeing The Carolines in a few weeks. Mehehe *dances* I couldn't see them last time, but I will be there rocking out next show. Narf. (God I'm such a dork).
Beemans gum is really good. I wish they offered it more than for just a couple of months every few years. Old school gum makes me happy.
I'm so excited--I'm seeing The Carolines in a few weeks. Mehehe *dances* I couldn't see them last time, but I will be there rocking out next show. Narf. (God I'm such a dork).
Monday, October 11, 2004
I got a tattoo. Ok, I's henna. Someday it would be cool to get a real tattoo, but of what is clueless. Definitely NOT going down the Hanson symbol route *shudders*. That would be a dire mistake.
Lately I've been blurting out French and random times, meaing to say something in English. Like, "merci" and "oui" and "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?". Okay, the last one isn't true but that is irrevelant.
Remind me to stop spending money; I got another pair of shoes, a turquoise shirt, a white lace tank, and a funky raspberry-colored sweater. But everything was on sale/very cheap. How would my shopping addiction fare without TJ Maxx and the occasional Old Navy?
Lately I've been blurting out French and random times, meaing to say something in English. Like, "merci" and "oui" and "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?". Okay, the last one isn't true but that is irrevelant.
Remind me to stop spending money; I got another pair of shoes, a turquoise shirt, a white lace tank, and a funky raspberry-colored sweater. But everything was on sale/very cheap. How would my shopping addiction fare without TJ Maxx and the occasional Old Navy?
Friday, October 08, 2004
"WASHINGTON - Shortly before the U.S. bombing and invasion of Iraq last year, Saddam Hussein gathered his top generals together to share what came to them as astonishing news: The weapons that the United States was launching a war to remove did not exist."
This is me inpersonating and mocking Bush:
*hehe* HEY EVERYONE! I'M THE PRESIDENT OF THE U-NITED STATES. *giggle, giggle* We bombed the hell out of Eeeraq because they had WMDs. But guess what? They really didn't. *coves mouth* Oppsies! We just killed a bunch of people for nothing! *twitch*. Now our grand children's grand childen will be paying off this war. *blinks 5,000 times*
Yes, I know. That was very mature but I couldn't help myself.
I bought a Henna Kit at a natural market yesterday--the clerk was really cool (What other 'normal' store would you find some dude in a knit cap, holding back his dreads, and giving yout he 'hang ten' sign as you walk out the door?). Hippies have a very nice, fun, relaxing aura to them. A lot of my friends said I should've been one in the 60's. Katie told me the other day that she could invison me swaying with my arms in the air, dancing at a concert. lol That is so true. Especially if I wear my hair a certain way and get the right duds (haha..duds, that's a funny word). There is still time to be a hippie! I'M OFF TO MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR! Peace!
This is me inpersonating and mocking Bush:
*hehe* HEY EVERYONE! I'M THE PRESIDENT OF THE U-NITED STATES. *giggle, giggle* We bombed the hell out of Eeeraq because they had WMDs. But guess what? They really didn't. *coves mouth* Oppsies! We just killed a bunch of people for nothing! *twitch*. Now our grand children's grand childen will be paying off this war. *blinks 5,000 times*
Yes, I know. That was very mature but I couldn't help myself.
I bought a Henna Kit at a natural market yesterday--the clerk was really cool (What other 'normal' store would you find some dude in a knit cap, holding back his dreads, and giving yout he 'hang ten' sign as you walk out the door?). Hippies have a very nice, fun, relaxing aura to them. A lot of my friends said I should've been one in the 60's. Katie told me the other day that she could invison me swaying with my arms in the air, dancing at a concert. lol That is so true. Especially if I wear my hair a certain way and get the right duds (haha..duds, that's a funny word). There is still time to be a hippie! I'M OFF TO MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR! Peace!
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
New freaking layout! What do you think? A comment or two would be nice. Alex, winner of the Layout Contest was the genius behind this little creation. She had the ideas and I put them to uhhh..the test? Anytoot. If you look closely you will see some things other than just a bowl of orange raspberries, a pink naner and a girl blowing a bubble.
There is this guy I see many times throughout the day walking in the halls. We always glance at eachother but never do anything. I must find out who he is. Watch, he's probably a freshman haha. Hmm. I know I was going to write something else. It will probably come to me later.
OH and some of the contents was also updated. Hooray. My counter host is acting up :( I don't remember what # it was at. Maybe 15,000+. Does anyone know by chance? (Very unlikely, but it is worth a try)
There is this guy I see many times throughout the day walking in the halls. We always glance at eachother but never do anything. I must find out who he is. Watch, he's probably a freshman haha. Hmm. I know I was going to write something else. It will probably come to me later.
OH and some of the contents was also updated. Hooray. My counter host is acting up :( I don't remember what # it was at. Maybe 15,000+. Does anyone know by chance? (Very unlikely, but it is worth a try)
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Lately I haven't been blogging much here. I usually write stupid stuff at my lj. And if you have MySpace, you should go check me out. Um let see. What else is new? Oh yeah, I'm trying to figure out which coat to get (omg like WHAT a like omg a deleima). This one, numero duex, ou numero trois. I also got my prom dress yeterday.....8 months early. Hell yeah. hahaha I found it accidently and fell in love with it. Plus it was 40% off. My huge 4,000+ word Senior Paper rough draft is due sometime late next month. *bangs head on desk*
Right now I'm discoing to The Bee Gees "Stayin' Alive".
Something funny: The "Louie Louie" Conspiracy Theory
Lately I haven't been blogging much here. I usually write stupid stuff at my lj. And if you have MySpace, you should go check me out. Um let see. What else is new? Oh yeah, I'm trying to figure out which coat to get (omg like WHAT a like omg a deleima). This one, numero duex, ou numero trois. I also got my prom dress yeterday.....8 months early. Hell yeah. hahaha I found it accidently and fell in love with it. Plus it was 40% off. My huge 4,000+ word Senior Paper rough draft is due sometime late next month. *bangs head on desk*
Right now I'm discoing to The Bee Gees "Stayin' Alive".
Something funny: The "Louie Louie" Conspiracy Theory
Monday, September 20, 2004
Greetings from the co-president of Art Club. Do I sound dorky now, or what? haha Eileen and I got everything ready for today at lunch and had about 30 people show up. Yay! Good turn out if I must say so myself (must've been those cool flyers I made hahaha).
Ew. I don't know why I was complaining about boys in my last post. Most of them are dumb. I don't need boys, I've got music! Which is very true, music is my best friend. Thank you commenters, btw. xo :)
Since most of you are party poopers and don't want to submit anything for the layout contest, here's some clues for the winning layout (if no more submissions are sent that means I would have more than a total of 1): confused. Be very confused. (And afraid. Bwuhahahahaha.)
Ew. I don't know why I was complaining about boys in my last post. Most of them are dumb. I don't need boys, I've got music! Which is very true, music is my best friend. Thank you commenters, btw. xo :)
Since most of you are party poopers and don't want to submit anything for the layout contest, here's some clues for the winning layout (if no more submissions are sent that means I would have more than a total of 1): confused. Be very confused. (And afraid. Bwuhahahahaha.)
Friday, September 17, 2004
Victoria's Secret has the cutest stuff. But who would I ever wear this for? Is it sad that I'm 17 and have never had a boyfriend nor kissed anyone? My excuse is that they are no good guys at my school. But that is not a good excuse. There is, although I just won't talk to them. I'm too shy for confrontation. I'm afraid to go up the someone and say "Hey!" not knowing what to do after that, etc. Or to start up a conversation for example, I can't do that very well because I fear I'll run out of things to say or say something completely idiotic. I wish I was more outgoing. Sometimes life would be easier and I wouldn't have to deal with my mind running a million miles per secound with wildly random thoughts.
I love how my 'friends' ask to go to the football games with me this season, and then never end up calling me to ask if I wanted to go. I could've called Sarah (the one who asked me) but I lost her number. Always good times. Always. It's sad because I only have one friend that I assosicate with on a regular basis outside of class and that's Katie. We'll probably end up doing something tonight and like nting a movie with Orlando Bloom so we can drool all over him. Ha. High School sucks man.
Now I'm in a crappy mood.
You should check out some of these cool Northwest bands: The Pale, The Carolines, MindHead
I love how my 'friends' ask to go to the football games with me this season, and then never end up calling me to ask if I wanted to go. I could've called Sarah (the one who asked me) but I lost her number. Always good times. Always. It's sad because I only have one friend that I assosicate with on a regular basis outside of class and that's Katie. We'll probably end up doing something tonight and like nting a movie with Orlando Bloom so we can drool all over him. Ha. High School sucks man.
Now I'm in a crappy mood.
You should check out some of these cool Northwest bands: The Pale, The Carolines, MindHead
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
You know what you should do? Enter the layout contest....or else *scary horror movie music and evil laugh*. The yearbook mis-spelled my last name in the Art Club photo. IDIOTS. Nights with Alice Cooper roooocks my nights. I returned my Converse and got these Steve Madden's in black. My throat kind of hurts and my right contact is dry. The guestbook is kind of lonely. Poor, poor, little thing. I can't decide if I should like Matt or Peter. Based just on these names, who sounds better? This is one random paragraph.
Yesterday after pulling out of my school parking lot there was a sign taped to the stop sign saying, "Time Machine For Sale..Call (insert random # here)." lmfao That has to be the greatest sign I've ever seen. Question of the day: What is the craziest sign you've seen?
Yesterday after pulling out of my school parking lot there was a sign taped to the stop sign saying, "Time Machine For Sale..Call (insert random # here)." lmfao That has to be the greatest sign I've ever seen. Question of the day: What is the craziest sign you've seen?
Saturday, September 11, 2004
A winner will be randomly selected (each submitter is given a number) and their layout idea (design my me) will be used on my site for at least one week. Plus the winner will get many plugs.
1. You must have a name and email to enter
2. You must submit an idea
3. You should check out this link
You can enter here or simply comment and include your name, email, site address (if applicable), and your layout idea.
Mad props to Alex for coming up with this. You roooock.
I went shopping today (again) and bought another pair of jeans. They were on sale Levi's.....I couldn't resist. You know me and jeans lol. They are very lowrise so I must be careful. Plumbers crack is so unattractive. Unless of course it is Michael Phelps, then that is a whole different story.
When football season is over I will be very glad. I won't have to contend with hearing my dad yelling at the TV and commenting on every play, call or statement the announcers say. Plus all of the other college football talk that happens in the days separating the games. It gets quite annoying. There are much more important aspects in life than football. Football is meaningless.
Yay for commenters: Tamara, Miranda, Ryan, Becca
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
I got these shoes the other day. I'm trying to figure out if I should keep them. They are super cute (I fee like an air head saying that) but don't really match much. What do you think?

I think I'm going to re-do my senior pictures--send back the ones I took back in August and go to another photographer. They lack professionalism. Would you want to pay $325 when in half of the pictures your face is shadowed beyond clarity? The few I do like I'm going to scan hahaha. Sneaky me.
This guy on TLC's makeover story said this today and I have decided it's my new moto: "I ain't got no booty but it does the duty."
Lovely commenters: Becca & Alex (You are a genious!! I love the contest idea. Next post I will start it.)
I think I'm going to re-do my senior pictures--send back the ones I took back in August and go to another photographer. They lack professionalism. Would you want to pay $325 when in half of the pictures your face is shadowed beyond clarity? The few I do like I'm going to scan hahaha. Sneaky me.
This guy on TLC's makeover story said this today and I have decided it's my new moto: "I ain't got no booty but it does the duty."
Lovely commenters: Becca & Alex (You are a genious!! I love the contest idea. Next post I will start it.)
Saturday, September 04, 2004
Hmm, this layout is already boring me. What can I do to make this site more exciting? It's a total bore *hears snoring sounds from audience*. Oh wait, hold up, hold up, hold up (three times fast, bitch). I can get an exciting life! Yes, that is it. But where can I find one of those? I hear they are really hard to come by.
There is less than a week until school starts. DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK. NOOOOO, I won't do it!! Yeah, see most people are excited for their senior year. But I'm just like, "Blah. Whatever. Let's get it over with so I can move on to the next stage of life (where ever the hell that might be)."
