Monday, May 29, 2006

Hi. I got a car. My own car. Like, get-a-new-key-chain my car. Its a 2002 dark blue Mustang. I am happy. :) I need to name it something badass. Help?

Okay that is all!!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

There's so much I want to do/accomplish in life. I don't want to focus on just one thing. What is the point in that when I could be an interior designer, make up artist, boutique owner, cafe owner, band manager, photographer, politician, chef, mom, fluent in French and Italian, indie record label CEO, graphic designer, ahh the possibilities are endless. I want to do so much, travel so many places and experience so many things. Why is it that society limits us to such little possibilities?

They shouldn't charge you for traveling the world. They should PAY you. Yeah, yeah, the economy, multi-national companies and are the reason, but still...the enrichment of one's mind and life is more important.

I've gone through such an epiphany this past week. Life changing epiphanys are fun.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Stress is a bitch.

As much as I have umm..experienced this year, I am glad it is coming to a close. I will miss some, remember some, and forget some. I think I need to move on to the next part of my life and get out of the social, crazy atmosphere of the dorms. I'm getting annoyed at the people around here...its time to move on and continue to the next phase of college. I've done the crazy shit everyone should do, now I am focusing on the importance of myself. A great many lessons have been learned.

Just so you know, this the first post coming from the OSU library.

I miss the hippie-ness from Eugene. I miss all the natural people. So many people here are fake, not being real to themselves. God, I am so gonna be an old hippie living in the woods using leaf toilet paper by the time I retire hahaha. I was going to say I would have a long gray beard but then I realized I was a female. My vision is slightly ruined now. Maybe my husband will have one.

I'm being a bitch to everyone lately. A mix of PMS and annoyance puts me in a shitty mood. Plus seeing the same faces and hearing the same voices everday makes me want to barf. I am not one for monotony...most of the time at least.

So I think I'm getting a car for next year. Woot.

I kind of want to get a tattoo. Something small and very hidden. Maybe like on the inside of my toe haha. That would be sweet. Mandy Moore has a star (or was is it a heart?) on hers.

Anyway, I am procrastinating like hell. But who knew? The library really IS a great place to get work done. *knock on wood*

Bob Marley always puts one at ease and in a good mood.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

One of the best things you can to is respect yourself. Without that, no one will respect you. Take care of your body, mind and soul. Don't get caught up in things that don't matter. Set your priorities straight. Love yourself and all else will fall into place.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Do I ever have some fucking stories from this year...ahh, great college memories. Well maybe not all of them are that great but they sure are interesting. If only I could go into detial...maybe 4 years from now.

What are some of your amusing college stories?

I've been eating so many oranges lately that the nail I use to peel is turning orange in one spot. haha

I need a job for this summer. Shitty.