Friday, April 30, 2004

New make up is fuuun. I went to Wal*Mart (you must have the star) today and got two eye liners and eye shadow and nail polish. Yay! Oh yes, then I got a necklace for prom. It's actually really nice. I'm really excited for prom just to dance like a fool hehe.

This afternoon Katie and I were at the mall and this guy walked by and after he was a few feet away was whispered "Dude, that guy had huge plugs." And the guy turned around was like like, "Yeah I know I have huge ear plugs!" LMFAO. I had no idea he heard me (granted I have the worst stage whisper ever) but it was so embarrassing. There was nothing good at the mall either. It seemed like all the stores had generally the same stuff. *sigh* What has this world come to when there is no good shopping (and all these really ugly skirts, I feel like I'm being attacked by them each time...get them away! Only certain people should be wearing them)?

Damnit. My nail keeps getting stuck in between the E and the R key. How strange. Maybe because its as long as a dagger hahaha. Rawr.

I signed up for the June 5th SAT the other day. Meeps. It's a scary thought to be taking that, knowing that it will be going ton my record forever...dun dun duuuun.


Random song lyrics from my iTunes playlist:

I'm bouncing off the walls again
I'm looking like a fool again

Sometimes, I wish that I was a bong hit
You'd let me in and you would love every minute
And tell the room the things I did to you...

Stephanie -- I'm gonna miss your site :(

Monday, April 26, 2004

hehe I almost typed instead of Blooger is like a booger....with blood. It's a blooger! Ok ewww.

It was so effing hot today. 85 degrees plus....and I was wearing jeans and 3/4 sleeve shirt haha. I was so prepared. DAMNIT I was going to paint my toe nails tonight. If I type faster I will have time before I go to bed. *types at the speed of light then realizes 60 words per minute is no where close to the speed of light* Talking about this hot weather, I need new shorts. Almost all the ones I have are a 1/2 away from showing my ass, and that is really amazing considering I have no ass haha. Skinny buuuuuttt, skinny buuuttt.

So yes, I'm still dateless from prom. Any takers?!? We could have a nice, long, intense conversation cheese fondue. (Is there an "e" at the end or not? I'm in French and I don't sad.)

Once again, there is no point to this blog.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Test, test, test... (Omg I'm Taylor Hanson!!)

After 10 some spins of Underneath, it's finally making me groove and give me those chills that I normally get from Hanson. Still the album is lacking some content to the content (aka substance to the lyrics). It doesn't really emotionally move me as much as I expected it would, but I DID find it is good background music. I play while doing homework, blogging (like I am right now) and just hanging out in general. At first when I heard it I was like WTF is this stuff? It was blah and bland for me. There was some sort of confusion to it all. But after a good number of listens I've grown to like it. Not my favorite Hanson album ever, but I like it. (Longer review soon). A lot of people have suggested listening to it with headphones because it changes the whole sound of the record. I will do that tomorrow. They have yet to find themselves...

In the meantime. Go buy it beotch. And spread the word!! I don't care if you don't want to. Do it. Tell random people you don't know. Accost them in the street and be like, "Undie, undie, undie...UNDERNEATH by Hanson!" Erh yeah. Or you could take a more traditional approach...but who wants to do that?

Today we sang this song about The Great Depression in history..."Sooooooup, soooooup, they give me a bowl of sooooooup!" It was so random. Umm let see what else can I ramble about? Oh yes, I saw David today *lick*. Now that is a FINE piece of boy. He was staring at me (again). It kind of creeps me out, but then again it's nice hahaha. I just need to talk to him but both of us are too shy. Plus I think he has a girlfriend. But I will not talk about that fact.

A list of cool people: Ryan, Alex, Becca, STEPHANIE, Chau

EDIT// Oy vay, I was just dancing in my underwear to the Crazy Beautiful remix etra track thing. *shakes head* Help?

Monday, April 19, 2004

This is my new motto...

Smoke Hanson on 4/20

Hanson's new album Underneath is in U.S. stores everywhere tomorrow. Or, buy it online. Great music needs to be recognized.

And by the way, thank you Lillian, Ryan, Stephanie, Alex & Becca for commenting! You guys are BITCHIN'.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Well here I am at my new home! Thank you Becca :D There's also a new layout. This one puts me in the mood for summer...the other was too dark and sinister *throws head back and evily laughs*.

I got John Mayer tickets this morning, whee! Section 101 Row W. Maybe I'll run into Scotty again *drools*. Scotty the hottie with a naughty body, that is.