Uh yeah. I guess that is all thats gonna come out of this blabbering mouth for tonight. I'm going to bed!
Plugs: Becca, April
There is less than a week until school starts. DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK. NOOOOO, I won't do it!! Yeah, see most people are excited for their senior year. But I'm just like, "Blah. Whatever. Let's get it over with so I can move on to the next stage of life (where ever the hell that might be)."
Uh yeah. I guess that is all thats gonna come out of this blabbering mouth for tonight. I'm going to bed!
Plugs: Becca, April
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
New layout! What do you think? Leave a comment, s'il vous plait. Also did a little updating to the contents: Ask Me, 1st Celeb Crush, Your Mind, Affiliates, & Bootylicious Boys (you'll never guess who I added, heh).
This is my last full week of summer vacation :( I'm filled with sadness knowing that I'll soon be deprived of everything summer. I scheduled a hair appointment too. A cut and highlight, possibly a carmel color. BUT I'M SO SCARED. I've never had my hair colored before (does markers count?). What if it turns out fugly? What will I do then?!?!!? AHHHH. *screams in horror*
This is my last full week of summer vacation :( I'm filled with sadness knowing that I'll soon be deprived of everything summer. I scheduled a hair appointment too. A cut and highlight, possibly a carmel color. BUT I'M SO SCARED. I've never had my hair colored before (does markers count?). What if it turns out fugly? What will I do then?!?!!? AHHHH. *screams in horror*
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
I think I fell in love today. My mom and I went to Portland, stopped at Pioneer Place and then that is when I saw it......Bebe. The best store ever. If I had money I'd buy like all my stuff from there. But instead I'm poor and have to buy all my stuff from the fashionable child labor mecca, Forever 21. Pioneer has some really cool stores. We have a Louis Vuitton. Yes, Oregon does. So I decided that when I'm in my 20's with a successful career I will buy everything from Bebe and live in a nice high-rise apartment with a kick ass dog and hot boyfriend. And wear high heels. Not the wimpy 2 inch ones but the serious heels. The ones where you could take out a man's left testicle with one swift kick. Which would put me at a staggering 6 feet.
We also visited Lewis and Clark College. The campus is very beautiful and in a good location but it's not the right school for me. I need to start thinking about colleges because application deadlines are going to sneak up quick. Like the random down pours thoughout today. It is the middle of August and I wore a down jacket almost all day. Something is wrong with this picture. DAMN EL NINO.
Note to stupid visitors: If you don't have anything useful to say and DON'T understand sarcasm, please refrain from commenting. Thank you.
ie: hey don't want to sound stupid but why do i have dreams about Michael Phelps?
I don't know. Why the fuck should I know? And whoever came to my site by searching for "John Edwards shirtless" is a sick freak. You should be ashamed of yourself! FYI: I'm PMSing.
We also visited Lewis and Clark College. The campus is very beautiful and in a good location but it's not the right school for me. I need to start thinking about colleges because application deadlines are going to sneak up quick. Like the random down pours thoughout today. It is the middle of August and I wore a down jacket almost all day. Something is wrong with this picture. DAMN EL NINO.
Note to stupid visitors: If you don't have anything useful to say and DON'T understand sarcasm, please refrain from commenting. Thank you.
ie: hey don't want to sound stupid but why do i have dreams about Michael Phelps?
I don't know. Why the fuck should I know? And whoever came to my site by searching for "John Edwards shirtless" is a sick freak. You should be ashamed of yourself! FYI: I'm PMSing.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
I got my school packet on Friday--I have like, no classes haha. It's scary that I'm a senior, like Frankenstein's malnutritioned clone scary. Yesterday my senior pictures arrived. They are okay. I thought they would turn out better and admittedly I'm disappointed. There is only one that I truly like. The shadowing really sucks in some of them *hits photographer*. Plus I think some of them would be nicer if I had a better face hahaha. It's like in Ms. Doubtfire, "Face....I need a face!" Then she sticks her face in the frosting of a cake. Maybe I'll get a nose job or something.
The internet is working on my computer again so expect a new layout soon.
Since I'm getting SO many referrals from the likes of, "Michael Phelps shirtless", "Hot Pictures of Michael Phelps ", "michael phelps hot body", "Michael Phelps is cute", etc. I don't dare disappoint, so here is a hot picture of Michael Phelps shirtless:
I...I....i....omg. I can die happy now.

But sorry ladies (and men too...), he has a girlfriend. That bitch is LUCKY. If he swims like that in the water, can you imagine....okay I'm going to stop now before I go crazy. People on this site are already taking about marriage, divorce and other rumors. They remind me of Hanson fans.
The internet is working on my computer again so expect a new layout soon.
Since I'm getting SO many referrals from the likes of, "Michael Phelps shirtless", "Hot Pictures of Michael Phelps ", "michael phelps hot body", "Michael Phelps is cute", etc. I don't dare disappoint, so here is a hot picture of Michael Phelps shirtless:
I...I....i....omg. I can die happy now.
But sorry ladies (and men too...), he has a girlfriend. That bitch is LUCKY. If he swims like that in the water, can you imagine....okay I'm going to stop now before I go crazy. People on this site are already taking about marriage, divorce and other rumors. They remind me of Hanson fans.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
There was a 4.7 earthquake off the coast of Newport last night and I felt it...ahhhh. We were watching the Olympics around 9 or so and all the sudden the house creeked a little and my chair was shaking. I haven't been in one for a long time. Sometime in the future there is supposed to be this huge destrucitve earthquake that will destroy everything in the Northwest. Good times.
I'm starting to make a Michael Phelps fanlisting. I'm not obsessed *looks around*. If anyone is willing to host it and help me set up the PHPFanbase (cause I'm stupid) then that would be very cool!
I decided that one day I'm going to dye my hair red (make note of the one day part). A nice auburn red with some fun lighter, natural-looking highlights. Also very good times.
Special plugs: Becca, for always commenting abd being my friend. And to Ryan, for wishing me a happy birthday in his blog that I just now saw.
I'm starting to make a Michael Phelps fanlisting. I'm not obsessed *looks around*. If anyone is willing to host it and help me set up the PHPFanbase (cause I'm stupid) then that would be very cool!
I decided that one day I'm going to dye my hair red (make note of the one day part). A nice auburn red with some fun lighter, natural-looking highlights. Also very good times.
Special plugs: Becca, for always commenting abd being my friend. And to Ryan, for wishing me a happy birthday in his blog that I just now saw.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Pictures went really well. It sprinkled a little bit though and I kept blinking (gah!).
I'm so glad the Olymics are finally here! Swimming is my favorite event. I mean, just LOOK at their bodies. Ok and I watch it partly for Michael Phelps...
/start teenybopper moment/
/end teeny moment/
*cough* Anyway, I hope Michael wins a lot of gold because he deserves it. He is an incredible athlete. Watching all this swimming on TV makes me want to take lessons again and become a professional swimmer so I could marry Michael Phelps. Eerh I MEAN, so I could umm..swim? But no really, I stopped taking lessons 5 years ago because I reached the highest level. I wish I would've pursued it after that. Look at me. I'm only 17 years old and I already have regrets.
You can't resist the MP.
I'm so glad the Olymics are finally here! Swimming is my favorite event. I mean, just LOOK at their bodies. Ok and I watch it partly for Michael Phelps...
/start teenybopper moment/
/end teeny moment/
*cough* Anyway, I hope Michael wins a lot of gold because he deserves it. He is an incredible athlete. Watching all this swimming on TV makes me want to take lessons again and become a professional swimmer so I could marry Michael Phelps. Eerh I MEAN, so I could umm..swim? But no really, I stopped taking lessons 5 years ago because I reached the highest level. I wish I would've pursued it after that. Look at me. I'm only 17 years old and I already have regrets.
You can't resist the MP.
Monday, August 09, 2004
Yes, I realize that Uggs are very ugly and are for fashionistas who want to be trendy. But mother of pearl, they are SO comfortable. If they weren't so *cough* interesting looking and extremely trendy, then I would wear them EVERYWHERE. Even to bed. They are the most comfy shoe I've ever tried on. (Becca, this shoe store down here where I found them is so cool...I think you'd like it lol.)
Ice cream is good on hot days. Especially chocolate like I just had 20 minutes ago. I think I'm getting a slight tan. It wouldn't be considered tan on anyone else but for me it is a drastic change.
I was just thinking about school and I really don't want to go back. Like really, really. That place is dumb. The people suck and the actual building is disgusting. And the education? What education? Ha.
Ice cream is good on hot days. Especially chocolate like I just had 20 minutes ago. I think I'm getting a slight tan. It wouldn't be considered tan on anyone else but for me it is a drastic change.
I was just thinking about school and I really don't want to go back. Like really, really. That place is dumb. The people suck and the actual building is disgusting. And the education? What education? Ha.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Senior pictures are next Friday. I have almost all of my outfits and make up situation planned out but hair is another thing. I shudder at the subject of my hair. I've been attempting to get a (slight) tan before the 13th rolls around but the weather has been horrible. Overcast. Rainy. Grey. Blech.
My aunt, two cousins and I went to the coast today. I tried shea butter for the first time. The beach was foggy yet surprisingly warm...for the Oregon Coast on a cloudy day. The fog was so dense that you could barely see the ocean from the sand. It was kind of a cool effect. Then some dumb fuck was body boarding. He was decked out in a full on body suit that had a HAT lmfao. We were joking that he probably had gloves and footies hehe. We went to the ice cream parlor afterwards (ahh the sweet aromas of ice cream) and the cutest guy was working there. When I saw him I felt this instant attraction. A Topher Grace clone except taller, darker and handsomer. We kept stealing long glances at eachother. It was like lust at first sight. Le sigh. I need some boy love.
Thanks to everyone who has commented on the last few entires! A hug and a half for you guys. :)
Attempt at audience interaction:
Name one thing you want to know about me.
My aunt, two cousins and I went to the coast today. I tried shea butter for the first time. The beach was foggy yet surprisingly warm...for the Oregon Coast on a cloudy day. The fog was so dense that you could barely see the ocean from the sand. It was kind of a cool effect. Then some dumb fuck was body boarding. He was decked out in a full on body suit that had a HAT lmfao. We were joking that he probably had gloves and footies hehe. We went to the ice cream parlor afterwards (ahh the sweet aromas of ice cream) and the cutest guy was working there. When I saw him I felt this instant attraction. A Topher Grace clone except taller, darker and handsomer. We kept stealing long glances at eachother. It was like lust at first sight. Le sigh. I need some boy love.
Thanks to everyone who has commented on the last few entires! A hug and a half for you guys. :)
Attempt at audience interaction:
Name one thing you want to know about me.
Sunday, August 01, 2004
I'm on our other computer (our rouder went out so my laptop doesn't have the net) an holy shit, this layout looks SO UGLY on here. The green is like baby poop green. It will be changed when everything is fixed.
Today I decided that after I graduate from college, I will live in a somewhat large, bustling city. Then as I get settled down, I will live on a farm surrounded by nothing but vast beautiful land. With peach orchards. Crops of green bean. Lots of bright flowers. It is so peaceful in the country. I always feel a calmness wash over my body when I am standing underneath the swaying trees.
Al Sharpton's speech at the Democratic Nation Convention was amazing. Very moving. He is a passionate speaker that says what is on his mind. I admire that, and I admire him. John Edwards did a good job too. Kerry was mediocre. I'm not a big fan of his at any rate. But for the sake of our country (and others) I hope that Bush does not get re-elected. I would vote for Kerry if I was at voting age just so Bush could get the hell off our country's podium.
Mr. President, in all due respect, Mr. President, read my lips: Our vote is not for sale...
Today I decided that after I graduate from college, I will live in a somewhat large, bustling city. Then as I get settled down, I will live on a farm surrounded by nothing but vast beautiful land. With peach orchards. Crops of green bean. Lots of bright flowers. It is so peaceful in the country. I always feel a calmness wash over my body when I am standing underneath the swaying trees.
