Monday, April 11, 2011


Rollo May in The Courage to Create said that being physically naked is much easier that being emotionally naked. I'm now a nude figure drawing model for the art department at school. It feels surprisingly natural and comfortable. The creation of art is close to that of the gods. To be a part of that is incredible and I especially enjoy seeing the student's work. It makes me wish I would've had an additional major/minor in fine arts, although I am getting some great tips listening to the professor.

I ran into my old French professor a few weeks ago and learned that because of me, he discovered Interior Design as a major, told his wife and she is now in the master's program at OSU. They talk about me from time to time, saying how I completely changed their lives and his wife's for the better. It's incredibly humbling to know that I had such an impact on someone's life without evening knowing it.

After 7 years, the old PowerBook G4 was retired, with it's missing keys and broken USB ports. I now have a shiny & new MacBook Pro and am learning InDesign and Illustrator via to design my portfolio. Get ready world!

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