My mom and I went looking for a prom dress this afternoon and I actually found one. It is the most beautiful red ever! And it fits so good. I'm excited for from now! haha All that's missing is a date...a cute one preferably. Please send your pictures to Thank you.

The other day I was thinking how weird this little site is. It's like a whole different world that no one knows about other than my online friends. Sometimes I get paranoid that people I know in real life will stumble onto here. *looks around and eyes everyone suspiciously*.

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting...I got a livejournal the other day (a_stormy_haze). So add me to your friends list if you'd like :)


Monday, April 12, 2004

My family and I went to the coast this weekend and it was absolutely gorgeous. It was 80's in town and 70's on the beach. I've never been there when the weather was that nice. The ocean is really relaxing and peaceful.

My friend got it out of me that I kind of like Peter. So okay I do just a little bit. He is not the most attractive guy in the world but he has such a dorky and goofy personality that I love it. He's a cutie. But I don't imagine it ever turning into a serious crush.

Never-Forget is closing in July :( So Becca is going to host me! YAY!! *hugs her then sends her naked pics of Zac...erhh I mean, clothed Zac pics?!?* There was something else I was going to write about but it has slipped my mind.

AH I LOVE HANSON. New album--Underneath: 4/20. That is all.

\\Edit\\ I know what I was going to write about now! While at the beach I saw a sign that said "Gong's Chinese" but I misread it and thought it said "Going Chinese". hehe. Then this old couple of at least 75 hopped into their pimped out silver '03 Mustang and speed away. lmfao. It was the strangest thing I've ever seen. Quite an oxymoron.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Oooh a little late night blogging. How fun. I don't have much to talk about. Although life actually hans't been to bad lately. Relaxing and a tad enjoyable. I'm also getting a lot of scrapbooking done which is making me feel quite accomplished. Sad, I know.

The other day at school I got the most MASSIVE papercut ever. There is an envelope in the pouch next to my calculator and everyday when I get it out I think, "One day I'm going to get a papercut from that," well the day finally came. It was almost a half inch long and extremely deep. Amanda squeeded it to stop the bleeding and when I looked at it blood was dripping down my nail...ewww. I started to get light headed and really sweaty from seeing the blood. hehe Later that day my finger hit the car door and the cut open and squirted.

No school on Friday, whoop! I need to pay a visit to my dailies...long time, no see! And expect a new layout in the next couple of weeks.

Thank you to everyone who commented, I love you all *hug*. You guys make me feel all good and mushy inside :) Mez, Stephanie (x2), Alex, and Becca! *dances*

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Staying up until 1 AM to finish a project is not fun. Especially when the teacher gives the class an extension they day it is due.

I'm trying to figure out of Katie is just a cold, hard bitch who is friends with me because it makes her feel better about herself since she thinks she's "above" me or if she is just friends with me so we can share homework OR if she is just friends with me because she doesn't have many others. I'm guessing if she had the choice to be with "better" people she wouldn't be friends with me. And it's not like I'm in any better of a situation because if I stop being friends with her then I most definitely won't have anything relatively close to a "good" friend, and I'll be even more alone and sad than I am right now.

It's like I'm her last resort. If no one else can do anything, then she calls me. And she tries to hide things from me. For instance today she said her and Christina are going to a fundraising pagent at another school and I asked why and she snapped, "Because we want to!" And I know why she wants to go--she wants to meet guys. And thanks for asking me too, Katie..because you know that I also want to meet boys. Why did she have to lie? I don't understand. Maybe she doesn't want me to go because I'm annoying her or she just doesn't flat out like me. Speaking of annoying, I've been annoying myself lately. I used to be happy with myself at the end of middle school, now I'm ending high school not being the person I want to be. But anyway. I just want to smack her and say WTF? so she can come clean with me. It's better to tell the truth than live a lie. I want to know where I stand with her and if I should continue to be her friend.

And it's really hard to deal with the face that there is no one in my (small) circle of friends that I can truly talk to about EVERYTHING, trust and respect them. There's no one I know that would go out of the way to make me feel better or ask me what's wrong, or even say "Ash, you rock," and really mean it. I have no one and it hurts. High School's a bitch and I will be glad to get out.

Blogger is refusing to publish this post.

And on top of that, my god damn toilet is plugged.

{Edit} I just found out John Mayer is coming on Saturday, July 10 - Ridgefield, WA - Amphitheatre at Clark County (same day and place where he went last year too). WHEEE! M5 is opening...Becca, we have to go!! Now my day is a whole lot better. YAYNESS.