Al Sharpton's speech at the Democratic Nation Convention was amazing. Very moving. He is a passionate speaker that says what is on his mind. I admire that, and I admire him. John Edwards did a good job too. Kerry was mediocre. I'm not a big fan of his at any rate. But for the sake of our country (and others) I hope that Bush does not get re-elected. I would vote for Kerry if I was at voting age just so Bush could get the hell off our country's podium.
Mr. President, in all due respect, Mr. President, read my lips: Our vote is not for sale...
Friday, July 23, 2004
I'll be 17 in four days, the 27th (send some love ba-bee). It has crossed my mind once or twice that I am not mature enough to be 17. Or at least I don't feel like it. Maybe I don't have to be mature at that age. Although I feel pressured to be. Big decisions coming up in the future that will most likely affect the next four years of my life after I graduate this June. Too many things to decide and I'm not mentally prepared to deal with it. Maybe it is because I don't want to grow up yet. No, actually I do (I'm fighting with myself haha. How incredibly sad). But I don't want to have to go through the picking and the choosing, and most of all the responsibility.
Next blog might not be until the begining of August. The 'rents are going to Vegas while I'm staying at the Gma's crib. Why am I talking like this?!?!
I have Jimmy Fallon's "Idiot Boyfriend" stuck in my head. "Hey baby you like fine cooking? Cause you know what? I got a swanson's dinner in the freezer with your name on it." Cause I know what you want, and I know what you need....
Next blog might not be until the begining of August. The 'rents are going to Vegas while I'm staying at the Gma's crib. Why am I talking like this?!?!
I have Jimmy Fallon's "Idiot Boyfriend" stuck in my head. "Hey baby you like fine cooking? Cause you know what? I got a swanson's dinner in the freezer with your name on it." Cause I know what you want, and I know what you need....
Monday, July 19, 2004
Interesting complex:
Driving while shirtless. On hot days many (young) men seem to drive around shirtless, most with tan and toned bodies (yay). So I started to think, one day should I drive around shirtless exposing my breasts. True, I may get jailed for public exposure/indecency. But I am in the confides of my own car. So how does the law work then? AND if I drive around the certain part of my town were going shirtless for men and women is legal, then that is okay, right?
I can't wait for The Bourne Supremacy! The Bourne Identity was good so I'm hoping this one will meet expectations. Did you know it was based on a book? I bought it the other I can add to my list of books. I'm such a summer reading whore.
Thanks to everyone who commented last time--Stephanie, April, Hannah, Mez (Happy early Bday to you too! :D).
Driving while shirtless. On hot days many (young) men seem to drive around shirtless, most with tan and toned bodies (yay). So I started to think, one day should I drive around shirtless exposing my breasts. True, I may get jailed for public exposure/indecency. But I am in the confides of my own car. So how does the law work then? AND if I drive around the certain part of my town were going shirtless for men and women is legal, then that is okay, right?
I can't wait for The Bourne Supremacy! The Bourne Identity was good so I'm hoping this one will meet expectations. Did you know it was based on a book? I bought it the other I can add to my list of books. I'm such a summer reading whore.
Thanks to everyone who commented last time--Stephanie, April, Hannah, Mez (Happy early Bday to you too! :D).
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Fuck this, bitch. I'm back like a whack on crack who's talkin smack. My name is going to be lil' A from now on. Kinda like lil Romeo except not. But that is beside the point. This site finally feels rejuvenated (if there are any problems, let me know). So fresh and so clean.
John Mayer and Maroon 5 was amazing. One of the best concerts I've ever been to. Review and pictures up soon. Oh yeah, MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 12 DAYS.
Question of the day:
What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
John Mayer and Maroon 5 was amazing. One of the best concerts I've ever been to. Review and pictures up soon. Oh yeah, MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 12 DAYS.
Question of the day:
What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
Friday, July 09, 2004
This site is a big piece of shit right now. I'm tired and unhappy with it. I've never put Unpredictable on a hiatus (suddenly I feel a sad, sinking feeling), but this one is much needed. Hopefully when it returns it will be back to where I want it to be--its wounds mended and its lackluster qualities gone. Unpredictable will be a new woman, so to speak.
There is always my livejournal if you dare miss me. Be back soon.
This site is a big piece of shit right now. I'm tired and unhappy with it. I've never put Unpredictable on a hiatus (suddenly I feel a sad, sinking feeling), but this one is much needed. Hopefully when it returns it will be back to where I want it to be--its wounds mended and its lackluster qualities gone. Unpredictable will be a new woman, so to speak.
There is always my livejournal if you dare miss me. Be back soon.
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Ahh DO DA DO. DO DA DO. I just saw my best friend from Washginton that I haven't seen in TWO years!! *does the Ryan hand gesture that you don't know* Her and her boyfriend, Devon, came down because he's doing a visit at the Art Institue of Portland. They are supposed to be moving down sometime around November. That means we can see eachother a lot more often! YAY! We went to the "Monkey Restaurant", mini-golfing (yeah I lost), then the mall really quick and came back here for a while until they had to leave. Stephanie never changes, she'll always be "limited" hahaha. Her boyfriend is really sweet too. He reminds me of Peter...a lot. Imisshim.
I can't wait until she moves down. THEN WE CAN ACT RETARDED ALL THE TIME. YAAAAAY. I've really missed her. There is no one else like her that I can relate to in so many "special" ways rofl.
John Mayer in 3 days, bitch. I don't know what I'm gonna wear. Go nekked, maybe? Yes.
EDIT // Her visit made me realize I need to put more fun into my life and be more care free. I need to do what the Spice Girls tell me and "spice up my life."
I can't wait until she moves down. THEN WE CAN ACT RETARDED ALL THE TIME. YAAAAAY. I've really missed her. There is no one else like her that I can relate to in so many "special" ways rofl.
John Mayer in 3 days, bitch. I don't know what I'm gonna wear. Go nekked, maybe? Yes.
EDIT // Her visit made me realize I need to put more fun into my life and be more care free. I need to do what the Spice Girls tell me and "spice up my life."
Monday, July 05, 2004
Watch out everyone, I will be getting a killer body this summer....or so that's how the plan goes. Pilates video for my Birthday plus some exercise, and I plan to be a new woman. *sings off key opera* La la la laaaaa! Toned muscles here I come. Thank god I don't have to struggle with the battle of the bulge.
I've been reading a lot lately. I finished a 300-some page book in three days. Ok so I don't have much of a life. Shut up already! Reading is relaxing plus I've been wanting to read books that are not required for school. It's a good way to escape. I could've turned to drugs instead. HA. Reading, My anti-drug. Erh yeah. Someone shoot me.
I've been reading a lot lately. I finished a 300-some page book in three days. Ok so I don't have much of a life. Shut up already! Reading is relaxing plus I've been wanting to read books that are not required for school. It's a good way to escape. I could've turned to drugs instead. HA. Reading, My anti-drug. Erh yeah. Someone shoot me.
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Has anyone seen the commercial for those finger tip tooth brushing mitts? "Rip, slip, brush, ahhh." Not only is the commercial annoying, but it is the stupidest product ever! Whenever I hear the "Rip, slip, brush, ahhh," it reminds me of the proces of putting on a condom and the action thereafter (minus the brushing of course....unless you are into that kind of thing. hahaha.)
The swelling around my mosquito bite is almost the diameter of a baseball :(. My hand looks funny, kind of like I gained weight in that one region of my hand. The other bites haven't swelled to this extent, but I think this one did because right after it bite me, I stratched and squeezed it. WHY!?!? Don't ask. Just never do it yourself.
Lately I've felt that I'm trapt inside of a cage with this blog. I'm not freely expressing my thoughts nor am I being myself. It is like I'm trying to be something that I'm not in comdination with holding myself back. This is not good because that is one reason why I created this site/blog.
Suppose I said
I am on my best behavior
And there are times
I lose my worried mind
Would you want me when I'm not myself?
Wait it out while I am someone else?
Suppose I said
Colors change for no good reason
And words will go
From poetry to prose
Would you want me when I'm not myself?
Wait it out while I am someone else?
9 more days until John Mayer in Ridgefield!
26 more days until my Birthday!
The swelling around my mosquito bite is almost the diameter of a baseball :(. My hand looks funny, kind of like I gained weight in that one region of my hand. The other bites haven't swelled to this extent, but I think this one did because right after it bite me, I stratched and squeezed it. WHY!?!? Don't ask. Just never do it yourself.
Lately I've felt that I'm trapt inside of a cage with this blog. I'm not freely expressing my thoughts nor am I being myself. It is like I'm trying to be something that I'm not in comdination with holding myself back. This is not good because that is one reason why I created this site/blog.
Suppose I said
I am on my best behavior
And there are times
I lose my worried mind
Would you want me when I'm not myself?
Wait it out while I am someone else?
Suppose I said
Colors change for no good reason
And words will go
From poetry to prose
Would you want me when I'm not myself?
Wait it out while I am someone else?
9 more days until John Mayer in Ridgefield!
26 more days until my Birthday!
Thursday, June 24, 2004
I never knew choosing a photographer for senior pictures would be so difficult. There are many good places, but dayum, they rip you off!
Oh yay, my father is home and the yelling and complaining continues. Someone get me the fuck out of here. We're going in a raft trip this Saturday, now he is saying he can't go or some shit like that because of work. I am NEVER going to let work run my life, ever, let alone ruin my life. I've made so many vows what not to be like in the future, I can barely even think of the ones that are positive.

My dream car. *tear* Look how beautiful and red it is.
Another random thing: Almost one more month until my 17th Birthday (July 27). Woot woot!
Oh yay, my father is home and the yelling and complaining continues. Someone get me the fuck out of here. We're going in a raft trip this Saturday, now he is saying he can't go or some shit like that because of work. I am NEVER going to let work run my life, ever, let alone ruin my life. I've made so many vows what not to be like in the future, I can barely even think of the ones that are positive.
My dream car. *tear* Look how beautiful and red it is.
Another random thing: Almost one more month until my 17th Birthday (July 27). Woot woot!
Monday, June 21, 2004
I will puke if I see another "low carb" add. This craze has gone INSANE. Insane to the point where it is making others insane!! Plus, carbs are good for you. Carbs=brain food. THE STUPID PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT EATING CARBS ARE ROBBING THEIR BODIES OF ENERGY. Stupid fucks. And if you want to loose weight, exercise god damnit. It's better for you body.

The Japandal. An exotic hipster, you are. People
like you because you are soft-spoken,
brilliant, and like to go to the beach.
Seriously, you're the sandal of the hipster
world. Soak up the rays, and enjoy this while
it lasts. Sandals are seasonal, little guy, and
you've got three months to live. Four if we get
an Indian summer, but I doubt it. (And don't
start "West Coasting" me. Hipsters go
by New York time, whether they're from
Birmingham, Boston or Botswana. Why? I wrote
this quiz, losah...)
Which Puma shoe are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla
haha Japandal aahahaha. For some reason that makes me giggle. I'm looking for some new blogs to visit--comment if you have any ideas.
The Japandal. An exotic hipster, you are. People
like you because you are soft-spoken,
brilliant, and like to go to the beach.
Seriously, you're the sandal of the hipster
world. Soak up the rays, and enjoy this while
it lasts. Sandals are seasonal, little guy, and
you've got three months to live. Four if we get
an Indian summer, but I doubt it. (And don't
start "West Coasting" me. Hipsters go
by New York time, whether they're from
Birmingham, Boston or Botswana. Why? I wrote
this quiz, losah...)
Which Puma shoe are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla
haha Japandal aahahaha. For some reason that makes me giggle. I'm looking for some new blogs to visit--comment if you have any ideas.
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Quick blog before I leave for my Grandma's...
The other night I realized that at night, people can probably see my changing. My blinds are closed upward to block more light, while in turn giving an easier view to the people driving by a nice look into my bed room. I've driven by my house at night and left the light in my room, and the top of of it is clearly visible. haha Free peep show. I wonder how many people have actually seen me? I should start charging...
Listening to The Srokes while browsing through the amusing Urban Dictionary, provides many countless minutes (not quite close to hours) of fun.
