Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What little I know about love

While laying in Travis' bed the other night (man mentioned in recent entries), tightly wrapped in his arms, it suddenly hit me that I actually liked him. I had been blocking these feelings and it had not crossed my mind until that moment. It scared the shit out of me. Since Don, I've become even less affectionate and sentimental and even more bitter [towards love and all things associated]. So as of lately, I've been trying to coach myself, taking baby steps and encouraging intimacy and sensitivity. There is no reason why I should be rejecting a chance for happiness. But it is by body's/mind's natural reaction.

I'm pretty sure Rudy Giuliani has a lisp.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A little M&M: Merlot and marketing

A glass of wine is a nice way to end a meal and eases one into doing homework for the night. A bit of natural mint chocolate chip ice cream a little later will top it off and make the evening absolutely delectable. Add to the mix some classical music.

From the description above, I feel like an old man that should be doing this in a Craftsman style house with an Oriental rug and wearing penny loafers. Not in a beautifully chic room (thanks to myself) wearing ripped jeans and a Roxy sweatshirt that needs to be washed. This is the beauty of college.

...Oh man, this would be even better if I was reading for Art History instead!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Salty nuts, too salty to eat

A can of mixed nuts continues to sit on my dresser. The can was nearly finished weeks ago and all that remains are a few too-salty nuts. I can't make myself throw it away (due to the fact that I love nuts) but I can't get myself to eat them either.

My "to-do" lists always seen to get ignored and pushed to the side. Therefore, I stuck it on my computer but so far it continues to be forgotten. I am good at ignoring things.

I dropped off my ballot on Saturday, it is always exciting to vote. I feel accomplished, not only for voting, but for squishing the elusive bull fly that has been buzzing about our chilly townhouse for the last week (sorry little guy but you had to go). Our townhouse has horrible insulation, thus leaving every room near freezing. The heat is expensive to run, so I try to use it sparingly...when I am desperate.

Guy who was no longer in the running is definitely winning right now. Let's hope he actually makes it. :) I feel if I disclose much more, it will be jinxed. Plus, everyone loves a little suspense.