Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A purrrrr in my lap

Yes, yes I'm-a-slackin. But for good reason! Our internet is unreliable and school keeps me busy. I joined the student chapter of ASID and am the webmaster for our campus club. At our meeting the other night, everyone looks so well put together, where as I was in jeans and a hoodie. Whoops. Note to self: must dress like a classy, fashionable interior designer at next meeting.

The guy I mentioned in the last blog is no longer in the running, at very most he is in last place. I went on a blind date last week. It was fun, seeing as it was my first one. (There is a kitty in my lap who is purring like a maniac as I'm writing this blog.) According to my friend who set me up, he is really into me. Supposedly I am one of the few people who has ever broken him down and made him sentimental. Aw. Too bad I'm not attracted to him. I never like the ones who are super nice and marked as a "good guy". We're supposed to hang out on Sunday.

My Grandma sent me oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. It made my day. :) Probably my week too with the way it is going. To add to stress and a dissatisfied love life, both of my roommates have had sex in our apartment except me. This is really unsettling!

The candle I lit is is definitely Halloween.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Hello, stranger

It seems like months since my last post but in reality it has only been a few weeks. School is going well, busy but not stressful until this week. My roommates are woonnderrfull. We laugh quite a bit. Already there are at least 50 inside jokes. Ma chambre is coming together and will be near complete once I finish my painting...masterpiece! (Pictures will follow.) I met a boy. Actually, we've known each other for a year but have only recently started to hang out. He's tall and cute, reads books for pleasure and tells me "you're beautiful" in sign language. Hehe. Maybe this will lead to somewhere good for once.

I finally found a name for my Japanese Peace Lilly, Booda (intentional misspelling). Additionally, my three-stemmed "lucky" bamboo is now named Zeus. Everything else I wanted to write has suddenly escaped my mind...