The other night I realized that at night, people can probably see my changing. My blinds are closed upward to block more light, while in turn giving an easier view to the people driving by a nice look into my bed room. I've driven by my house at night and left the light in my room, and the top of of it is clearly visible. haha Free peep show. I wonder how many people have actually seen me? I should start charging...
Listening to The Srokes while browsing through the amusing Urban Dictionary, provides many countless minutes (not quite close to hours) of fun.
Friday, June 11, 2004
New layout! It's very simple--something I am feeling at the moment. School is finally out. Yay.
I got a bright pink bucket hat yesterday and I really don't know why. It is the only hat that has ever looked good on me plus it is so damn cute. Then I made a new necklace, it looks expensive but it was only $24. Umm let see. There is nothing much left to say. Oh yeah, I'm still really pissed off that Hanson is not coming to the West Coast, let alone not even considering it. I've decided that when my membership expires this month (or next, I can't remember), I am not renewing it. There is no point in spending $40 when their god damn website, the people who run and and are affiliated with it are RETADED. And don't even get me started on the street team. *grumbles* PSSHA.
Jordan: Aw thank you! I love your layout, btw.
Ryan: Oh Ryan, you have no idea. *chuckles* When my partner in crime, Stephanie (who I haven't seen in years) and I get together, you might as well say there is a new hole in the ozone.
Edit // 'Your Mind' and 'Ask Me' was updated. You people need to submit stuff more often. I've had 'Ask Me' forever and it used to be FILLED but I deleted all of them when I moved my site a few domains back and it is still very bare.
I got a bright pink bucket hat yesterday and I really don't know why. It is the only hat that has ever looked good on me plus it is so damn cute. Then I made a new necklace, it looks expensive but it was only $24. Umm let see. There is nothing much left to say. Oh yeah, I'm still really pissed off that Hanson is not coming to the West Coast, let alone not even considering it. I've decided that when my membership expires this month (or next, I can't remember), I am not renewing it. There is no point in spending $40 when their god damn website, the people who run and and are affiliated with it are RETADED. And don't even get me started on the street team. *grumbles* PSSHA.
Jordan: Aw thank you! I love your layout, btw.
Ryan: Oh Ryan, you have no idea. *chuckles* When my partner in crime, Stephanie (who I haven't seen in years) and I get together, you might as well say there is a new hole in the ozone.
Edit // 'Your Mind' and 'Ask Me' was updated. You people need to submit stuff more often. I've had 'Ask Me' forever and it used to be FILLED but I deleted all of them when I moved my site a few domains back and it is still very bare.
Monday, June 07, 2004
2 more days left of school...hell...yes.
Katie and I went outside to enjoy the LIMTED sun. *grumbles* Sometimes I hate Oregon. WHEN WILL IT EVER STOP RAINING, WHEN GOD, WHEN? Ok anyway, onto my original thought. So here's what went down:
Katie: *sits up from bench* My butt feels wet.
Me: *sits up* Holy crap, do does mine. HAHA You have water on your butt!
Katie: Ahahaha so do you!
I attempted to walk to the bathrom to see the extent of the "accident" but walking with a backpack covering your ass does not work well. After concurring that we both looked like we pissed our pants, we layed out in the sun to dry our butts--all while periodically checking to see if the water spots were reducing in size. Many minutes and one hella sun dried butt later, my pants were finally dry.
I just let out the longest SBD ever. *bows down*
Katie and I went outside to enjoy the LIMTED sun. *grumbles* Sometimes I hate Oregon. WHEN WILL IT EVER STOP RAINING, WHEN GOD, WHEN? Ok anyway, onto my original thought. So here's what went down:
Katie: *sits up from bench* My butt feels wet.
Me: *sits up* Holy crap, do does mine. HAHA You have water on your butt!
Katie: Ahahaha so do you!
I attempted to walk to the bathrom to see the extent of the "accident" but walking with a backpack covering your ass does not work well. After concurring that we both looked like we pissed our pants, we layed out in the sun to dry our butts--all while periodically checking to see if the water spots were reducing in size. Many minutes and one hella sun dried butt later, my pants were finally dry.
I just let out the longest SBD ever. *bows down*
Thursday, June 03, 2004
I will be outraged if the bill for a woman's draft is passed. Feminists are pressing for the approval of the bill. I'm all for Feminism as long as it does not put other women in danger--and a draft will do exactly that. Women have a MUCH greater chance of getting captured, raped, tortured, and sexually mutilated, etc. There is already enough god damn men in this country who can "fight". Women don't need to be involved in war, unless they volunteer on their will. Our mind sets are completely different than men and we handle situations much differently.
I can see this random scene playing out in my head:
-Grandma: "Oh sorry little Billy, your mom and dad both got killed in the war and I'm on my death bad now. So guess what? You get to live in a foster home! If the bill wouldn't have been passed your mommy would still be alive today."
IF it is passed, I'm moving to Canada. But I heard a rumor that Canada would close their borders. So in that case, I'm getting knocked up.
The SAT is on Saturday at 8 AM....wish me luck, guys! Thanks to all my commenters too (and for the extra boost of confidence and warm fuzzies in my stomach). :)
I can see this random scene playing out in my head:
-Grandma: "Oh sorry little Billy, your mom and dad both got killed in the war and I'm on my death bad now. So guess what? You get to live in a foster home! If the bill wouldn't have been passed your mommy would still be alive today."
IF it is passed, I'm moving to Canada. But I heard a rumor that Canada would close their borders. So in that case, I'm getting knocked up.
The SAT is on Saturday at 8 AM....wish me luck, guys! Thanks to all my commenters too (and for the extra boost of confidence and warm fuzzies in my stomach). :)
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Today went from bad to worse. We had an assembly at another school in town to honor the senior and juniors in our IB classes. I had to sit with some twit that I didn't know on the bus. Then the assembly was so FUCKED up that I can't even explain it. They awarded Krista for 'Excellence in Literature' when she doesn't even do shit. She is never in class, never does any of her own work (her mom and friends do it for it) AND she copies off everything I do. (I should've gotten that award for hell's sakes). The teachers are even stupid enough to believe her lame ass excusses. This world is SO fucked up--a school awards people who don't even deserve recogniton. What the HELL?
Then I continued sitting there thinking about my school work and why the hell I didn't get an award. I work my ass off (And that is more that I can say for Krista), submit quality work, do good on tests, complete my homework, etc and it is ALL good quality. I just don't understand. This might seem self centered but god damnit, it would be nice to get recignized for my hard work at least ONCE in a blue moon. I can't keep running on empty.
On the bus ride home I had to sit with the bastard who gave Krista that god damn award (my lit teacher). Ugh. I wanted to kill someone. Or at least severly hurt them so they would be a vegetable for the rest of their life.
After dinner I couldn't take it anymore. I cried....and cired. It came to me that I am just not good enough for anyone, not even myself.
Then my dad just keeps yelling at my mom, constantly...the abuse never ends. He is such a dick. GOD. I can't stand him. I can't fucking live this way.
Oh, I got a cell phone that is actally mine. You might've noticed there has been a new layout up for a couple of days. There will be a new one up soon because I don't like this one.
Then I continued sitting there thinking about my school work and why the hell I didn't get an award. I work my ass off (And that is more that I can say for Krista), submit quality work, do good on tests, complete my homework, etc and it is ALL good quality. I just don't understand. This might seem self centered but god damnit, it would be nice to get recignized for my hard work at least ONCE in a blue moon. I can't keep running on empty.
On the bus ride home I had to sit with the bastard who gave Krista that god damn award (my lit teacher). Ugh. I wanted to kill someone. Or at least severly hurt them so they would be a vegetable for the rest of their life.
After dinner I couldn't take it anymore. I cried....and cired. It came to me that I am just not good enough for anyone, not even myself.
Then my dad just keeps yelling at my mom, constantly...the abuse never ends. He is such a dick. GOD. I can't stand him. I can't fucking live this way.
Oh, I got a cell phone that is actally mine. You might've noticed there has been a new layout up for a couple of days. There will be a new one up soon because I don't like this one.
Friday, May 28, 2004
Good day today (that I so desperately needed). At lunch this "band" played in the locker bay haha...Oregon rain, ya gotta love it. They didn't have the vocals but instrumentally they were good, and so freaking hilarous. The lead singer was in an old school outfit with really short shorts. The next period, people kept coming into the library asking us if we could roll out tounge for a science survey. Then me and Katie got this idea just to stick out our tounges at be like "Am I rolling it?" with a really constipated look on our faces. The next guy who asked me, I stuck out my tounge and was like, "Iii canddd't!" Gahaha. We could stop laughing at the guy gave me an evil look buwhahaha.
Then around 5 Katie came to pick me up and we went off to Borders to read magazines then put them back on the shelf lol. We are so cheap. So we ate at this resturant (bacon cheese burger, yuuum) and we barely had enough for a tip....$2 in quarters, nickles, and dimes baby! Went off to the movie theatre--bought tickets for "The Day After Tomorrow"--went to Target to kill some time--sat in the lawn chair that were displayed in the aisle and talked--made retarded faces at the hidden video camera on ceiling--laughed too much--then I farted once in the make up aisle.
When we walked back into the theatre, it was so packed b/c the show was sold out. We just happened to stop right beside a group of 3 guys in a 4 seat row to search for seats:
Mofos: Dude, that girl is hot. Yeah!
Me: There are no seats!
Mofo #1: Hey, there is an extra seat right here *all mofos look in my direction and mofo #3 motions to the seat*
Me: Hahaha ummm I don't think so.
Mofos: Awww, haha, alright.
They were cute but too preppy. Or else MAYBE, just MAYBE I would've thought about it. They were all looking at me and I was just like "Uuuh, right." Granted I was wearing a tight shirt and pants. Oops *innocently covers mouth*. The preview for "White Chicks" was showed and AHAHAHA, that looks effing hilarous. "The Day After Tomorrow" was shuch a good movie. There was no real plot but it was so thought-proking and just plain freaky. To think a catastrophe could actually happen and change the way we live is really haunting. Katie and I were so scared we were going to die after it hahaha. We're like "nooo, we are polluting! aaah" Somehow we got into the converstation that the West Coast is due for a major earthquake in the near future. And that is when we were like "Gaaah! It could happen right now....when we are going over this bridge!" Then into random people shooting us while driving down the almost deserted road to my house. Meeps. It made me realize how fragile life is and that sometimes the little thing just aren't important. The symbolism in this movie was great. Plus Jake Gyllenhaal is a BABE.
edit // 5.30.04 @ 10:24 am // New Layout!
Then around 5 Katie came to pick me up and we went off to Borders to read magazines then put them back on the shelf lol. We are so cheap. So we ate at this resturant (bacon cheese burger, yuuum) and we barely had enough for a tip....$2 in quarters, nickles, and dimes baby! Went off to the movie theatre--bought tickets for "The Day After Tomorrow"--went to Target to kill some time--sat in the lawn chair that were displayed in the aisle and talked--made retarded faces at the hidden video camera on ceiling--laughed too much--then I farted once in the make up aisle.
When we walked back into the theatre, it was so packed b/c the show was sold out. We just happened to stop right beside a group of 3 guys in a 4 seat row to search for seats:
Mofos: Dude, that girl is hot. Yeah!
Me: There are no seats!
Mofo #1: Hey, there is an extra seat right here *all mofos look in my direction and mofo #3 motions to the seat*
Me: Hahaha ummm I don't think so.
Mofos: Awww, haha, alright.
They were cute but too preppy. Or else MAYBE, just MAYBE I would've thought about it. They were all looking at me and I was just like "Uuuh, right." Granted I was wearing a tight shirt and pants. Oops *innocently covers mouth*. The preview for "White Chicks" was showed and AHAHAHA, that looks effing hilarous. "The Day After Tomorrow" was shuch a good movie. There was no real plot but it was so thought-proking and just plain freaky. To think a catastrophe could actually happen and change the way we live is really haunting. Katie and I were so scared we were going to die after it hahaha. We're like "nooo, we are polluting! aaah" Somehow we got into the converstation that the West Coast is due for a major earthquake in the near future. And that is when we were like "Gaaah! It could happen right now....when we are going over this bridge!" Then into random people shooting us while driving down the almost deserted road to my house. Meeps. It made me realize how fragile life is and that sometimes the little thing just aren't important. The symbolism in this movie was great. Plus Jake Gyllenhaal is a BABE.
edit // 5.30.04 @ 10:24 am // New Layout!
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Dale came to visit our school today, wtf? He goes to a different school...and should stay there. He just had to stare/talk to/touch me. Eww *shudders*. See last year, when he went here he would always touch me (not sexually haha) constantly talk to me, do/suggest weird things. Ugh. I can't explain it other than NASTINESS and creepyness.
Anthony: You have no butt.
Dale: Yeah, but she has hips! *in really excited tone*
(That is just one 'normal' example)
So anyway. Katie could hardly control her laughter when he came up to me today, then he just blabbed on and when he was suggested that he should leave me to do my French I aburptly said, "Ok bye" haha. I always brush him off, signaling to stay away from me but he can't get it though his little head. Actually his head is quite large compared to the rest of his body. Then I saw the other freak who would always talk to me in the library and what not and lean over and smell my hair earlier this year *cries*, working at McDonald's gahaha. The weird guys (in a bad way weird) always like me.
THEN I saw Peter. Yaaay. Heisthecutestthingever. I love the way he dresses and his goofy personality. How come I always like things that I can't get?
Anthony: You have no butt.
Dale: Yeah, but she has hips! *in really excited tone*
(That is just one 'normal' example)
So anyway. Katie could hardly control her laughter when he came up to me today, then he just blabbed on and when he was suggested that he should leave me to do my French I aburptly said, "Ok bye" haha. I always brush him off, signaling to stay away from me but he can't get it though his little head. Actually his head is quite large compared to the rest of his body. Then I saw the other freak who would always talk to me in the library and what not and lean over and smell my hair earlier this year *cries*, working at McDonald's gahaha. The weird guys (in a bad way weird) always like me.
THEN I saw Peter. Yaaay. Heisthecutestthingever. I love the way he dresses and his goofy personality. How come I always like things that I can't get?
Monday, May 24, 2004
I'm the biggest procrastinator in the world...I haven't even checked my email ::hears incredibly loud and obnoxious gasps from audience:: To avoid doing all of the important things I've downloaded numerous new fonts and have successfully achieved having exactly 420 of them.
I can't believe only 12 some odd days life in my Junior year. It cannot be possible. Next year I'm actually going to have to THINK and make life altering decisions *goan*. Didn't I write about this in a previous entry? Ha.
There is this bookmark that says "dreams" stuck on my cork board message center right above my laptop. I can't stop looking at it.
The guestbook is quite lonely. Poor can it survive without any love?
Becca: Have fun your last few days! You deserve it *hug* I'm planning on making you a cool little graphic (well there goes the surprise haha).
I can't believe only 12 some odd days life in my Junior year. It cannot be possible. Next year I'm actually going to have to THINK and make life altering decisions *goan*. Didn't I write about this in a previous entry? Ha.
There is this bookmark that says "dreams" stuck on my cork board message center right above my laptop. I can't stop looking at it.
The guestbook is quite lonely. Poor can it survive without any love?
Becca: Have fun your last few days! You deserve it *hug* I'm planning on making you a cool little graphic (well there goes the surprise haha).
Thursday, May 20, 2004
I just realized how much this layout makes me want to puke. It's too blah. Expect a new one soon, maybe during the next couple of weeks when I will be procrastinating under all the pressure of my projects and finals.
I saw David today (my very own Ethan Embry look-alike) that I was obsessed about a couple months back. He's always had a little meat on the bones, but it has been toned and sexy. And is just not good. He has mini man boobs and the works :( How can all of that happen in just a few months? Plus his sideburns are cut all weird and *sigh* He's just not the same David anymore. The reason why I'm only focusing on his looks is because I've only talked to him a few times and have never known him personally, so therefore I can only comment about his appearance. Shallow, I know.
But it's okay, because now I have Petie...yay! He's so cute, tall and goofy/dorky, awe I luff it. His real name is Peter but Petie just makes me giggle. He was sitting weird this afternoon and his shorts were hiking up on his leg, revealing the not-so-tanned and REALLY white upper leg hehehe...just like mine (except my whole body is really white lmfao). A match made in heaven! We always look at eachother but I never say anything. I need to stop being so shy.
Oh yeah, I just checked out 15+ books at the library on the Oregon Trail. I feel like such a nerd haha.
I saw David today (my very own Ethan Embry look-alike) that I was obsessed about a couple months back. He's always had a little meat on the bones, but it has been toned and sexy. And is just not good. He has mini man boobs and the works :( How can all of that happen in just a few months? Plus his sideburns are cut all weird and *sigh* He's just not the same David anymore. The reason why I'm only focusing on his looks is because I've only talked to him a few times and have never known him personally, so therefore I can only comment about his appearance. Shallow, I know.
But it's okay, because now I have Petie...yay! He's so cute, tall and goofy/dorky, awe I luff it. His real name is Peter but Petie just makes me giggle. He was sitting weird this afternoon and his shorts were hiking up on his leg, revealing the not-so-tanned and REALLY white upper leg hehehe...just like mine (except my whole body is really white lmfao). A match made in heaven! We always look at eachother but I never say anything. I need to stop being so shy.
Oh yeah, I just checked out 15+ books at the library on the Oregon Trail. I feel like such a nerd haha.
Monday, May 17, 2004
New layout! The other one was getting boring. Although, I might change this one very soon because the only thing good about it is Tyler Hilton. *licks* His voice is different but his music is pretty general (Jason Mraz type of thing).
I want to see Troy. Correction, I need to see Troy. Orlando Bloom...Brad Pitt....gah! The only thing missing is Heath Ledger and a really random sexy guy haha. Shrek 2....that is also a must see. I FOUND THE SEXY GUY.
The NHS induction was last night. I like my outfit. It seemed like I was joining a cult though. They made us light these candles and say some sort of "excellent student pledge". Excellent student my ass. If I don't get my grades up I'll be kicked out of NHS. Ha, on second thought that doesn't sound too bad. I didn't even want to join it in the first place but it looks good on college apps., and I thought it might get me a little extra scholarship money.
Ok, I'm off! *wables away on cane*
I want to see Troy. Correction, I need to see Troy. Orlando Bloom...Brad Pitt....gah! The only thing missing is Heath Ledger and a really random sexy guy haha. Shrek 2....that is also a must see. I FOUND THE SEXY GUY.
The NHS induction was last night. I like my outfit. It seemed like I was joining a cult though. They made us light these candles and say some sort of "excellent student pledge". Excellent student my ass. If I don't get my grades up I'll be kicked out of NHS. Ha, on second thought that doesn't sound too bad. I didn't even want to join it in the first place but it looks good on college apps., and I thought it might get me a little extra scholarship money.
Ok, I'm off! *wables away on cane*
Friday, May 14, 2004
I just caught most of the John Mayer and Brad Paisley Crossroads Special on CMT. Gah, it was amazing! I thought it was a weird match when I heard their names but as soon as I started listening it was perfect. I was literally melting away on "Daughters". Despite it being John Mayer's song, Brad did better. His voice was so silky on it. And I'm so jealous of their guitar skills. Damn. I want to learn how to play like them. I need to buy this special on DVD, find a bootleg or SOMETHING. God damn VCR, where are you when I need you?
I'm going to a "Scrapbooker's Night Out Tomorrow" haha. I think it's also National Scrapbookers Day tomorrow too. lmfao There is a day for everything now. National Have my Cake and Eat It Too Day, Secretary Day, Strawberry Fruit Snack Day, Hanson Day (yes sadly there really is a Hanson Day), National Pick A Flower Day, National Loud Fart Day, Talk Like A Pirate Day, etc. (Please note: Not all of these 'holidays' are official due to the fact that I pulled them out of my ass). I'm digressing. So anyway, it's gonna be cool because they have throngs of scrapbook sheot. Yay.
Crap, I need to study for the SAT. AHHHH. Then like 293848747 school projects. *runs around in circles going crazy* SO...MUCH...STRESS. AAAAAAAHHHH SOMEONE HAND ME MY INFLATABLE ZAC HANSON.
I'm going to a "Scrapbooker's Night Out Tomorrow" haha. I think it's also National Scrapbookers Day tomorrow too. lmfao There is a day for everything now. National Have my Cake and Eat It Too Day, Secretary Day, Strawberry Fruit Snack Day, Hanson Day (yes sadly there really is a Hanson Day), National Pick A Flower Day, National Loud Fart Day, Talk Like A Pirate Day, etc. (Please note: Not all of these 'holidays' are official due to the fact that I pulled them out of my ass). I'm digressing. So anyway, it's gonna be cool because they have throngs of scrapbook sheot. Yay.
Crap, I need to study for the SAT. AHHHH. Then like 293848747 school projects. *runs around in circles going crazy* SO...MUCH...STRESS. AAAAAAAHHHH SOMEONE HAND ME MY INFLATABLE ZAC HANSON.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Wooah, Blogger got a new look at it's kinda freakin me out. I like it though.
I went to an OSU orientation today for "High Academic Achievers" (by invite only, how...special), not only did they have really good desserts (Why do I always talk about food?) but I'm really considering going there. I'd like a more in depth campus thour though. And there were some really cute boys there too, might I add. One guy resembled Chad Michael Murray. He was sitting all alone for 10 minutes and I was tempted to talk to him but I didn't want to be like, "Excuse me Mom while I move two rows a head to talk to this incredibly good looking guy." haha
So the US Military is/was abusing the Iraqi prisioners. Why doesn't that surprise me? *shakes head* I heard some guy on the radio the other day comment on how the media was making too big of a deal about it. Well it IS a big deal. When you abuse innocent people (since many of the captive are not guilty) it is not right. I don't care even if it was ONE guy who they are dragging by a dog leash and beating the shit out of is STILL happening. God damn US and their supremecy. I hate our ego. Excuse me, their ego...I refuse to include myself in that. I should just move to Fiji or something. But first I'd have to get a mosquito net.
I broke the 'B' key on my keyboard the other day. :( There was a little piece of Cheez-It under it (here I go talking about food again....) so I attempted to "lift" the key up to reach the crum but managed to break it straight off. There is a way to lock it properly back in place but only the top part does it so the bottom flips up haha. Someone help! I know there is a way to fix it.
Thank you all of my commenters :D (And to Laurie for telling me how to spell Gianluca's name properly. I was trying to add a French twist with the Jean lol).
EDIT// Go read this guy's post about the war. It is just horrible. And the next Nazi Germany goes to...drum roll please!.......THE UNITED STATES *ding ding ding*.
I went to an OSU orientation today for "High Academic Achievers" (by invite only, how...special), not only did they have really good desserts (Why do I always talk about food?) but I'm really considering going there. I'd like a more in depth campus thour though. And there were some really cute boys there too, might I add. One guy resembled Chad Michael Murray. He was sitting all alone for 10 minutes and I was tempted to talk to him but I didn't want to be like, "Excuse me Mom while I move two rows a head to talk to this incredibly good looking guy." haha
So the US Military is/was abusing the Iraqi prisioners. Why doesn't that surprise me? *shakes head* I heard some guy on the radio the other day comment on how the media was making too big of a deal about it. Well it IS a big deal. When you abuse innocent people (since many of the captive are not guilty) it is not right. I don't care even if it was ONE guy who they are dragging by a dog leash and beating the shit out of is STILL happening. God damn US and their supremecy. I hate our ego. Excuse me, their ego...I refuse to include myself in that. I should just move to Fiji or something. But first I'd have to get a mosquito net.
I broke the 'B' key on my keyboard the other day. :( There was a little piece of Cheez-It under it (here I go talking about food again....) so I attempted to "lift" the key up to reach the crum but managed to break it straight off. There is a way to lock it properly back in place but only the top part does it so the bottom flips up haha. Someone help! I know there is a way to fix it.
Thank you all of my commenters :D (And to Laurie for telling me how to spell Gianluca's name properly. I was trying to add a French twist with the Jean lol).
EDIT// Go read this guy's post about the war. It is just horrible. And the next Nazi Germany goes to...drum roll please!.......THE UNITED STATES *ding ding ding*.
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Prom was fuuuuuuun. A little overview:
-Getting ready:
Went over to Sarah's did makeup, hair, etc. She was freaking out about her hair haha. And mine was retarded like usual. Next year I'm getting it done professionally. Her mom took tons of pictures...I can't wait to get them back!
First off, we had our very own Lincoln Town Car (not ours pictured) and a personal shauffer hehe. It was so awesome! We went to this really awesome Italian restaurant where Sarah knows almost everyone who works there. We both had a ceaser salad (I've never had a salad with the leaf not chopped was interesting...I liked it). The owner came over to chat with us...gah I love his Italian accent! Italians are so nice lmfao. Then we had 3 servings of dessert haha. Shut up, I know I'm a heffer. And hoooooly SHIT. It was so freaking good. I got chocolate cheesecake and two other yummy chocolate things.
While we were eating dessert the owner's son came out, Jeanluca, I think his name is. He started talking to Sarah asking how she was since they saw eachother last, etc. Then he reached over to shake my hand (omg his hands are huuuge, mine looked so teeny in it) and he knocked my water glass over, spilling it all over the table and floor hahaha. I was embarrassed for him. But he is cute...buff, tan, dark eyes and hair, mwuah I luff Italians! Hottness. He's kinda of weird though. Then he asked Sarah to his prom haha, you can totally tell he likes her. Later she told me how he is always following her around when she sees him. Scary. Okay...but I'm jealous god damnit.
-The Dance:
At first it was boring but then they started to play some better songs. "Dude Looks Like A Lady" by Aerosmith (dude this is my favorite song eva rofl), some AC/DC, that 80's song "we can dance if we want to", Cotten Eyes Joe, and the one "she thinks my tractor is sexy." The other songs sucked. All the boys looked so cute in their tuxes and what not hehe :) Especially Peter *sigh*. Seth looked good too. Everytime I looked over at him he looked sad/lonely, I should've talked to him. Stupid me....yet another chance down the drain.
The dance seemed really short, granted we left a little early since we only had the car til 12. I was just getting into it by the time we left. I had a lot of fun but I think if I had a little bit of guy action (dancing I perv!). I can't believe its over though. Something so monumental in my life went by too quick. But it was awesome :) And I want to see Jeanluca again, that big ball of Italian sexiness. And since he has big hands and feet...*giggle* Italian saaaaaausage. Someone smack me, I'm a dork.
-Getting ready:
Went over to Sarah's did makeup, hair, etc. She was freaking out about her hair haha. And mine was retarded like usual. Next year I'm getting it done professionally. Her mom took tons of pictures...I can't wait to get them back!
First off, we had our very own Lincoln Town Car (not ours pictured) and a personal shauffer hehe. It was so awesome! We went to this really awesome Italian restaurant where Sarah knows almost everyone who works there. We both had a ceaser salad (I've never had a salad with the leaf not chopped was interesting...I liked it). The owner came over to chat with us...gah I love his Italian accent! Italians are so nice lmfao. Then we had 3 servings of dessert haha. Shut up, I know I'm a heffer. And hoooooly SHIT. It was so freaking good. I got chocolate cheesecake and two other yummy chocolate things.
While we were eating dessert the owner's son came out, Jeanluca, I think his name is. He started talking to Sarah asking how she was since they saw eachother last, etc. Then he reached over to shake my hand (omg his hands are huuuge, mine looked so teeny in it) and he knocked my water glass over, spilling it all over the table and floor hahaha. I was embarrassed for him. But he is cute...buff, tan, dark eyes and hair, mwuah I luff Italians! Hottness. He's kinda of weird though. Then he asked Sarah to his prom haha, you can totally tell he likes her. Later she told me how he is always following her around when she sees him. Scary. Okay...but I'm jealous god damnit.
-The Dance:
At first it was boring but then they started to play some better songs. "Dude Looks Like A Lady" by Aerosmith (dude this is my favorite song eva rofl), some AC/DC, that 80's song "we can dance if we want to", Cotten Eyes Joe, and the one "she thinks my tractor is sexy." The other songs sucked. All the boys looked so cute in their tuxes and what not hehe :) Especially Peter *sigh*. Seth looked good too. Everytime I looked over at him he looked sad/lonely, I should've talked to him. Stupid me....yet another chance down the drain.
The dance seemed really short, granted we left a little early since we only had the car til 12. I was just getting into it by the time we left. I had a lot of fun but I think if I had a little bit of guy action (dancing I perv!). I can't believe its over though. Something so monumental in my life went by too quick. But it was awesome :) And I want to see Jeanluca again, that big ball of Italian sexiness. And since he has big hands and feet...*giggle* Italian saaaaaausage. Someone smack me, I'm a dork.
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Prom is tonight....I'm gonna have to figure out where to store my keelnex. The only thing that is coming to mind is putting them in the "boob" of my dress haha. But that is gross. Any clever ideas?
Katie and I went to Portland yesterday afternoon for a PSU visit. Didn't like the campus very much but the diversity of all the students was cool. I also got a pair of khakis and a purple shirt at Forever 21. I was about to get a black mini-skirt with a matching top. It was so freakin cute. But I couldn't figure out where I'd wear it. I also confirmed that stores don't make very many clothes to fit my body type--tall, slim, hour glass figure (big boobs and hips), small waist, skinny legs and no butt. It seems like they would...but noooo. Or maybe I'm just really picky.
Listening to oldies is so fun. :)
Katie and I went to Portland yesterday afternoon for a PSU visit. Didn't like the campus very much but the diversity of all the students was cool. I also got a pair of khakis and a purple shirt at Forever 21. I was about to get a black mini-skirt with a matching top. It was so freakin cute. But I couldn't figure out where I'd wear it. I also confirmed that stores don't make very many clothes to fit my body type--tall, slim, hour glass figure (big boobs and hips), small waist, skinny legs and no butt. It seems like they would...but noooo. Or maybe I'm just really picky.
Listening to oldies is so fun. :)
Monday, May 03, 2004
The stupid girl who sits next to me in Lit gave me a freakin cold. Arg. EVERYTIME she gets sicks she gives me her cold. *shakes fist*
Sarah and I just went shopping. Didn't get anything but I found a pair of jeans that I really want. We also came to the conclusion that we are the most easily amused and sidetracked people ever hahaha.
This week is going to be busy. Friday: Up to Portland for PSU visit (and a wee bit of shopping). Saturday: Prom. Sunday: Mother's Day. Then homework. Actually now that I write about it, it doesn't sound so busy afterall.
Becca: Didn't you find a dress online? You should go've only got one Senior Prom. Just go have fun :) PS: I'm sorry about the concert. Did you get tickets yet?
Stephanie: Now you make me want to go put on my dress lmfao. Just let me know when you get your site back up (fo sho)!
Ryan: HAHAHA That is the best quote! And very true. Amazon is so's amazing that you actaully got the CD lol.
Jenna: Man that would be scary to get lost in a Wal-Mart! Thankfully ours isn't that big or else I KNOW I'd get lost hehe.
Alex: Broken Angel and Lulla Belle are the worst songs by Hanson since Love Song and Surely As The Sun. LoL. ROFLMAO. That was freakin funny. *giggle* Surely As The Sun *giggle*. I was disappoiinted with Broken Angel. The vocals need to be more powerful and some instrumental parts too. I'm sure it would better if they recorded it today, not 2 freakin years ago. But I like Lulla Belle, simple yet cute.
Sarah and I just went shopping. Didn't get anything but I found a pair of jeans that I really want. We also came to the conclusion that we are the most easily amused and sidetracked people ever hahaha.
This week is going to be busy. Friday: Up to Portland for PSU visit (and a wee bit of shopping). Saturday: Prom. Sunday: Mother's Day. Then homework. Actually now that I write about it, it doesn't sound so busy afterall.
Becca: Didn't you find a dress online? You should go've only got one Senior Prom. Just go have fun :) PS: I'm sorry about the concert. Did you get tickets yet?
Stephanie: Now you make me want to go put on my dress lmfao. Just let me know when you get your site back up (fo sho)!
Ryan: HAHAHA That is the best quote! And very true. Amazon is so's amazing that you actaully got the CD lol.
Jenna: Man that would be scary to get lost in a Wal-Mart! Thankfully ours isn't that big or else I KNOW I'd get lost hehe.
Alex: Broken Angel and Lulla Belle are the worst songs by Hanson since Love Song and Surely As The Sun. LoL. ROFLMAO. That was freakin funny. *giggle* Surely As The Sun *giggle*. I was disappoiinted with Broken Angel. The vocals need to be more powerful and some instrumental parts too. I'm sure it would better if they recorded it today, not 2 freakin years ago. But I like Lulla Belle, simple yet cute.
Friday, April 30, 2004
New make up is fuuun. I went to Wal*Mart (you must have the star) today and got two eye liners and eye shadow and nail polish. Yay! Oh yes, then I got a necklace for prom. It's actually really nice. I'm really excited for prom just to dance like a fool hehe.
This afternoon Katie and I were at the mall and this guy walked by and after he was a few feet away was whispered "Dude, that guy had huge plugs." And the guy turned around was like like, "Yeah I know I have huge ear plugs!" LMFAO. I had no idea he heard me (granted I have the worst stage whisper ever) but it was so embarrassing. There was nothing good at the mall either. It seemed like all the stores had generally the same stuff. *sigh* What has this world come to when there is no good shopping (and all these really ugly skirts, I feel like I'm being attacked by them each time...get them away! Only certain people should be wearing them)?
Damnit. My nail keeps getting stuck in between the E and the R key. How strange. Maybe because its as long as a dagger hahaha. Rawr.
I signed up for the June 5th SAT the other day. Meeps. It's a scary thought to be taking that, knowing that it will be going ton my record forever...dun dun duuuun.
Random song lyrics from my iTunes playlist:
I'm bouncing off the walls again
I'm looking like a fool again
Sometimes, I wish that I was a bong hit
You'd let me in and you would love every minute
And tell the room the things I did to you...
Stephanie -- I'm gonna miss your site :(
This afternoon Katie and I were at the mall and this guy walked by and after he was a few feet away was whispered "Dude, that guy had huge plugs." And the guy turned around was like like, "Yeah I know I have huge ear plugs!" LMFAO. I had no idea he heard me (granted I have the worst stage whisper ever) but it was so embarrassing. There was nothing good at the mall either. It seemed like all the stores had generally the same stuff. *sigh* What has this world come to when there is no good shopping (and all these really ugly skirts, I feel like I'm being attacked by them each time...get them away! Only certain people should be wearing them)?
Damnit. My nail keeps getting stuck in between the E and the R key. How strange. Maybe because its as long as a dagger hahaha. Rawr.
I signed up for the June 5th SAT the other day. Meeps. It's a scary thought to be taking that, knowing that it will be going ton my record forever...dun dun duuuun.
Random song lyrics from my iTunes playlist:
I'm bouncing off the walls again
I'm looking like a fool again
Sometimes, I wish that I was a bong hit
You'd let me in and you would love every minute
And tell the room the things I did to you...
Stephanie -- I'm gonna miss your site :(
Monday, April 26, 2004
hehe I almost typed instead of Blooger is like a booger....with blood. It's a blooger! Ok ewww.
It was so effing hot today. 85 degrees plus....and I was wearing jeans and 3/4 sleeve shirt haha. I was so prepared. DAMNIT I was going to paint my toe nails tonight. If I type faster I will have time before I go to bed. *types at the speed of light then realizes 60 words per minute is no where close to the speed of light* Talking about this hot weather, I need new shorts. Almost all the ones I have are a 1/2 away from showing my ass, and that is really amazing considering I have no ass haha. Skinny buuuuuttt, skinny buuuttt.
So yes, I'm still dateless from prom. Any takers?!? We could have a nice, long, intense conversation cheese fondue. (Is there an "e" at the end or not? I'm in French and I don't sad.)
Once again, there is no point to this blog.
It was so effing hot today. 85 degrees plus....and I was wearing jeans and 3/4 sleeve shirt haha. I was so prepared. DAMNIT I was going to paint my toe nails tonight. If I type faster I will have time before I go to bed. *types at the speed of light then realizes 60 words per minute is no where close to the speed of light* Talking about this hot weather, I need new shorts. Almost all the ones I have are a 1/2 away from showing my ass, and that is really amazing considering I have no ass haha. Skinny buuuuuttt, skinny buuuttt.
So yes, I'm still dateless from prom. Any takers?!? We could have a nice, long, intense conversation cheese fondue. (Is there an "e" at the end or not? I'm in French and I don't sad.)
Once again, there is no point to this blog.
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Test, test, test... (Omg I'm Taylor Hanson!!)
After 10 some spins of Underneath, it's finally making me groove and give me those chills that I normally get from Hanson. Still the album is lacking some content to the content (aka substance to the lyrics). It doesn't really emotionally move me as much as I expected it would, but I DID find it is good background music. I play while doing homework, blogging (like I am right now) and just hanging out in general. At first when I heard it I was like WTF is this stuff? It was blah and bland for me. There was some sort of confusion to it all. But after a good number of listens I've grown to like it. Not my favorite Hanson album ever, but I like it. (Longer review soon). A lot of people have suggested listening to it with headphones because it changes the whole sound of the record. I will do that tomorrow. They have yet to find themselves...
In the meantime. Go buy it beotch. And spread the word!! I don't care if you don't want to. Do it. Tell random people you don't know. Accost them in the street and be like, "Undie, undie, undie...UNDERNEATH by Hanson!" Erh yeah. Or you could take a more traditional approach...but who wants to do that?
Today we sang this song about The Great Depression in history..."Sooooooup, soooooup, they give me a bowl of sooooooup!" It was so random. Umm let see what else can I ramble about? Oh yes, I saw David today *lick*. Now that is a FINE piece of boy. He was staring at me (again). It kind of creeps me out, but then again it's nice hahaha. I just need to talk to him but both of us are too shy. Plus I think he has a girlfriend. But I will not talk about that fact.
A list of cool people: Ryan, Alex, Becca, STEPHANIE, Chau
EDIT// Oy vay, I was just dancing in my underwear to the Crazy Beautiful remix etra track thing. *shakes head* Help?
After 10 some spins of Underneath, it's finally making me groove and give me those chills that I normally get from Hanson. Still the album is lacking some content to the content (aka substance to the lyrics). It doesn't really emotionally move me as much as I expected it would, but I DID find it is good background music. I play while doing homework, blogging (like I am right now) and just hanging out in general. At first when I heard it I was like WTF is this stuff? It was blah and bland for me. There was some sort of confusion to it all. But after a good number of listens I've grown to like it. Not my favorite Hanson album ever, but I like it. (Longer review soon). A lot of people have suggested listening to it with headphones because it changes the whole sound of the record. I will do that tomorrow. They have yet to find themselves...
In the meantime. Go buy it beotch. And spread the word!! I don't care if you don't want to. Do it. Tell random people you don't know. Accost them in the street and be like, "Undie, undie, undie...UNDERNEATH by Hanson!" Erh yeah. Or you could take a more traditional approach...but who wants to do that?
Today we sang this song about The Great Depression in history..."Sooooooup, soooooup, they give me a bowl of sooooooup!" It was so random. Umm let see what else can I ramble about? Oh yes, I saw David today *lick*. Now that is a FINE piece of boy. He was staring at me (again). It kind of creeps me out, but then again it's nice hahaha. I just need to talk to him but both of us are too shy. Plus I think he has a girlfriend. But I will not talk about that fact.
A list of cool people: Ryan, Alex, Becca, STEPHANIE, Chau
EDIT// Oy vay, I was just dancing in my underwear to the Crazy Beautiful remix etra track thing. *shakes head* Help?
Monday, April 19, 2004
Saturday, April 17, 2004
Well here I am at my new home! Thank you Becca :D There's also a new layout. This one puts me in the mood for summer...the other was too dark and sinister *throws head back and evily laughs*.
I got John Mayer tickets this morning, whee! Section 101 Row W. Maybe I'll run into Scotty again *drools*. Scotty the hottie with a naughty body, that is.
My mom and I went looking for a prom dress this afternoon and I actually found one. It is the most beautiful red ever! And it fits so good. I'm excited for from now! haha All that's missing is a date...a cute one preferably. Please send your pictures to Thank you.
The other day I was thinking how weird this little site is. It's like a whole different world that no one knows about other than my online friends. Sometimes I get paranoid that people I know in real life will stumble onto here. *looks around and eyes everyone suspiciously*.
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting...I got a livejournal the other day (a_stormy_haze). So add me to your friends list if you'd like :)
I got John Mayer tickets this morning, whee! Section 101 Row W. Maybe I'll run into Scotty again *drools*. Scotty the hottie with a naughty body, that is.
My mom and I went looking for a prom dress this afternoon and I actually found one. It is the most beautiful red ever! And it fits so good. I'm excited for from now! haha All that's missing is a date...a cute one preferably. Please send your pictures to Thank you.
The other day I was thinking how weird this little site is. It's like a whole different world that no one knows about other than my online friends. Sometimes I get paranoid that people I know in real life will stumble onto here. *looks around and eyes everyone suspiciously*.
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting...I got a livejournal the other day (a_stormy_haze). So add me to your friends list if you'd like :)
Monday, April 12, 2004
My family and I went to the coast this weekend and it was absolutely gorgeous. It was 80's in town and 70's on the beach. I've never been there when the weather was that nice. The ocean is really relaxing and peaceful.
My friend got it out of me that I kind of like Peter. So okay I do just a little bit. He is not the most attractive guy in the world but he has such a dorky and goofy personality that I love it. He's a cutie. But I don't imagine it ever turning into a serious crush.
Never-Forget is closing in July :( So Becca is going to host me! YAY!! *hugs her then sends her naked pics of Zac...erhh I mean, clothed Zac pics?!?* There was something else I was going to write about but it has slipped my mind.
AH I LOVE HANSON. New album--Underneath: 4/20. That is all.
\\Edit\\ I know what I was going to write about now! While at the beach I saw a sign that said "Gong's Chinese" but I misread it and thought it said "Going Chinese". hehe. Then this old couple of at least 75 hopped into their pimped out silver '03 Mustang and speed away. lmfao. It was the strangest thing I've ever seen. Quite an oxymoron.
My friend got it out of me that I kind of like Peter. So okay I do just a little bit. He is not the most attractive guy in the world but he has such a dorky and goofy personality that I love it. He's a cutie. But I don't imagine it ever turning into a serious crush.
Never-Forget is closing in July :( So Becca is going to host me! YAY!! *hugs her then sends her naked pics of Zac...erhh I mean, clothed Zac pics?!?* There was something else I was going to write about but it has slipped my mind.
AH I LOVE HANSON. New album--Underneath: 4/20. That is all.
\\Edit\\ I know what I was going to write about now! While at the beach I saw a sign that said "Gong's Chinese" but I misread it and thought it said "Going Chinese". hehe. Then this old couple of at least 75 hopped into their pimped out silver '03 Mustang and speed away. lmfao. It was the strangest thing I've ever seen. Quite an oxymoron.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Oooh a little late night blogging. How fun. I don't have much to talk about. Although life actually hans't been to bad lately. Relaxing and a tad enjoyable. I'm also getting a lot of scrapbooking done which is making me feel quite accomplished. Sad, I know.
The other day at school I got the most MASSIVE papercut ever. There is an envelope in the pouch next to my calculator and everyday when I get it out I think, "One day I'm going to get a papercut from that," well the day finally came. It was almost a half inch long and extremely deep. Amanda squeeded it to stop the bleeding and when I looked at it blood was dripping down my nail...ewww. I started to get light headed and really sweaty from seeing the blood. hehe Later that day my finger hit the car door and the cut open and squirted.
No school on Friday, whoop! I need to pay a visit to my dailies...long time, no see! And expect a new layout in the next couple of weeks.
Thank you to everyone who commented, I love you all *hug*. You guys make me feel all good and mushy inside :) Mez, Stephanie (x2), Alex, and Becca! *dances*
The other day at school I got the most MASSIVE papercut ever. There is an envelope in the pouch next to my calculator and everyday when I get it out I think, "One day I'm going to get a papercut from that," well the day finally came. It was almost a half inch long and extremely deep. Amanda squeeded it to stop the bleeding and when I looked at it blood was dripping down my nail...ewww. I started to get light headed and really sweaty from seeing the blood. hehe Later that day my finger hit the car door and the cut open and squirted.
No school on Friday, whoop! I need to pay a visit to my dailies...long time, no see! And expect a new layout in the next couple of weeks.
Thank you to everyone who commented, I love you all *hug*. You guys make me feel all good and mushy inside :) Mez, Stephanie (x2), Alex, and Becca! *dances*
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Staying up until 1 AM to finish a project is not fun. Especially when the teacher gives the class an extension they day it is due.
I'm trying to figure out of Katie is just a cold, hard bitch who is friends with me because it makes her feel better about herself since she thinks she's "above" me or if she is just friends with me so we can share homework OR if she is just friends with me because she doesn't have many others. I'm guessing if she had the choice to be with "better" people she wouldn't be friends with me. And it's not like I'm in any better of a situation because if I stop being friends with her then I most definitely won't have anything relatively close to a "good" friend, and I'll be even more alone and sad than I am right now.
It's like I'm her last resort. If no one else can do anything, then she calls me. And she tries to hide things from me. For instance today she said her and Christina are going to a fundraising pagent at another school and I asked why and she snapped, "Because we want to!" And I know why she wants to go--she wants to meet guys. And thanks for asking me too, Katie..because you know that I also want to meet boys. Why did she have to lie? I don't understand. Maybe she doesn't want me to go because I'm annoying her or she just doesn't flat out like me. Speaking of annoying, I've been annoying myself lately. I used to be happy with myself at the end of middle school, now I'm ending high school not being the person I want to be. But anyway. I just want to smack her and say WTF? so she can come clean with me. It's better to tell the truth than live a lie. I want to know where I stand with her and if I should continue to be her friend.
And it's really hard to deal with the face that there is no one in my (small) circle of friends that I can truly talk to about EVERYTHING, trust and respect them. There's no one I know that would go out of the way to make me feel better or ask me what's wrong, or even say "Ash, you rock," and really mean it. I have no one and it hurts. High School's a bitch and I will be glad to get out.
Blogger is refusing to publish this post.
And on top of that, my god damn toilet is plugged.
{Edit} I just found out John Mayer is coming on Saturday, July 10 - Ridgefield, WA - Amphitheatre at Clark County (same day and place where he went last year too). WHEEE! M5 is opening...Becca, we have to go!! Now my day is a whole lot better. YAYNESS.
I'm trying to figure out of Katie is just a cold, hard bitch who is friends with me because it makes her feel better about herself since she thinks she's "above" me or if she is just friends with me so we can share homework OR if she is just friends with me because she doesn't have many others. I'm guessing if she had the choice to be with "better" people she wouldn't be friends with me. And it's not like I'm in any better of a situation because if I stop being friends with her then I most definitely won't have anything relatively close to a "good" friend, and I'll be even more alone and sad than I am right now.
It's like I'm her last resort. If no one else can do anything, then she calls me. And she tries to hide things from me. For instance today she said her and Christina are going to a fundraising pagent at another school and I asked why and she snapped, "Because we want to!" And I know why she wants to go--she wants to meet guys. And thanks for asking me too, Katie..because you know that I also want to meet boys. Why did she have to lie? I don't understand. Maybe she doesn't want me to go because I'm annoying her or she just doesn't flat out like me. Speaking of annoying, I've been annoying myself lately. I used to be happy with myself at the end of middle school, now I'm ending high school not being the person I want to be. But anyway. I just want to smack her and say WTF? so she can come clean with me. It's better to tell the truth than live a lie. I want to know where I stand with her and if I should continue to be her friend.
And it's really hard to deal with the face that there is no one in my (small) circle of friends that I can truly talk to about EVERYTHING, trust and respect them. There's no one I know that would go out of the way to make me feel better or ask me what's wrong, or even say "Ash, you rock," and really mean it. I have no one and it hurts. High School's a bitch and I will be glad to get out.
Blogger is refusing to publish this post.
And on top of that, my god damn toilet is plugged.
{Edit} I just found out John Mayer is coming on Saturday, July 10 - Ridgefield, WA - Amphitheatre at Clark County (same day and place where he went last year too). WHEEE! M5 is opening...Becca, we have to go!! Now my day is a whole lot better. YAYNESS.
Monday, March 29, 2004
I just got back from having lunch with my mom and a nice little Mexican eatery. We were walking to the car when I realized that she wasn't with me anymore, so I look back to find her digging in the trash--head and arms inside the can, and butt sticking out. In the midst of my confusion I asked, "WHAT are doing?". Everyone was staring at her with WTF looks haha. Then this lady goes, "Are you looking for your keys? They are right on the table." The table was two feed away from the trash can. *shakes head* I'm not going to say anything more.
This is my last day of spring break :( I don't want it to end. Eventhough I did NOTHING, it was still nice to relax and sit on my ass. And I think I only got one of my goals accomplished haha..figures.
Why do people watere their lawns in the heat of the day when half the water will evaporate before it even hits the roots?
[EDIT//] I updated Almost Dailies, First Celeb Crush, Your Mind, Ask Me, About Me, My Music, Quotes, Lyrics, Rambles
This is my last day of spring break :( I don't want it to end. Eventhough I did NOTHING, it was still nice to relax and sit on my ass. And I think I only got one of my goals accomplished haha..figures.
Why do people watere their lawns in the heat of the day when half the water will evaporate before it even hits the roots?
[EDIT//] I updated Almost Dailies, First Celeb Crush, Your Mind, Ask Me, About Me, My Music, Quotes, Lyrics, Rambles
Saturday, March 27, 2004
I spent $72 on two bras the other day. They are good bras that will last a while and they are so my boobies are worth it! Yeeeah. I got this one and this one.
I have to work on this stupid very involved Senior project this weekend. And I'm only a Junior...obviously my school is retarded.
Earlier today I was sitting at the computer typing when all the sudden I heard a "pop" and saw stuff shooting all over the place out of the corner of my eye. My orange juice exploded! I'm still trying to figure out HOW. Maybe it was the ice cracking that caused the explosion? Or it was laced with a pinch TNT (aaaaah!)? *scary music* Do do do do do do.
The other day I was reading Elle Girl (which I do not suggest to get because it took them 3+ months to send my my god damn subscription) and it said "EVERYONE. BRIGHT EYE SHADOW IS IN." And a few entires back I was telling you how I wore that damn cool purple shadow to school. So beware people of the world, you are now reading the blog of a trend-spotter...wearing the trends before they happen. Ooh YES.
Thank you to everyone whose commented on the last couple of entires :)
I have to work on this stupid very involved Senior project this weekend. And I'm only a Junior...obviously my school is retarded.
Earlier today I was sitting at the computer typing when all the sudden I heard a "pop" and saw stuff shooting all over the place out of the corner of my eye. My orange juice exploded! I'm still trying to figure out HOW. Maybe it was the ice cracking that caused the explosion? Or it was laced with a pinch TNT (aaaaah!)? *scary music* Do do do do do do.
The other day I was reading Elle Girl (which I do not suggest to get because it took them 3+ months to send my my god damn subscription) and it said "EVERYONE. BRIGHT EYE SHADOW IS IN." And a few entires back I was telling you how I wore that damn cool purple shadow to school. So beware people of the world, you are now reading the blog of a trend-spotter...wearing the trends before they happen. Ooh YES.
Thank you to everyone whose commented on the last couple of entires :)
Sunday, March 21, 2004
New layout (finally)! I think I went a little overboard on the brushes, but I don't care because I love the photograph so much.
I went to the Portland Art Museum in Friday with Art Club. The highlight was seeing Monet's Waterlilly painting. Monet is my painting idol haha. Going to the museum brought back memories from my Paris "excursion".
And holy fucking shit. Andrea, Peter, Amanda and I were sitting in the parkblockes next to the museum when all the sudden a clown drove by driving this hella scary car. He started staring at us with these evil eyes and yelling, "Don't let me down!" (I thought he was saying "Smack that bitch down!" but the previous makes more sense because when he was driving away he was like, "Extremo for mayor!") And he had this effed up stuffed animal green "monster" and monkey hanging out the side of his window. Then when he turned the corner he let out the most possesed laugh I have ever heard. I can't even explain made all of us shit our pants. Go visit his website. *shudders*
Katie and I went to Wall-Mart and right as we walked by these two guys were like "Ooooo YEAH, now that is what I'm talking about! It doesn't get any better than that!!" Freaks.
I went to the Portland Art Museum in Friday with Art Club. The highlight was seeing Monet's Waterlilly painting. Monet is my painting idol haha. Going to the museum brought back memories from my Paris "excursion".
And holy fucking shit. Andrea, Peter, Amanda and I were sitting in the parkblockes next to the museum when all the sudden a clown drove by driving this hella scary car. He started staring at us with these evil eyes and yelling, "Don't let me down!" (I thought he was saying "Smack that bitch down!" but the previous makes more sense because when he was driving away he was like, "Extremo for mayor!") And he had this effed up stuffed animal green "monster" and monkey hanging out the side of his window. Then when he turned the corner he let out the most possesed laugh I have ever heard. I can't even explain made all of us shit our pants. Go visit his website. *shudders*
Katie and I went to Wall-Mart and right as we walked by these two guys were like "Ooooo YEAH, now that is what I'm talking about! It doesn't get any better than that!!" Freaks.
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Should I stay or should I go now?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An' if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know
*end dance sequence*
Had to get that dancing out of the way....while sitting in my chair. How does she do it, you ask? Just HOW does she do it?
Oh boy, here goes my dad complaining once again. Just over a year and I'll be OUTTA here. I really don't know why I'm blogging right now. I have nothing interesting to say. But wait, do I ever? No. Maybe only once in a blue moon. Spring Break next week...sleeeeeeep. I have a full list of things to accomplish: Get the new layout up and update some contents; exercise for at least 15 minutes every night; scan some of my artwork to make a portfolio; paint; and that is all I can think of. But you know I am going going to get 1/2 of 1 thing done.
A guy trying to act retarded came to our door wanting to sell something tonight haha. It was so random.
Alex left this comment: You should update more... your life is fun to read about. :c) *giggle* I think I'm speechless (partly because I find a lot of my life a complete bore, so it is cool to know that at someone thinks it's fun). And just because you have made me extrememly happy, I will update more often for you! <33 I've been meaning to but school work has been a beotch.
The drying went off 20 minutes ago. Oops.
Should I stay or should I go now?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An' if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know
*end dance sequence*
Had to get that dancing out of the way....while sitting in my chair. How does she do it, you ask? Just HOW does she do it?
Oh boy, here goes my dad complaining once again. Just over a year and I'll be OUTTA here. I really don't know why I'm blogging right now. I have nothing interesting to say. But wait, do I ever? No. Maybe only once in a blue moon. Spring Break next week...sleeeeeeep. I have a full list of things to accomplish: Get the new layout up and update some contents; exercise for at least 15 minutes every night; scan some of my artwork to make a portfolio; paint; and that is all I can think of. But you know I am going going to get 1/2 of 1 thing done.
A guy trying to act retarded came to our door wanting to sell something tonight haha. It was so random.
Alex left this comment: You should update more... your life is fun to read about. :c) *giggle* I think I'm speechless (partly because I find a lot of my life a complete bore, so it is cool to know that at someone thinks it's fun). And just because you have made me extrememly happy, I will update more often for you! <33 I've been meaning to but school work has been a beotch.
The drying went off 20 minutes ago. Oops.
Friday, March 12, 2004
The past few days have been gorgeous--sunny, not a cloud in the sky, warm, but not too hot. On Wednesday Katie and I went to the park and swung. It brought back many old memories from my passion of swinging when I was younger. haha I felt like I was flyyyyyying!
Then today we went down town and while we were waiting in the steps, a 5 year old boy and his mom walked past and the little boy said, "Hiiii! You girls are so beautiful! Where do you live? What are your names?" He had on these huge sunglasses and was carrying a massive lolly pop. He was sooo adorable and his compliment made my day hehe :)
I added two new dailies!! A and S, woot! There was something else I was gonna say, but I forgot. Dur. Updates soon....maybe next blog.
Then today we went down town and while we were waiting in the steps, a 5 year old boy and his mom walked past and the little boy said, "Hiiii! You girls are so beautiful! Where do you live? What are your names?" He had on these huge sunglasses and was carrying a massive lolly pop. He was sooo adorable and his compliment made my day hehe :)
I added two new dailies!! A and S, woot! There was something else I was gonna say, but I forgot. Dur. Updates soon....maybe next blog.
Monday, March 08, 2004
Last night I cried myself to sleep. Every discontent and I have in my life poked it's head out of it's ulgy little shell and surfaced in my mind--from school, friends, home/parents, to my inner thoughts. I can't even express how I felt. I wanted scream and break like...a tv or something hah. I needed someone to hold me and tell me everything is going to be all right. It hit me that the only good things I have in my life that I love are Hanson (and all good things surrounding that) and my dog, and he's not even here anymore. He was my ultimate comfort and best friend. I will never get over his death :( Fuck. Now I'm crying.
Since I spent all night crying and didn't get to bed until 2, my eyes were so puffy this morning that it looked like I had spent the night on a bed of pollen. Everyone was like, "Woooah, you looked tired," haha it just made me laugh.
We wrote a paper in English for French class about France banning religious symbols in public schools, and my stupid ass teacher thought I plagarized it. "But it was so beautifully written, I just didn't know." I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or as an insult of her doubting my intelligence.
Today was nice and sunny, I liked it.
Since I spent all night crying and didn't get to bed until 2, my eyes were so puffy this morning that it looked like I had spent the night on a bed of pollen. Everyone was like, "Woooah, you looked tired," haha it just made me laugh.
We wrote a paper in English for French class about France banning religious symbols in public schools, and my stupid ass teacher thought I plagarized it. "But it was so beautifully written, I just didn't know." I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or as an insult of her doubting my intelligence.
Today was nice and sunny, I liked it.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
I've been so lazy lately. I need to get my ass up off the ground and work out so I don't feel like such a jiggly piece of jello. I know I'm not fat...I just feel so lazy and useless, like I am letting my body go. I'm not treating myself right. And the funny this is when I wanted a gym membership last summer, my parents wouldn't let me get one. Wtf? I don't understand their logic.
I had this purple eyeshadow with tiny silver sparkles fermenting away in my makeup bag (similar to the one at the let), so I decided to takae an angled brush and use it as an eyeliner. And I must say it looked fucking awesome. I am wearing my makeup like that to school more often. Basicially everyone at my school wears black eyeliner, the norm. Yesterday I wore this electric blue liner haha. I rock. Then my favorite is this dusty rose/light wine liner with shimmer. *nods* Why I am talking about this, I have no idea.
My lit teacher read my essay the other day during class. I wasn't paying attention so all I heard it "blah blah blah, I'm going to read some really exceptional essays, blah blah blah, this one is Ashley's, blah blah." I was thinking 'Wait, what? No, it's not mine!' But when he read the title I was like "*gasp* It is mine! Gaah!" Meeps it was so embarrassing because everyone was staring at me and I was laughing/covering my face and the girl next to me was like "Your as red as a tomato!" Which of course made me blush even more lol. But I thought it was cool that my essay was good enough to be read out loud. I was secretly dancing around inside my brain hehe.
Ooh and voting has started at the Fame Awards, so go vote for me!
My lit teacher read my essay the other day during class. I wasn't paying attention so all I heard it "blah blah blah, I'm going to read some really exceptional essays, blah blah blah, this one is Ashley's, blah blah." I was thinking 'Wait, what? No, it's not mine!' But when he read the title I was like "*gasp* It is mine! Gaah!" Meeps it was so embarrassing because everyone was staring at me and I was laughing/covering my face and the girl next to me was like "Your as red as a tomato!" Which of course made me blush even more lol. But I thought it was cool that my essay was good enough to be read out loud. I was secretly dancing around inside my brain hehe.
Ooh and voting has started at the Fame Awards, so go vote for me!
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